Backyard Birds of Missouri
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Got 55 different kind of birds that's been to the feeders in the backyard or looked the bird houses over. Have Pictures © and few Facts also Sounds that you can play or download & Recipes This link photo album bird start is for people without Java. The drop down menu below works a lot faster. These are here as much as the birds. So if you got backyard birds you got backyard Squirrels like it or not. I need some females pictures of what birds I got but want I want never happens. I'm more of a watcher and bird feeder now a days.

Relax and set here you get a new window for each link. Open to full for bigger (better)view. Design that way too!!
I only update the new site. To found out which older pages have been updated use this link New Home Page It also has links to the other different parts of the site. The ones not about birds.

This is a personal web site all downloads are free here. Hopefully the links at top are self answering. I don't mind answering questions also. Maybe something here will help you out or at least entertain you for a while. Mainly a picture site. The bird information isn't from a book it's my information. Writing isn't something I could make a living at. Put the wrong word and it mess's up the whole sentence / oh well I try. You will see pictures here from the old monitor and a flatbed scanner. Those are the dull looking ones. Then a different monitor and the same flatbed scanner. Now I went to a film scanner. Part of the flatbed picture's are just as good as film scanner but most are not. Takes a lot free time to redo pages. With film scanner you get better pictures but you also get dust spots and scratches that show in your pictures. A person can fix those spots and scratches but its work. I'm not trying to sell anything here so you'll just have to over look stuff. I didn't fix or just over looked before I saved a jpg picture to post here. Photography is a hobby that runs into thousands of dollars. Yeah I know what doesn't, nothing I do or have done doesn't cost thousands of dollars. I got 3 different photo editing software programs that I use regular only one HTML editor though. The price of fun is high. Removed most ads here, can't all because its free host. Ads have made me ZERO.

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