Here are some recent (May-July 1998) pictures with my new camera:

Heather and April hugging in our backyard (sweet!)

April in friends' tulips

April's new Disney dress (a little big yet)

Heather in my brother's newly landscaped backyard (that's her leg brace on left leg)

Heather all dressed up with her hair slicked back (she likes it straight even though it's naturally curly!)

Heather's 4th place award in MN State PTA Reflections Contest

Mark & his Mom on Mother's Day

April all dressed up for brunch (she had to have corsage like Mommy)

Chris and girls on Mom's Day

Heather and April wearing dresses for a change!

Heather with her cat Furball (the hairy one in cage)

Mom, Zane, Wanda & Chris on Mother's Day

Kristy & Zane at Frank 'N' Steins

The "kids" on Mom's Day

Zane's new truck

April at a park

April at the Mississippi River

April "wading" upto her neck

Sunset over Zumbro River

Heather driving Aunt Wanda's new pontoon

Heather got her bangs cut and styled cute (lasted about an hour then she brushed it out)

April up close and personal (age 2 1/2)

Heather close-up (age 12 1/2)

April fishing on Wanda's new boat

April playing dress-up

April being cute (again)

April on Daddy's shoulders at Grandad Bluff in Wisconsin

Chris' mom & parents on Father's Day


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