
Melkeljer_Gal's Home page

Hello and welcome to my home page. If you have any ideas or suggestions for my page please feel free to email by clicking on the email button below. All comments are welcome.

This page is about my family, my friends, and a few miscellaneous things.

Ok, bet your asking, what is Melkeljer? What kind of name is that? Well, let me just tell you for starters I'm not Dutch.

It is a name I made up while looking for the perfect chat name when I decided I wanted to start chatting.

How I come up with this name is pretty simple. My kids are the most improtant things in my life. Therefore, knowing I would be talking about them as much as my chat friends would allow, I chose to use the first 3 letters from each of their names from the oldest to the youngest to come up with my chat name.

So we have Mel for my 14 yr old daughter Melissa. Kel is for my 10 year old daughter Kelly. Jer is for my sweet little 5 year old boy Jeremy.

On my page I will have links to each of their favorite web sites and what they like to do and their interest and hobbies.

{*Please be sure and push my next button below to view the rest of my web site. Thank you for visiting.*}

After you have viewed all of my pages, please come back and sign my guestbook below !!!!! I did say please :-).


If the guest book above doesn't work try this one.

Guestbook by GuestWorld

The bordered background, bars and buttons on this page were made by Melkeljer_gal using Paint Shop Pro. I made this set using a tulip that I picked from my own yard.

Graphics Created with Paint Shop Pro 5