Melkeljer_Gal's Home page

Melissa at four and a half

This is a picture of Melissa when she was four and a half.

Melissa at age 12

This is Melissa at age 12.

Kelly as a gypsy

This is Kelly when she had to play a gypsy at school in the 1st grade. I did her makeup. I know, so I'm not the artsy fartsy type...ok? But she's cute anyway.

Kelly at age 7

This is Kelly at age 7

My little sweetie

This is my darling little boy when he was 5mos old.

Jeremy at 8 months

This is Jeremy at around 8 mos.>

My adorable lawn maintenance guy

My lawn guy again

Jeremy at age 3

This is Jeremy at age 3 yrs.

Click on this cute little house to get back to my home page.