Hi, there! Welcome to 'our world!'
kle - 10/07/99 01:19:47

kle - 10/07/99 01:17:55

11/11/98 00:35:53
Hi Vera, Meow!!! Love your kitties.. My animals are dogs and a horse. Visiting my sisters from Roses of Sharon. Have you seen the Nov. Birthday page? The url is on directory page of the Roses. Your site is enchanting, had a great time here.{{hugs}}

11/08/98 21:36:28
Love your pages!
They are quite *CaTchy..*
I havent put my babies online yet..They began as Babies of a stray Siamese My Daughter adopted..now I have them....2 are jet black..two are grey brindle..their looks totally deny their Siamese heritage..:)
Named in the order they opened their eyes..
Eenie...Meenie (black)...a real work horse..she helps my hubby do everything..:) Meinie...and Moe..(Black..and my baby...she has to be where I am..) The two grey cats are equal lovers of both of us..
Thanks girl for sharing..
Please also visit my daughters page..she is a newly wed and just starting her page.
11/08/98 12:14:57
Hi Sister, I was out paying morning calls on my Roses of Sharon Sisters, and you were on my list this morning. I love the story about how you rescued your cats.

11/04/98 23:05:48
I liked your cats : )
I really liked your background on the first page.
I hope you come and see us soon......
11/02/98 01:02:05
Don't Know who this Rotten is, but they have the perfect name. This is a wonderful Christain site. Rotten needs to get a life. Better yet, go to church. The lady who has this is a beautiful person inside & out. It is nice to have a aeb site I can recomend
to other people.
10/30/98 18:17:50
UUGGGHHHH!!!! what kind of site is this?!?!?!
it is disgusting.......who would make a site about their cats!?!?!?!? and Why in the hell would you name your cat Walmart........don't you realize how evil walmart really is ......why don't you visit a
worth while site like WALMART SUCKS!!!!!!
10/26/98 17:38:53
Vera, You have really outdone yourself. This is one of the bests sites I've seen. Always knew you were special, just didn't know how talented. Thanks for a great site. You're an insiration to us all.
Love you,
10/26/98 03:06:14
Hi Vera.
Just popping back into your page... wonderful as usual. *S* Been a tough day.. missing you know who.. *sigh* I wanted to take a minute to tell you again how much I enjoyed meeting you. When he gets here.. we really need to all get together for dinner.
You did keep Dec. 19th open for us didn't you? *S*
Take care, Vera.
Oh.. and hi to the kitties too. *S*
10/26/98 01:31:36
Hello Vera! Imagine my surprise when someone sent me your page...You look as beautiful as ever but oh, so much happier! My friend, it did my heart good to see you so. You were always a dear person in my life...I love you and miss you at Magnolia! Roxa
10/25/98 20:10:54
Thanks for a beautiful web site . Can't wait to see more. Keep up the wonderful work
10/17/98 19:18:10
What a GREAT web-site!
Just surfed in & like what I see. Would like to invite you to enter my web-site competition. A FUN way to promote your web-site & help provide a "family friendly"
surfing network for others. Interested? Accepting sign-ups now for October & November Contests.
Check it out.
10/16/98 03:39:30
what a wonderful page, cute furbabies
10/15/98 16:48:27
Vera, I loved the stories about Freeway and Walmart. They started my day out with a smile, thank you. I understand how you felt about your cows and I'm sorry they had to go under such negative circumsta
ces, but I'm glad you've found a comfortable niche now for yourself and your furry family. I enjoyed my visit here VERY much and wish you the best. I'll TTYL.
10/15/98 00:29:49
Hi there...I love your page!!! I had a wonderful cat named Jake for 12 years...I still miss the old boy!! I am one of your GRITS sisters....*smile*
10/12/98 00:04:48
I happened upon your site from an entry you left for me in
my guestbook. I apologize for not getting to your site sooner, but I really have
been busy lately adding to my site and re-doing the look. Anyway, I thought that I
would go through and sign each person's guestbook who was thoughtful enough to leave me a
message...and this ensures that I did sign everyone else's guestbook. And I must admit that it is really nice to
see everyone's new ideas for their sites. When you get some time, stop in
and take a look around at my small Corner!
10/11/98 03:34:42
God bless you.
graphic made for me by Anne, from DP
10/07/98 01:14:01
nice site i loved it
10/02/98 11:49:45
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
09/30/98 00:34:55
CUTE!!! Love the cats!! Visit my site whenever you have time... GRITS sister have to stick together!
09/26/98 20:19:34
Kill all the kitties (at least hurt them a little)and death to bad MIDI files as well!
09/26/98 04:46:43
right now i have a very sick kitty and am doing some research which is not really very enlightning, so i needed something to bring a smile instead of all of these tears. Thank you
09/25/98 14:21:28
I thoroughly enjoyed your pages...didn't miss a one....I am proud for you and your poetry award and even more proud that you have survived the hardships that have come your way...Freeway and Walmart are adorable as well as your family...(which order?)...L
L....my favorite photo was of you and your son. I enjoy the letters you write to the Grits newsleter...each one is insightful and written from the heart...When you get a chance please visit and meet my family...we have 3 cats...Scaredy cat...Itty Kitty..
and Hoochie Mama...we have 8 longhorn steers...(MY son is a Cowboy and he teamropes)...and 3 beautiful horses....I understand your love of animals...*sweet*

09/25/98 03:47:15
I loved your pages. You're pictures are great! I'm a sucker for photos.
I have a black and white cat that looks just like yours, his name is Charlie.
09/23/98 16:56:18
Dearest Vera,
We're here just to say "Hello!" and "How have you been?" and at the same time to enjoy your pages and poems..Hope everything's alright. It is sad that Dr. Luv is not here anymore but I believe he and his sweetheart would be back with a vengeance..(^u^)
You know we have also known them recently when Dr. Luv introduced her to us after he visited the States the first time.. Isn't that a coincidence? Here's hoping you're having the best of days.. May the force of love be with you!
Your dearest friends,
James and Ness
09/20/98 23:32:56
Hi I am making the tour and trying to visit all my G.R.I.T.S sister. I wanted to let you know that i have been here and I really enjoyed your site. I loved the rescue story.

09/19/98 11:49:09
Hi Vera! Just wanted to let you know I was here, and to tell you how wonderful your pages are! I loved the pictures, and "Freeway" is adorable! I too am owned by a cat (shhh .. don't tell your kitties that!) ... and your poem abut the South is wonderful.
eep up the good work - and may your Guardian Angels watch over you always.
09/18/98 15:22:50
Hi, found your pages through "Much Ado about Cats" guestbook. Visited mainly because I too have a tuxedo (He is a real mischief, but my "baby") and a semi-longhair Calico (she is quite the little lady, but has been known to cause quite a bit of mischief
oo). Loved your pages.
Will bookmark and come back to visit often.
Purrs & Meows to you and your kitties, from
Lee and my kitties, WillyCat and Patches!!!
09/18/98 02:16:39
Hello Vera! Just stopped in to say hello. I have been here before, but did not want to leave you out as I make the rounds! *S* Take care and God bless, Jan GRITS sister

09/13/98 18:12:55
Was travelling the GRITS webring and thought I'd drop in and say hey! *hugs and smiles*

09/09/98 22:00:00
Great stuff here! I didn't get to all of it yet, but I will! Add more pictures!!!!!!!!!

09/09/98 21:43:47
Great stuff here! I didn't get to all of it yet, but I will! Add more pictures!!!!!!!!!
09/09/98 14:09:26
Nice fast loading page with beautiful color scheme also.

09/04/98 22:06:06
Very nice site.
Grandpa Chuck
09/01/98 19:42:32
Hi Vera, It's me, Patti. Long time...no see. I have missed you and I certainly enjoyed your website. So creative, and so like you. I'm happy to report that, unlike Marcy, I did find pictures of all us 'fiends' in your album that she wrote about. Boy,
do I have something to rib her about now. Wonder if she even realizes she called us all 'fiends'. hahaha. See what you're missing here. Don't suppose you still have that quarter do ya..... wouldn't hurt you to spend it and give a call. : )
08/25/98 19:00:14
Thank You, a very pleasent page...........*S*
08/24/98 05:36:29
You have some very beautiful pages. I love the backrounds on all of them. You are a very talented woman. Your poetry was a delite to read.
08/19/98 14:33:39
Hello from your friends at the Ag Center!! Vera,
your webpage is GREAT! We miss you, hope you are doing well in N.C. and are enjoying your grandchildren. Come see us when you are in town!
08/15/98 21:58:11
Hey V !.....thought I´d let ya know that I got me a new job in Charlotte.

Ya like my new uniform ??
08/12/98 16:30:52
The first thing I'm going to say is that I really missed you. I got your web page address from Charlotte. I didn't go through all the pages, but the ones I did visit, I love it. The only thing I didn't like was that there wasn't a picture of the your f
iends from here, but I guess I can forgive you. I have not heard from you in a while, and I would like to hear from you. I'm glad that you are doing okay, but I would like to hear from you. I am going to go now, but will write back soon.
08/11/98 16:18:36
Kool Kittie Page. Come over from another page. Always glad to see another cat lover.Come and visit me and the boys. Keep up the good work. "catman"
08/07/98 15:14:30
Hey V !!
Wacha doin runnin around ruining my rep like that for, eeeh ???
..*HeeHee*...just came by to give ya a big ole hug ...and a wet sloppy smoooooch right on your left cheek !!....Just to ruin YOUR rep !!!....!!*EG*
08/06/98 05:51:02
Hello From Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia !
joint our SAHABAT WEBring
(A free and easy way to publicize your web site,
as well as easily find other people's web sites online!
Besides collection homepage!!!!)
hey do you mind if we link it?
08/05/98 02:29:36
Hi there! What a wonderful page!! I am a huge cat lover!! Presently have 6 furry babies. I seem to keep collecting them, lol. Think i must emit some sort of signal, . Just love all the cat stuff! I'll be saving you page and coming back often! K
ep up the great work!
07/31/98 16:59:26
I love your page, it's really good. I'll have to come back and check it out again sometime. ~Alison
07/30/98 21:05:44
Wonderful page! I, too, am a cat lover! Right now, I've got 2 momma cats, one with two babies almost 8 weeks old, and my cat, Stripes, just had 1 baby yesterday! Wow! They think they are interchangeable with their babies! A little while ago, I found
ocks in feeding Stripes' baby! I thought it was sooooo cute! Keep up the great work on yoiur page! And don't forget to smile!
07/30/98 19:06:00
Nice page, I especially enjoyed the backgrounds and the story about your cats. When I first got my first cat, she used to sneak into a big storage closet that is now an office and go through the open wall and walk around in the ceiling. She was so small
that all you could hear was her slithering around. Imagine my surprise when I went into the room one day to work on the decorating process, removed one tile and all I saw were her little green eyes reflecting the light back into mine! Cats are hilariou
! Stop by my page to read about my four! They are on my "All About Me" page, they didn't allow me to write mcuh about me... what with wanting to type it all themselves and all!
07/30/98 06:03:26
Nice Page!
Cute little critters you have, I have some too... walmart, what a name...*chuckle* ... Happy trails!

07/23/98 14:05:04
What a great site Vera. I really liked visiting. Your life story is very moving. Best wishes and good luck.
07/23/98 10:32:17
Hi Vern, very nice page, and welcome to NC.I live in Pinetops NC.Don't think it's on the map. Really
liked your page. Didn't have time to veiw everything, so bookmarked it. Your life was really inspiring.Thanks for sharing it. ~~Pete~~
07/15/98 18:13:03
Loved your site!!! Your cats have a great momma keep spoiling them rotten! Sara :)
07/09/98 20:27:32
Very cute all of the animation.
07/08/98 15:07:15
You have such great style in your literature as well as in your poetry.. We just loved reading them especially your Great Rescue.. Oh, it was really a suspenseful yet touching story. And surely Freeway and Walmart are very lucky to find a home in you. Her
's wishing you and your lovely family the best that the world could give. May the Good Lord always be by your side..
Sincerely yours,
James and Ness
Please visit us and share with us your loving thoughts and wonderful blessings..

07/05/98 00:29:35
Vera!!!!!! It's you! FREEWAY!! When you emailed me today and I said that your site was in my favorite places but became lost, I meant it. But I did not know you were the FREEWAY site. Just that it was a site I enjoyed. I was pleasantly surprised when I
aw who you were. Of course, the very first page I re-read was The Great Rescue. Now I know why I gave you Handsome's top award, an award that is not given out lightly and is saved mostly for shelters and such. I must say that I did not immediately recogn
ze your site. You have done some great overhaul job. The pages are all magnificant. Beautiful backgrounds and graphics and superb contents. Aside from that, I greatly enjoyed your poetry and that is a page I will go back to time and time again. Did not h
ve the time to read your home town pages yet but now you are in my favorite places once again and I have made sure not to lose the listing.........I titled it "FREEWAY". How you took Walmart in is also wonderful and to be commended. But, that FREEWAY st
ry is something else. I am going to send everyone I know to that page! You have a heart of gold. Keep up the good work.
Luv, diane ps; When you are next in my site, click on the PERSONAL button and go to the bottom of the personal page....then click on the link named Poetry. There is only one poem but i think you will like it.

06/30/98 22:40:20
Hi Vera.
I liked your NC page very much! You know... I think maybe the "constipated one" needs some of that Louisiana coffee now. Think maybe THAT would help? heeheehee
Going to send you an award for your neat page.. as soon as I figure out where I put it. (Not so easy finding all my stuuuuuuuuuuff since I got to Sweden.)
Take care,
06/30/98 22:29:53
Yo Vera !! .....found the cure !!

Eeeeeeeewwwwwwww !!!!!
06/26/98 17:11:20
Was visiting "Visit Central Kansas" and saw that you'd signed Roger's book. I'm not a member of the family, but am good friends with Roger and Glen. You've got a terrific page...my cat Jun
or gives it paws up!
Pagoo Me

06/23/98 12:02:07
I think you have a great page!!!! I didn't think
there was anyone else like my sister and me. I
don't know have many animals we've taken in
through the years. We both love animals. My
husband and I have a red American Short Hair now,
named Tucker,(Named after a car we like) and
Brandy our almost 10 year old Shephard. Take care
of the girls and keep up the good work!

06/23/98 11:58:09
I think you have a great page!!!! I didn't think there was anyone else like my sister and me. I don't know have many animals we've taken in through the years. We both love animals. My husband and I have a red American Short Hair now, named Tucker,(Named a
ter a car we like) and Brandy our almost 10 year old Shephard. Take care of the girls and keep up the good work!

06/22/98 21:52:36
Hats off to you! I never would have thought there would be another "me" out there. I too am a cat and animal lover. I have rescued many a kittens from their demise and am happy to say that in my very own small way, I made a difference in their lives.
have successfully placed many animals in good adopted homes that had to meet strict criteria! Maybe one day society will understand people like us. Thanks for a great web! And Neko, Samantha, Misty, Molly, and Sheba say hello to your girls. As you can
ee I have all girls but the one boy.(Smile)
06/22/98 03:53:55
What a terrific read. I have a black and white cat called Minstral (after the Black & White Minstrel Show). Also have a curly coated retriever (black) called Ebony. Best wishes with your website.
06/20/98 01:06:04
hi! my name is Staci Olson. i'm 9 years old.
i have 3 kittys.their names are OREO,LUKE,TIGER.
06/20/98 00:56:05
great fun my daughter lover kittens and shei going to gome visit you sight too.
06/19/98 15:18:58
I enjoyed my stay at your page(s)! Thats quite a story about your babies... They are lucky to have found you! Keep up the good work. 
06/18/98 22:06:57
Cool page! I got here from the Dr Luv's page. You said slow load times was a pet peeve.......... No matter how long it took to load, I still enjoyed the page. Thanks for the cat stuff, take care of Freeway and WalMart! Glen

The Kansas Courthouse Tour
06/18/98 19:02:29
We have two cats that were rejects from society that have become family members. I liked your backgrounds. I have not followed all your links but plan to come back. You have some neat cat pictures. Good photography, good camera and good subjects. Come
nd see my site although I do not have up Rusty's or Pearl's pict yet. Gen
06/16/98 12:29:12
Vera, you have a lovely page, I too am a cat lover, I think they are the smartest & clever animals there are, it was great reading about you & yours.
06/14/98 21:45:59
I like your homepage.
06/13/98 06:11:34
Hi! I've just had a terrific time here! Your poetry was excellent, I enjoyed it a lot! Wal-Mart and Freeway are adorable and so fortunate that you came along and brought them into your heart and home. I about fell out of my chair laughing at the Cat Tales
I can remember my two boys getting into such antics years ago. They're getting up there in years now...and unfortunately aren't quite as active. They are still a blessing though. You really have done a fabulous job and I'm so glad you let me know about y
ur page. Be looking for a surprise in the mail! :)
Take care and keep up the terrific job on your pages!
Whiskery kisses and furry hugs,

06/10/98 01:03:55
Lovely story about your cats. I also liked the poetry. All the animals I have had I've either found by the side of the road, lost in town, or from the local shelter. Tosha, the daschound I had before my spoiled child casey, I found outside of Dallas caugh
in the middle of traffic. I had her for almost 18 years before she went on her way to visit the other pets I have had. Casey my best of friends is always by my side. When you go to visit my page, which I hope you do. Take a look at my personal page for a
picture of casey. You also may like from my jokes page "What we can learn from a dog". Have a great day and glad to hear you saved what sounds like 2 wonderful animals from a world of bad faith. :)
06/10/98 00:50:13
my cats walk all over me too.....
actually.... they pretty much own me....
i really enjoyed your site! great job!

06/08/98 21:17:37
06/06/98 15:55:25
i love the store about freeway because i have poddle that i found on the highway myself about 6-7yrs ago. and he is a red one at that.
it seems like that someone is always finding pets! my wife got a black/silver poodle from some people next to her mothers also.
my neice sent me the url about freeway & walmart
06/06/98 15:48:54
06/03/98 03:30:19
Hi Vera, Freeway and Walmart, it's been awhile since I've been here, the photo's look great! I'd like very much for you to accept our 2 awards, there are 2 of each one so if you go to
Our Awards and pick the 2 you like best, let me know and I'll tell you where to pick them up. And please while your there maybe you'd like to join our brand new Happiness is being
wned by cats... webring! Hope to hear from you soon.
05/31/98 23:54:13
I've just gone through your page...finally. After monthst of grueling computer work I now have time for personal stuff. I too have a cat, her name is Kiki. She was given to my by my parents to get rid of a pesky mouse I had in the house. (the little b
gger was clever enough not to eat the poison) Since I got Kiki I haven't seen the mouse..or any other mice for that reason. Unfortunately, before I could get her spayed, she got out of the house and travelled for a coupla days. A few weeks later she ga
e birth to 7 kittens, but since it was her first litter, she lost 6 of them. The one that is left I named him Bo, after a dear friend of mine. I'm watching him have what seems to be a nightmare as he sleeps right now.
Anyway, Kiki will be taking a trip to the vet as soon as Bo is weaned. Nice page...keep up the good work.
05/17/98 19:23:44
Hi Vera! I've found the link to your site on another cat lover's page. I'm glad that I followed this link :-). Your pages are really very nice, nice designed, cute graphics. It was a pleasure to read the stories about your cats, they are so cute!! I enjoy
d my visit here very much, I enjoyed looking through your pages, I'm sure to return to visit you again :-). Have a great day - greetings from Germany, Angela and her cats, dogs and birds
04/23/98 07:49:02
I am so glad there are people "out there" like you who care about the lives of unwanted and homeless animals. Since 1989 I have been rescuing abandoned and unwanted kitties and have been successful in finding homes for 200-250 a year. I reinforce the ne
essity of spay & neuter and believe that in our area people are beginning to understand. I sure hope so because I feel so helpless when our local shelter is full and they have to resort to euthanasia. I wish more people would care and open up their hear
s and homes to so many of these forgotten souls. Thanks for your wonderful story.
04/16/98 02:00:28
Name: Charlie Pavlinsky |
My URL: Visit Me |
Vera, My husband Charlie looked at your web page.
He thought it was cute!
04/13/98 22:19:03
You have a great page! I found it through the Cat Luvers". I too am a CaT lUVER. I laughed so hard when I read about your Cat Tales of Freeway and WalMart! What a duo!! After reading about your life, all I can say is, you are one brave lady and
your children must be so proud of you. I'm sure they know what a special mom you are!!
Please come and visit our page when you have time.
Take care!

04/13/98 20:04:26
04/13/98 05:45:42
Howdy neighbor ! See ya on ballgame , Wednesday.
04/06/98 05:52:17
Loved your story about Freeway, one of my kitties I found at a road side rest. Your site is great and I put a link on my cats page.
04/04/98 22:24:39
Vera, what a lovely photo album...nice to see all of you. *smile* ..my regards to Robin ..a beauty ! An already great page even greater now, way to go !
03/30/98 17:59:54
I will bring this up when I get home on my computer. I have a CD roam there! But so far everything i've seen looks great
03/27/98 00:00:26
I just wrote about an hour ago, but your site became more and more awesome. So much beauty; your personal beauty that shows through your site, the graphics, the content, the poetry--just ALL of it. It's great.
By the way, I live in the country, with one cat, Chantel, and a nice husband too.(: She is spaded. She is a tortoiseshell calico, or so the vet assistant said. Anyway, she is shy, and wise, and a friend, and pretty. She has the most magnificient, gold e
es. I happened on to her through a friend of a friend.
Thanks again,
Rhonda from Texas
03/26/98 22:36:53
Just that I am enjoying your site quite a lot.
It is charming, informative, and nice to look at, too.
Rhonda in Texas
03/25/98 01:28:16
Loved the story about your cats,everything else also.

03/20/98 23:16:07
I really like your page!! I'm a cat fan too. Please visit my homepage...

03/19/98 00:17:21
Nice page you have here...pretty !! I loved your poetry , will come back for more.....keep up the great work ....and keep smiling.

03/17/98 14:57:11
What a pretty home you have here. That was a wonderful story about the cat. we also have a cat his name is Andre he is over1and a half years old and he is a Persian. We enjoyed all of your pages and will be back soon hope you can check us out sometime!!!
p.s andre is fixed) **wink**
03/11/98 19:53:41
i love your page your graphics are beautiful i am from Alabama I am a shelter worker and foster mom for animals to young for the shelter in all i have nine animals and 3 foster animals.
03/06/98 14:53:44
Hi once more, Vera :-) We also manage The Cajun Ring at the above address and would be more than honored to have you join up. We have run that ring for over a year now and have 139 members at present, every site being Cajun/LA oriented. You just might
njoy surfing and making new friends :-) Hope to hear from you about this ring soon :-)
03/06/98 14:51:02
Hi again, Vera :-) Welcome to The Louisiana Native ring -- I'm sigining backwards *lol* Sorry to have written you a book down there, but perhaps you can tell I got just a bit excited :-))))) Thanks again for joining!
03/06/98 14:46:18
Hi there, Vera :-) Welcome to The Louisiana Native ring :-) I just added your site in and had to come back and browse some more :-) Loved your e-mail, and I can't thank you enough for the compliments on the ring. Now, I gotta tell you, this site is ab
olutely, positively TOPS in my book! I feel like I have known you all my life now! There's a special bond between us Louisianians that just can't be explained at times :-) DeRidder is just up the road a bit from here (north of here), so I am pretty fam
liar with that area. Ever been to Sulphur or Lake Charles??? :-) One of the family practitioners up in DeRidder is a favorite of mine -- he helped deliver my twins (he is a twin himself!!!!). Well, the last I heard about him, he was still in DeRidder.
Anyway, I absolutely loved reading about Freeway and Wal-Mart. What touching stories! And I absolutely LOVE their names -- so original and so heartfelt!!!!! I also truly loved your about me page. Unfortunately, I never lived on a farm, but my older c
usins did (mom's sister and her kids), and I practically grew up in the pastures!!!! I have to admit that I was scared to death of cows when I was younger, but then I grew to love them -- so much so that when my dad and mom would buy new babies to fatten
up for the farm land they owned in Cypress Point (between Lake Arthur and Geuydan -- where my mom was raised and they had a camp), I'd make pets out of them (they'd put them in our backyard here in town)!!!! One baby I named Blondie (cause he was blond).
I had him so spoiled rotten that when he knew I got home from work, he'd come and nudge at my window until I'd open it, then he'd stick his head inside and "talk" to me :-) Of course, my parents raised cattle NOT to be pets, but for other reasons; and my
heart was broken to pieces when Blondie "died" :-( I begged and pleaded with them to let me just keep him, but that was impossible :-( I still mourn him after 15 years -- and I REFUSED to eat at their house for the longest time -- until I knew Blondie w
s no longer around. Ugh!!!!!! Anyway, I'm just thrilled beyond thrilled to meet you. Your recipes are fabulous!!!!!! I'm glad you found the new ring :-) Take care and continue to hold home close to your heart :-)
03/06/98 05:10:15
Well done!! Enjoyed reading about your cats and their antics.
03/01/98 20:48:26
I enjoyed my visit to your page very much. I have two kittys who i rescued from an abuse shelter, and i'm in the process of making a page for them. I sure wouldn't know what to without them...
02/28/98 17:19:31
Hi Vera, this is the first chance I got to sign your guest book. Actually, the first chance to see your entire page. I kept getting bumped before or I would freeze. I love your page and especially the names of your two girls. Will be back again. Purr
Maxine, Brandee and Dondee
02/24/98 23:27:58
I got here..via my guestbook and I enjoyed it very much. You have such a wonderful page and the cats were such a joy to read about and see. You have done a great job...and I love the angels. Faith is so important and it showed in what you said and the w
rk you have done on yor page. Thank for visiting ABBEY ROAD.
02/23/98 04:04:22
Hi, neighbor: I found you in our Stray Cat Ring. Your pages are beautiful and inspirational....but more than that, the circumstances surrounding Freeway and Walmart are very touching. Your kindess and love of animals shines through and for that I hav
a very special gift for your site. Only problem is that I can not find your e-mail contact. Your site is bookmarked and you can be sure that I will visit again. Please contact me with your e-mail address. Me and My Guys and The Dog Who Rescues Cats and H
ndsome in Heaven and Fat Bella all love company so be sure to visit us. There is a feline greeting committee with refreshments waiting to greet you under our opening banner. See ya soon.
02/20/98 13:12:17
Honey, YOUR Site Is The 'GREATEST'...I Love It! Just 'browsing' around the 'Rings' and found You...So glad I did too!

02/18/98 17:53:28
I enjoyed my visit to your site! The story about how you got your cats is sweet. And reading about your childhood in Louisiana sure made me homesick. I am from Cheneyville down on Bayou Boeuf. Thanks for a great visit! :-)
02/18/98 13:26:06
I was hooked as soon as your page started to load with the "cat" background!...very unique page. The animated gifs are outstanding...I have found yet another person who has inspired me to make, yet another, attempt at web design!
02/18/98 04:56:50
i have 2 beautiful babies(cats)devon & meagan
(who are always w/me when i'm on the computer!).
they are sisters & i can't even begin to imagine
life w/out them !! i love your site,
especially all the moving pictures!!
i will definately be back !
02/17/98 06:57:28
Hi ! We are two Cats called Mitzi and Kisse, and we like your page. We live in Sweden with our family and the other animals (they are big and ugly euhh..) Keep safe.. M & K
02/17/98 06:39:00
Hi ! We are two Cats called Mitzi and Kisse, and we like your page. We live in Sweden with our family and the other animals (they are big and ugly euhh..) Keep safe.. M & K
02/17/98 01:03:09
I got here from a link you left in the guestbook I have on my Abuse site, and I am so happy I came....This is a wonderful homepage, and I have so very much enjoyed my visit here. I especially loved the page about your cats, "Freeway" and "Walmart". See, I
am a cat person, too...I have four cats, and I love them to pieces, and I can't imagine my life without them.
I will be sending you a little something in your e-mail, so keep an eye out!
02/15/98 18:08:56
Just wanted to drop by to welcome you to Delicate Petals. Love, Dani
02/15/98 01:50:34
Just checking out your site. It is wonderful. Love the story of your cats and yes, Rainbow Bridge is best read when you are NOT already feeling low.
02/12/98 20:19:35
SUPER DUPER JOB VERA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/11/98 18:47:46
Love the cats! Where do you find the time to do all this? Oh, I forgot. You have a computer at home.
02/10/98 20:28:26
I TOTALLY love it....it is the best I have
seen. And I actually KNOW the person responsible
for this. I'll keep checking back. I've got
to get a few others at work to check this out.
02/10/98 18:08:32
You sure know how to tug on a girl's heartstrings...*sniff* I am so glad that you are the very kind soul that saved those two babies...it saddens me to know there are alot of people out there that will just drop off a kitten to fend for itself..not reali
ing the consequences. You have a lovely homepage! Keep up the good work!
02/09/98 18:06:04
I love you. I like your cats. Give three-way and Wal-Mart a present. I love your cats. Hope to see you soon.
02/06/98 01:35:01
I was surfing along and came across your page and wanted to
say hi! Nice page you have here. I hope you will come and visit my new graphic page sometime, you might even find something you'd like to use. Oh and please visit my regular page too!

02/01/98 10:09:19
Those were lovely stories about your cats. I picked up Eve off the street when she was a year old. (we think!)
01/31/98 16:37:22
What a wonderful page you have! I love the names you gave your kitties..so appropriate for both of them. Come on over and meet my two kitties and all the other critters in our household!
01/30/98 19:46:59
Thank you so much for inviting us to visit your cyber-home! We had a great time meeting Freeway & Walmart. You did a wonderful thing by rescuing them and giving them loving homes..not many people would open their heart to a homeless animal the way you hav
...our "hats" are off to you and we give you "paws up" for a job well done!!
01/28/98 22:18:53
I truly enjoyed your pages. I loved your cat page! The graphics are sooooo cute & the story was wonderful. So glad you rescued Freeway. I found a kitten like that years ago, but before I could get to it, some jerk purposely hit it. I just love cats & it b
oke my heart.You sound like a very special (and strong) person *S*
01/28/98 07:03:47
Love your graphics! You story of "Freeway" sounds familiar. My newest roomie I got from a roadside rest stop. His name is Pandemonium, Panda for short.
01/28/98 04:37:23
As soon as I get the tears out of my eyes, I'll tell you what a great story that was. I also have a Walmart baby. He was a stray that walked in the door while I was standing there, they were just going to put him back outside in the parking lot. I thought
no way he'll get run over, so Bailey is part of our family now. We're owned by 5 kitties. I'd really like to link your page with mine, if this is OK please send me your url. Hope to see your paw prints in our guestbook (page is under construction now shou
d be done in a couple of weeks).
01/27/98 15:04:35
Cool kittie page!
01/25/98 05:49:52
Your page is awesome. I must try your human puppy chow recipe. Keep up the good work.
01/25/98 05:48:25
Your page is so great. I love the human puppy chow recipe. Will have to try it one of these days. Keep up the good work.
01/25/98 03:15:56
Hey there Vera. Its me Penney from CVS. The last time I checked your site was right around Christmas. You've done alot and I love it! I wish I had the time to have my own web site but alas I don't. Maybe one day when I finally graduate college and I'
down to one job and not two like I have now! Hope all is well on your end and by the way I love your graphics. I've seen pictures but never so many graphics. They're neat. Talk at you later! P.
01/22/98 03:33:53
I really loved your stories about your kitties and your cows. Thanks for visiting my cow page and signing my guestbook.
01/14/98 21:40:02
Absolutely DELIGHTFUL reading - thank you so much for documenting the story of how you rescued Freeway and Walmart! And, I loove the graphics
you've chosen to illustrate the story - very nicely done!
01/13/98 07:41:03
Hi! You signed my guestbook, so I thought I'd come by and return the favor! I love your page, and your kitten story is wonderful! It put a smile on my face :o)! We have a cat that found and adopted us, and as a return favor, he keeps the field mice away.
e also have about 60 birds, mostly budgies(parakeets). We love our pets and our budgies are having babies that we tame and sell to friends and others... Aren't pets great!
Take care, you've done a great job on your page, especially the illustrations!
Chris at The Funny Farm
12/30/97 16:08:46
You are so creative. Hope you had a good Christmas.
12/29/97 18:07:40
Vera, That was really wonderful! You have really
got a gift and so do I to have a friend like you!
Merry Christmas to you and your family....and
Happy New Year! Love, your friend in Ohio,
12/11/97 22:16:38
Hi Vera!
I'm not sure if you remember me from the Ag Center since you left shortly after I started working there. I worked in Dr. Brown's office and sat next to Cathy in the reception area. I really enjoyed you story about your cats. Cathy told me I had to look
at it and read it. I'm glad your doing well. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
12/10/97 16:24:58
Cute page. I am sharing with my son and his wife who LOVE cats.
12/10/97 13:02:39
You have a great web site. I will visit often.
12/08/97 19:21:27
Vera, that's cute. How did you ever figure it all out?
12/08/97 19:01:55
Hi Vera,
Cute page, interesting story.
12/05/97 17:19:25
Absolute PURR-fect!! I loved the story about
how you got your babies!!!
12/05/97 14:16:15
It's GREAT! You should have been a writer. It was so cute with just the right pictures to go with the story.
Hope your Thanksgiving was nice. Mine was wonderful.
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