Father, guide us safely through each day,
Watch carefully o'er us on our way.
If you should see us start to slide,
Stay thee near us, by our side.

The song playing is "The Shadow of your Smile"
'cause that's the best part of a friend!





This beautiful gift is from James and Ness. They have a beautiful web site and a beautiful love story that spans across the ocean. Thank you James and Ness! This is just beautiful and I will treasure it!


This award is from a friend who had a totally nonsensical page called "Ophelia's Page of Useful and Trivial Information." Her page was a great laugh, especially her "You might be a Computer Redneck If..." But Ophelia left, shortly after Dr. Luv did. Hmmmm, is there a conspiracy afoot? Somebody call, "Bond...JAMES Bond!"

This award comes from a dear friend (don't tell him I said that! It'll ruin my reputation!). Dr Luv lives in Sweden, but soon will move to North Carolina, USA (Smart man, but don't tell him I said that! It'll ruin....well, you know!). His web site is no longer available. It was a hoot...and will be missed. Oh yeah, thanks for the award, Dr. Luv! *Tongue-in-cheek*


Thank you, "Be-Mi-Kitties" for this nifty token of appreciation!
And my heartiest congratulations on your new "star" status!
This beautiful present was sent to me by my special friend, "MilMil". He won't tell me what's in it but I know it's a hug! Thank you so much, MilMil. This is very sweet and touches my heart!

This adorable "Miss Smarty" award, was given by a new G.R.I.T.S sister, Poetta. Click on the gift to visit her beautiful website. Take a cup of coffee with you, there's lots to see! Thank you, Poetta!
This beautiful gift is a token of friendship from my wonderful friends, James and Necie. Click on the token to visit a beautiful website full of love, warmth and caring. Thank you, my friends, for this touching gift.

Beware of Cat! Sittin' Pretty Award

This award comes from my friend of "Beware of Cat!" Thank you so much, Zandra! (You REALLY ought to see her site! You'll be impressed!)


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