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Dahlonega Georgia ! ! !

This is where I call home. I grew up in Atlanta but, there's nothing like the foothills of Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains.

This map will take a while to load but i had to save it this big so that the words would be clear. I just wanted to show you where Dahlonega is located and how far it is from Atlanta and the Tenn. and N.C. borders. Dahlonega is mostly in Lumpkin county. I have Dahlonega highlighted in pink.

Dahlonega is Rich in History.....Authentic 19th century buildings (many are listed on the National Register of Historic Places) circle the Dahlonega Courthouse Gold Museum, which houses exhibits and features a slide presentation that tells the history of gold discovered here. Shops on and off the square offer fine antuiques, Appalachian crafts, unusaul gifts and much, much more. Dahlonega is famous for fried chicken and "country vittles" family style and there are several fine, full-menu and fast food restaurants, sandwich and ice cream shops. Don't forget to ask about panning for gold in this area! There are several places in and near town where you can try your own luck at "finding color". There really is "gold in them thar hills!"

From the thrill of whitewater rapids, to the serenity found in a wilderness sunset, the mountains and rivers around Dahlonega offer a variety of beautiful scenery and outdoor experiences. Whether it's a family vacation, a group outing or a week-end away from the rat-race, you'll enjoy the opportunity to return to nature and a simpler, more peaceful lifestyle. Take off on guided trips or on your own - enjoy canoeing, hunting, fishing, camping, scenic day hikes or overnight backpacking on the famous Appalachian Trail. Visit the more than 250,000 acres of national forests nearby, with numerous trails, mountain peaks and bubbling trout streams and the opportunities for outdoor photography are tremendous at any time of the year.

This picture has nothing to do with Dahlonega but, i like it. Travis just happened to have a camera with him one morning while working on a parking deck and took this picture. You can't really see the city in it but the sunrise is pretty. I call this picture "Sunrise over Atlanta"

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