In Memory of
Esther L. Dietz & Elizabeth Mae Young

Esther Lucille (Zimmerman)Dietz was born in Jeffersonville, Ohio. She is survived by her husband, son, daughter, 4 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. Esther was active as a military wife, active in the Gray Ladies and the Naval Relief Society. She served as the secretary to the Jacksonville Beaches Rotary Club and sang in the St. Mathews Adult Choir.

Elizabeth Mae (Grigsby) Young was born in 1923. She is survived by her husband, 2 daughters, son, 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Mae retired from the Navy yard in DC and enjoyed playing bridge with her friends.

Edwin Durwood Young was born to Asa & Ruby Young in Waco, Texas November 18, 1927. He served in central Europ and the Rhineland and participated in the liberation of the German concentration camps. He earned the good conduct medal and marksmand rating. Ed passed away on January 17, 2004

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