I signed up on February 15, 1998, this sight is in the beginning stages of construction, but I promise to work quicker than the city's street and highway departments do!. I am teaching myself HTML through the Internet and the expert teachings of friends and strangers I have met along the way. I would love for you to sign my guest book, to do so you will need to click on "My Guest book" located on the GeoCities Banner at the bottom of the page. Thanks!
4/12/08....I'm so glad to see that people are still visiting for the Barney pages. My oldest Barney fan graduates high school this year. I can't believe how fast the years have gone! Thanks for visiting today! 6/19/06 .... I started my own domain (you can find the link below in my links area near the bottom of this page) in February of 2005 and that is what keeps me busy in the web design category these days. There are over 700 games to be played at the Whispering Oasis and forums on many different topics. If this sounds interesting to you, please visit and sign up for a membership there.
Today I am deleting the jokes because I want this to be a kid friendly site. Statistics show that the kid pages are visited most here and I want everyone to feel comfortable. I'm happy to see people visiting here at the geocities site still and will continue to add more kid friendly items. Have a great summer :)!
7/20/04.....Planning a major renovation at this site in the near future now that I know that now days there are nifty templates to use. In the meantime...I added an endorsement page for Willie Nelson.Redneck in the White House He would make a great president.
That is all for now. It's hot hot hot here in Texas right now and the kids don't want to bake on the concrete so they stay inside most of the day demanding I find ways to help entertain them! Still, I am in no hurry to give up the lazy days of summer for the hustle and bustle of school days!
11/15/03.....I can hardly believe it but my barney lyrics page made the number one slot on goggle's search engine when "barney lyrics family" was typed in!!! I occasionally check the stats for my pages and each time the Barney pages get the most hits-- 400 and something this time I checked. So.... I added some more Barney lyrics. Who am I to question what the public demands? I am just a lowly servant! Enjoy
9/18/03.....Someone sent me this really neat HUGS ARE..... e-mail so I decided to duplicate it here on my web site -- cuz hugs are almost always GREAT! You can see it at Hugs Are...
8/24/03...Just came in from the Hot Air Balloon Show at Nasa in Clear Lake, Texas. We go every year and take the kids. We don't pay to go into the show because we found that if we go around town we can catch the balloon teams setting up to take off and go land at the show grounds. The kids ( ok.. and us parents) love to watch the balloons being unloaded , then filled with hot air, the "fire" is always fascinating! We watch the team hold the anchor line until they are ready to lift off and then snap pictures and wave as the balloons rise and head towards the Nasa grounds. Usually we can find a spot where 4 - 8 balloons are setting up and taking off and watch them. If we are lucky those balloons take off and others come to take their spot and set up also. Either way we still have the other balloons from the show flying overhead from which ever spot they chose to take off from. This is great FREE fun ! This year we watched one balloonist take off from across Clear Lake and then skim the water as he crossed to our shore. There is a picture of this crazy team but it's kinda fuzzy. Enjoy the pictures - the link is <----- over there in the link frame. : )
2/22/03.... Below is my attempt at digital art. I took a picture of one of our plumeria flowers and distorted it beyond recognition. Now that's Art!My Art Debut I also reversed the journal entries for how this site was developed. Now they are in most recent entry first order. You have an opinion on that? Let me know!
2/1/03....I really should be doing something else and that is probably why I am here making new pages. I have a ton of lyric files in my word processor and use the computer often to find them so I thought I could share what I have.
1/25/03....Yeah, every now and then I come back and fiddle around here. People seem to love the Barney Pages and the Seasame Street Pages. I am glad they bring some fun to people, I had fun creating them. I can't believe it's already been 5 year since I started creating this site. Things have changed, it is so much easier to use a program to create web sites. The kids have grown, we added one ( well we had to have someone to enjoy all these kid pages right?!), and yet somehow life isn't much different than then. Thanks for visiting Mama Liz's little spot on the web.
9/4/00.......Finally getting back to updating this site. There is a new baby in this house, which explains some of the lack of interest of updating here. Watching my page stats, I see that a lot of people are coming to visit the Barney Page. In appreciation of those visitors I have updated that page first. Now you can have fun singing some of the songs that Barney and his Gang love to sing and dance to. Click on the music note on Barney's main page Barney Pageto go to the lyrics page. While I was in a humming sort of mood I added words to Pooh's tunes from the stories. Visit Pooh's Corner Winnie the Poohat Mammaliz's site and see for yourselves. Thanks for visiting my site!
7/12/99....Pooh has been improved....more pics than ever! Check it out!
6/16/99 One of Heartland Acres Community Leaders stopped by and liked my site enough to leave an award in my e-mail! Thanks Kriss! It is very nice to be appreciated. Check out the new award below.
6/8/99 Time for new music. New tunes on this page, the *NEW* Texas page, and Pooh and Tweety's pages...that is all!
6/2/99...Tweety is singled out now. It was time for an individual page for him and Pooh. Split up the Childhood Character page and added the Tweety graphics to the new Tweety page. While I was here, updated and added some new joke pages. Thanks for coming by today! Enjoy!
3/31/99 Putting this site on my yahoo profile...opening it up to more than just family and very close friends...
10/14/98.....Joined a Pro-Barney Web Ring today. Notice the link below....In anticipation of some fans arriving soon, I have tidied up the place a bit. The Barney page doesn't take so long to load and now there are three separate areas instead of one big one! I am working on filling the photo album still, so hang tight and check back really soon for those pictures of the great purple guy and all his friends. I'd like to say that I am absolutely appalled at all the Barney Hate Sites on the Internet. There are some really sick people out there and the scariest thing is that they have children they are raising right next to mine to be hate mongrels...Barney is good, Barney is love, Barney is Childhood.... Sweet and Innocent! In other news....I have recently become aware that some of my pictures are not coming up in Internet Explorer....Will investigate further. They work fine on Netscape...but such is life in browser land!
10/7/98.....Found some neat "Tweety Graphics" so I added a graphic page. This takes a short while to load but is worth the wait for some neat pictures. Also added to the Pooh section of Favorite Characters page. Some nice graphics and short stories to go with them. If you've vested these sites recently you may need to hit reload to see all the changes. My 20 month old loves the pictures of Pooh and his friends and I bet my soon to be 2 year old nephew will too! More to come, I am feeling really creative and productive lately!!!!But first....back to working on my daughters school page.
10/3/98.....Been working on the "Angel Page". Now there is some nice angel graphics to view and use. I also decided to add a "Women's Rest Stop". A page to sit and have a cup of your favorite beverage, play some soft music, and read some inspirational and funny poems, essays and jokes. This is the kind of stuff my women friends send via e-mail, check it out and see if you can relate! I'd like to thank everyone who has signed the guest book recently, it's inspiring to read your comments. If you have a chance today, sign in at MamaLiz's Guest Book and let me know you were here also! TTFN :-)
7/19/98....Started a "Sesame Street" site a couple of weeks ago and just kept going. There are lots of fun activities children can do with their favorite Sesame Street Characters. There is even some song lyrics (thanks Tiny Dancer). If the theme song is buzzing through your head right now, then go, check it out!
"The Black Light Zone" is appealing to the young at heart. This is where the arcade style games are. You will find some neat neon light graphics, a quiz, fun games to play, craft ideas, and other interesting news for you to use!
Three of us here share an interest in Pooh Bear, and Tweety...If you like these characters check out the graphics, activities and fun facts on our "Favorite Characters Page"
The "Barney Page",, is done, check it out! Lots of fun purple based stuff for the under 5 age group.
Just about finished with the "Elementary Age Activity Page". This is great fun for children ages 5-11.
E-mail address: mammaliz@yahoo.com
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