My Midnight
Ch. Cath-Mars Kerri Cornett
Midnight posing for the camera.
When I first started showing, I did so for myself, still do. I wanted to see what I along with my dog could do in a ring. I was actually amazed in how all my dogs worked so well with me. Midnight is the daughter of CJ. I started out showing her when she was six months. Her first show was at the Midwest Dachshund Club Specialty, where she took a Reserve to a four point major. Not bad for a puppy.
My husband and I were getting ready to move to Vt. so I spent little time showing Midnight while we were still in Michigan. Once we were settled, I started showing Midnight again. I found one problem in showing out east. The shows were not as easy to get to, and were too far and between for me to travel alone. I ended up sending Midnight to a friend of mine in the midwest (Becky Walker) to finish her championship.
There was one show in Stowe I will never forget. It was a beautiful day in mid July. Because of some absent dogs, the major was broken, but what the heck. I could still get some points on Midnight, I thought. As we started around the ring all was fine. It wasn't until the second time around when I realized my right shoe was trying to come off. With this in mind, trying to keep my balance, I tossed the shoe off my right foot. Happy that the shoe didn't land far, my concern was Midnight. We were both in a stride where it could have effected her pace and mine. Nevertheless she kept going, not to be bothered. We took the points. As we were still in the ring I heard a lot of clapping. In my mind I was thinking, WOW, someone had taken a nice win. After leaving the ring I asked my husband Marty, "what was all that clapping for?" His reply, they were all clapping for you. My heart just sank.
Pictured here is Becky and Midnight.
Midnight had taken breed from the
open class. Who, say's Friday the 13th
is an unlucky day.
Midnight taking breed
It was very difficult for me sending Midnight away. With each passing day, it seemed as though a week went by. Becky did a wonderful job with Midnight. With each show Midnight was entered in I waited with antisapation for Becky's call. We all can't win all the time, so at first I was thrilled to hear Midnight placed. Even though she was CJ's daughter she lacked the enthuisium of going into the ring. The call finally came. Midnight had taken the points. She was on her way. She had some points when she was sent to Becky, but needed those majors. After the first points with Becky Midnight finished in no time.
A warm and heartful thank you to Becky.
You were growing so tired and
Your body so limp, when laid asleep.
Because of your blindness I could not see
what you wanted me too. So I could
only do what I thought best.
It's never easy saying goodbye to a
dear trusted friend. One I loved so much.
As I tried to sleep I imagined you beside me.
Holding you so close. Giving me only those
gentle kisses.
Now that your dishes and blankets
are up, the tears are falling. No, Midnight
I will not cry for your loss. The tears are
joyous ones. You are whole again.
Until we meet again, sweetie.
Jan.-24-1988 to July-05-2001