1. Daniel SHIELDS Sr. (4 APR 1741 - 11 APR 1833) & Mary (?)

Letter written by James F. SHIELDS from West Sonora, Preble Co. Ohio ( March 4, 1909)

In the first part of the last century or perhapes the last part of the one before (18 century) , Daniel Shields, Wife, one daughter and six sons left Cork, Ireland for Baltimore, Maryland to make America their home. Virginia had an emigrant Society at Baltimore to look after desiable emigrants to settle up their state. Probibly the Shields people had corresponded with the Virginians before leaving Ireland, about Virginia and what it offered as an inducemant for emigrants to settle in their state and had made up their minds to stop in Virginia . But when they landed in Baltimore, the head of the family had changed his mind and would immigrate to the Northwest territory and settled in what afterwards became Ohio, which was admitted in 1803 as one of the states of the union. At Baltimore, three of the sons left their parents and went south into Virginia. At that time the mail service was very crude, if any at all, and the family was broken never to be reunited. Daniel Shields, wife Mary, daughter Mary, and sons Isaac, James and Patrick eventually settled in Preble County, Monroe Township, Ohio. Isaac, son of Daniel Shields, Married a Miss Van Cleaf who became the mother of seven Children: John, Catharine, Daniel, Isabel, Phoebe, Benjamin and Mary. James Shields, son of Daniel by his first wife had two children, Oliver and Mary L. and by his second wife, a widow by the name of Shull and to this union were born three children: Albert, Elizabeth and Martha. Mary, the daughter of Daniel Shields moved to Warren County, Ohio. The history of Mr. and Mrs. Shinty seems to have been lost. Patrick Shields, The grandfather and still a greater grandfather of nearly all of the Shields of Darke and Preble Counties of today, was the youngset of the sons of Daniel Shields and wife Mary. He was born on the ocean during the voyage from Cork, Ireland to Baltimore Maryland. In giving the biography or histoy of Patrick Shields and family, I have not had the time since being asked to write it up, to do the work as it should have been done. My grandmother Rex often told me when I was a boy that my grandfather Shields was married three times and was the father of 24 children and boy like, I wondered if that was all. Going into the details of Grandfather Shields family. I will leave for some other time. The Shields of today, especially the older ones, have a peculiar characteristic of movement of body and head that designate then from other people( what I mean is the pure Shields Blood), being small of stature, dark complexion, dark hair and black eyes and good loyal citizens of our government, good neighbors and in the main, good to their wives and children of which they have large families. As for myself, I am not a Shields, although I have the name, I belong to my mothers side of the house. Now my brother John, who is a typical Shields, who would get up at midnight to trade jews-harps or jack-knives or talk about horses, has the earmarks of a full-blooded Shields. Ed Dininger, son of my Aunt Mary and Uncle John Dininger, although he has not the name, he has the trademark of the Shields tribe and W.L. Shields of West Baltimore, is another one that has the earmarks of another pure-blood. In closing, I will say that I am not ashamed of the name of Shields but am proud of it for they are good citizens. In looking over the roster of Ohio in the late Civil War, I find Hundreds of Shields boys wore the blue in the defence of our grand old union.

Yours truly,

James F. Shields

Information Sources

Source Hamilton County,Ohio Deed Records, Recorder Office, Deed Book Page 428 ( 597-598) April 15,1809--Daniel Shields and Mary his wife of Butler County, Ohio to Christopher Hayden of Hamilton County, Ohio: $200.00; 35 acres part S1/2 1st section, Third township, Second range, being part of a tract formerly belonging to Alexander Kirkpatrick adjoinging lands of said Christopher Hayden, Richard Benham and Uzal Bates. Signed Daniel(his X mark) and Mary(her X mark) Shields. Recorded 23, Aug 1811.
Source: Butler County, Ohio, enumeration of white male inhabitants of 21 years and over, taken June, 1807--Daniel shields, Lemon Township.
Source: 1810 Ohio tax List for Butler County--Daniel Shields.
It is not known when or where Mary, wife of Daniel Shields, died nor where she is buried. It is thought that the sons of Danield Shields who went into Virginia were named Daniel, Samuel, and John. Nothing about these sons had been proven. Descendants of one of them may have emigrated to Indiana at a later date. Since these three sons went off on their own into Virginia, It seems likely that they were the oldest boys.

1. Daniel SHIELDS Jr. ( b.circa 1772 d. APR 11, 1836 bur. at Christ Church, Dartmuth, Nova Scotia. He was also known as Hugh McMasters.

Known Children of Daniel SHIELDS Jr.- Samuel SHIELDS b. 1794 w. Rachel STITHAM
John SHIELDS b. 1798 w.#1 Margaret (?) w. #2 Rachel SAWYER

2. Samuel SHIELDS
4. Isaac SHIELDS (b.15 JUL 1774 Ireland d. 21 MAY 1861 at Monroe Twp., Preble Co. Ohio at the age of 86 w. Amy VAN CLEVE
Known Children of Isaac SHIELDS - Catharine SHIELDS b.30 JUN 1808 d. 8 OCT 1862 h. John CHILDERS
John Van Cleve SHIELDS b. 10 SEP 1811 d. 5 MAY 1889 w. Julia Ann JELLISON
Mary SHIELDS ( she was also known as Polly) b. 20 JUN 1812 d. FEB 1894 h. Johnathan DAVISSON
Daniel SHIELDS b. 11 AUG 1817 d. 30 JUN 1863
Isabella SHIELDS b. 20 JUL 1819 d. 4 APR 1887 h. David SELLERS
Phebe SHIELDS b. 6 APR 1822 d. 1 JUN 1901
Benjamin SHIELDS b. 16 DEC 1825 d. 3 AUG 1906 w. Hannah LEE
Martha SHIELDS b. 7 JUL 1829
5. James SHIELDS b. circa 1779 Ireland. w#1 Christina COOK Known Children of James SHIELDS and Christina COOK:
Rachel SHIELDS h. John PRICE
George Oliver SHIELDS w. Mary FLOYD
Mary L. SHIELDS h#1 Peter COSSANT h#2 John COVERT
7. Patrick SHIELDS (25 SEP 1784 - 25 MAR 1877) & Mary FOGLE (ABOUT 1785 - )

1. Issac M. SHIELDS_SR.
2. Rachel SHIELDS (2 FEB 1810 - 9 MAR 1883)
3. William H. SHIELDS
4. David SHIELDS
5. Patrick F. SHIELDS_JR.
6. Sarah SHIELDS (ABOUT 1822 - )
7. Mary Jane SHIELDS (7 JUN 1826-)
8. Abraham SHIELDS
9. Samuel SHIELDS
10. George W. SHIELDS* (21 FEB 1823 - 10 AUG 1869) & Margaret WILEY (1829 - 2 OCT 1859)
1. Marybell SHIELDS
2. Elizabeth SHIELDS (1850 - 15 JUN 1854)
7. George W. SHIELDS* (21 FEB 1823 - 10 AUG 1869) & Julia Ann EARLY
1. Isadora SHIELDS (1863 - )
2. Enna SHIELDS (1863 - )
3. Sallie A. SHIELDS (1865 - )

left to right-McKinley,Emery,Kirby,Mary Jane,George J.,Clarence, Erwin Leroy, George. Golden Wedding Anniversary.
2. George James SHIELDS (4 OCT 1851 - 16 JAN 1937) & Mary Jane JOBES (28 DEC 1855 - 12 MAY 1942)
1. Clarence SHIELDS (7 MAR 1874 - ) & Sara BICKHART
2. Erwin_Leroy SHIELDS (23 JUL 1875 - )
3. George A. SHIELDS (22 OCT 1877 - 1934)
5. Ethel L. SHIELDS (9 OCT 1882 - 19 MAR 1900)
6. Kirby C. SHIELDS (16 DEC 1886 - 11 JUL 1963)
7. Emery E. SHIELDS (15 MAR 1889 - 7 DEC 1969) & Mary E. WALSH (15 DEC 1889 - 10 MAR 1977)
8. Ora SHIELDS (13 JUL 1891 - 19 AUG 1892)
9. McKinley SHIELDS (15 JUL 1893 - )
10. Harry Loudo SHIELDS

4. Jessie Raymond SHIELDS (10 JAN 1880 - 15 MAR 1920) & Lydia Augusta KNOPP (5 JUN 1880 - 8 DEC 1959)
1. Marcidus SHIELDS (12 OCT 1913 - 18 OCT 1990) & Louis Franklin DIPPOLD (living )

1. Carole Diane DIPPOLD (living) & Phillip Jon DEFRATES (living )
1. Phillip Jon Jr. DEFRATES (living- )
2. Gregory Allen DEFRATES (living )
3. Jacqueline Michelle DEFRATES (living )
2. Claudia Jean DIPPOLD* (living ) & Gerald Craig YOUNG (living )
1. Nicol Renee YOUNG (living ) & Darin REEVES (living)
1. Patrick Craig YOUNG (living )
2. Erin Lynn YOUNG (living ) & Gregg William BLOCK (living )
1. Kailynn Jessica BLOCK (living )
2. Mackenzie William BLOCK (living)

I do have more on this family line but it is going to take me some time to get all the information online. If you have any questions regarding these SHIELDS you may e-mail me and I will send you the information you need. Thank you for visiting my sight and I hope to hear from you.


Descendants of Daniel SHIELDS
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