There are many expressions that one dog can give with their eyes. The most important , love and devotion. When seeing this, you know you have your dogs trust. For those who can only feel the love with their touch, have the most EXTRAORDINARY DOG.
Rusty with his trusted Dachshunds Travis and Rusty
I am taking a break from showing. Someday, YES I will be back in the ring. In the meantime, my husband Marty and I are putting all of our efforts in the puppy raising program for Leader Dogs for The Blind. We are currently waiting for our fourth puppy. On Oct. 26th, 1996 our first puppy Rusty graduated from the program. He is currently residing in Texas with his new companion , Travis.
Pictured below is our second puppy Kramer. It is with warmth in our hearts that we gave you back to Leader Dogs. You came into our lives as a SPECIAL PUPPY. You left us with warm memories, and the speculation that you will become a Guide dog. Not every dog is capable of becoming a Guide Dog. We just learned after passing all of his training, Kramer was dismissed from the program. While with a student he became too aggressive with one of the other dogs. It is disappointing knowing that Kramer had come so far along, but we are happy to have him back. Most importantly, he is happier.
Portrait of Kramer
Kramer at 8
On the 31st of January, 1998 Krista came into our lives. During the year we had her, she gave us much happiness and joy. The warmest reward she can ever give us is becoming a certified Leader/Guide Dog. After attending Leader Dogs eleventh puppy field day, we found out that Rusty is Krista's Uncle. Kate, (Rusty's sister) was pulled from the program for breeding. Both my husband and I know Krista will make the program. Much love will go with her. Krista graduated on the 23rd of September 1999.. She and her new companion Mirella are residing in Minnesota.
Krista on her couch Mirellia
and Krista
Rikki,a yellow Lab has now come into our lives. She is seven months of age now, and like the others is a doll. When getting the call, we were told that Rikki was the niece of Krista. With this in mind I feel in my heart Rikki will make the program. Rikki is now in formal training. Rikki passed the training program, but had to be let go due to kennel stress. From the time we left her at Leader Dogs until we picked her up she lost weight. She went down as far as 38lbs. Fortunately she has gained the weight back, and then some.
Rikki while in training
Rikki visiting Marty's moms house
To Our Special Puppies
It's never easy saying goodbye.
Bringing you into our house, making it yours.
Teaching you all you need to know.
Now, going out into life,
being confident, secure, and independent.
The joy you have given us over the year,
will stay in our hearts forever.
Go my sweet puppies. Make us so proud.
Be the "eye's" for someone.
Be gentle and true. For someone out there needs you.
This is such a wonderful program. It warms your heart knowing that SPECIAL PUPPY you helped rear, are now the EYES for someone in need.
Links to Service Dog related web sites
(News article on Krista's progress)
This page is dedicated to all the Service Dogs, that are so very much appreciated. Most of which consists of Labradors Receivers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepards. Leader Dogs are also using Australian Shepard's, and for those who might be allergic, the Standard Poodle.