Sara - 07/26/00 23:13:55 My URL:/lovechildsmom My Favorite Site: HHumm can't think of one Favorite Dog Breed: None really Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat lover Favorite Sport: Swimming | Comments: Crissy, I found you thru the Parent Soup Webring. I think you have a beautiful site. Wow a single mom of 3 boys! Well, you've done a good job. ~Sara~ ![]() |
Dawn - 07/24/00 02:54:33 My URL: My Favorite Site: Favorite Dog Breed: Old English Mastiffs Dog or Cat Lover?: dogs Favorite Sport: running after my boys-haha | Comments: Hi, loved your site. I have twins too ~S~ Mine are boys, Addyson & Zavier. Come for a visit, thanks |
Patti - 03/21/00 02:20:17 My URL: My Favorite Dog Breed: poodle Dog or Cat Lover?: have both Favorite Sport: right now t ball | Comments: Great web site, Hope you will visit Zack and Dillon's |
SGT CLayborn L Bloomer II - 12/09/99 02:01:00 Favorite Dog Breed: any as long as then are BIG Dog or Cat Lover?: BIG DOGGS | Comments: Just looking up the Bloomer name .I'm from NC and it fun seeing all the people with the best last name .Beautiful family my first one will be here at the end of Jan . God bless you and yours . |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page. Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 11/10/99 00:52:50 My URL:/pprayers My Dog or Cat Lover?: Neither, teddy bear hamster lover Favorite Sport: ultra-long distance solo bicycle touring | Comments: Shalom from a fellow member of the Geocities Ring. |
robinda99 - 08/10/99 23:00:52 Favorite Site: Favorite Dog Breed: poodle Dog or Cat Lover?: cat lover Favorite Sport: baseball | Comments: loved your site. cute little guys. lots of twins info. |
HOWC - 06/04/99 18:56:40 Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG | Comments: |
HOWC - 06/04/99 18:56:27 Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG | Comments: |
Anne Seger - 04/02/99 22:31:19 My URL: My Favorite Site: StorkSite & June'97 Moms Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Retriever/Maltese Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: Baseball - GO METS! | Comments: Crissy, I miss you around SS. Love the webpage! The boys are beautiful! I have one daughter, Caitlin, who will be 2 on 6/25/99! |
June Mahan - 03/11/99 21:18:44 My URL: My Favorite Site: Too many to decide :-) Favorite Dog Breed: Beagle & Bassett Hound Dog or Cat Lover?: Both Favorite Sport: Softball | Comments: Hi! Found you through the Mommies of Multiples webring. Nice page - enjoyed the Twins and things page. I have identical girls born in 2/98. Come visit us sometime!! |
Melissa - 02/03/99 05:23:58 My Favorite Dog Breed: Dalmations!!! Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog | Comments: Your page is great!! I loved all of the twin info! I'm due with twins May '99, and it sure got me thinking!! You have a beautiful family!! |
Micki Sellers - 01/27/99 03:33:20 My URL: My Favorite Site: storksite Favorite Dog Breed: chihuahua Dog or Cat Lover?: dog Favorite Sport: hockey | Comments: Cute boys! I love all these parenting sites! |
Sandy and Brittney - 01/15/99 20:01:15 My URL:/Heartland/Ridge/2774/ My Favorite Site: storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Rotties Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: hockey | Comments: Hi! You have a beautiful family! Your boys are so darling!! We enjoyed visiting your site! (slynn from SS) ![]() |
Jenni cAmpbell with Austin, Connor, and Kennedi - 01/13/99 18:10:00 My URL: My Favorite Site: The Campbell Triplet Page, of course! Favorite Dog Breed: don't like dogs, I like cats...sorry Dog or Cat Lover?: cat Favorite Sport: volleyball | Comments: Great page! Your twins are cute. Come see my triplets born on 11/17/97! Keep up the good work. |
Krista Pritchett - 10/15/98 18:45:18 My URL: My Favorite Site: too many to list! Favorite Dog Breed: uhh... never had a dog... I do like Cocker Spaniel puppies! Dog or Cat Lover?: neither, really! Sorry! Favorite Sport: Tennis | Comments: What a nice webpage! And a beautiful family! (I'm on your TwinMoms list!) |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
kim - 09/29/98 22:35:58 My URL: My Dog or Cat Lover?: both Favorite Sport: uuummmm.....??? | Comments: hi, you have a very nice page, and three very handsome boys! need to come to my page....i have 2 sets of fraternal twins! I also have an older single sibling. |
Michelle - 09/17/98 18:19:27 My URL: My | Comments: I have frat. twin girls who were also born 5 weeks early via C-section and weighed almost the same as your boys. Come check us out. |
Tiera, Danny & The Twins (due 2/20) - 09/16/98 22:01:09 My URL: My Favorite Site: many Favorite Dog Breed: Chihuahua (Ours is Pocket) Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog (both really) Favorite Sport: Shopping | Comments: Hello, You have such a wonderful page here! So much great information. We are expecting our Twins in February and we can't wait. Thanks for the great Twin links. Keep up the wonderful work! Take Care, Tiera |
Tiera, Danny & The Twins (due 2/20) - 09/16/98 21:55:56 My URL: My Favorite Site: many Favorite Dog Breed: Chihuahua (Ours is Pocket) Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog (both really) Favorite Sport: Shopping | Comments: Hello, You have such a wonderful page here! So much great information. We are expecting our Twins in February and we can't wait. Thanks for the great Twin links. Keep up the wonderful work! Take Care, Tiera |
sherry - 09/13/98 20:20:49 | Comments: Hi Guys! Just wanted to checck out if you had aaany new pictures. Miss you. Love, sherry |
Lori Paton - 08/16/98 11:03:33 My URL: My Favorite Site: Too many to mention Favorite Dog Breed: German Shepherd Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: Aussie Rules Football | Comments:Just out visiting my webring have a great page here. I have twin boys who will be 4 at Christmas and they are certainly a handful not to mention my 16 month old boy too *grin*. Please come over and have a look around.
Join my new Webring and sign up for my Twin Pride Campaign!! I have really enjoyed my visit. Thank you for making such a beautiful place on the web for us to visit.Please Come And Visit Soon |
Cody Fulford - 08/16/98 05:46:58 My Favorite Site: Favorite Dog Breed: Bloodhound Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Lover Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: I am a 13 year old twin my brothers name is casey he's the oldest he was born 6 minutes before i was.. I wasn't born with any oxegen but i survived and i have had no side effects my borther and i turn 14 on sept 14 of this year.. |
Jeanne - 08/15/98 13:02:07 My URL: My Favorite Site: Too many to choose Dog or Cat Lover?: cat Favorite Sport: swimming | Comments: Your pages are lovely. I was in tears reading the poems, they are so good. I'm working on mine, moved in 8/1/98. Best wishes Jeanne Mom to Sean 7, Megan and Shannon 1 |
Art Cloninger - 08/14/98 22:20:28 My URL: My Favorite Dog Breed: Yorkies and Beagles Dog or Cat Lover?: Both Favorite Sport: Marshall University Football | Comments: I have enjoyed my visit here with you and your family. When you get the chance, come on over and visit my home page and meet my wonderful and unique family. I am leaving Molly here with you to visit for as long as you may wish. She will be happy to bri g you to us for as many times as you may want.... |
Tricia - 08/12/98 22:28:15 My Favorite Dog Breed: Huskey Dog or Cat Lover?: animal lover Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: I thought the page was put together very well.... you have a very nice family. |
Marisa Martin - 08/12/98 15:55:43 My Favorite Sport: weight lifting | Comments: |
clarissa neiding - 08/04/98 20:06:10 My URL: My Favorite Site: Ours of course!! Favorite Dog Breed: Rottweiler Dog or Cat Lover?: Both!!! Favorite Sport: baseball | Comments: Hi. Found you on the storkies ring. Hope you visit our page, too. We are still under construction. Wow, twins!!! was it hard when they were little? I can't imagine having 2 little ones at the same time to feed! |
Paul "Tony G" Goodhue - 08/02/98 01:40:59 My URL: My Favorite Site: all my net aquaintences Favorite Dog Breed: My little pal, chow/lab Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG!!!! Favorite Sport: Baseball (Go BRAVES!!) | Comments: I found you via a really good Acrophobia (the game) friend, Mary's page. You have a really beautiful family. We have twins in my wife's family and, after 17 years, I still call each of them Lisa Lori because I have no idea which one is Lisa and which one is Lori. I enjoyed your pages. |
Linda - 07/28/98 05:27:58 My URL: My Favorite Site: Mine of course Dog or Cat Lover?: Blue point siemese Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: Nice looking family cool site keep up the good work. Do drop by and visit my site. |
Janina with Nicholas & Michelle - 06/30/98 12:21:34 My URL: My Favorite Site: Hmm...ehh....there is so many of them!!! Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat lover Favorite Sport: swimming | Comments: Hi Crissy!! I recognize you from Stork Site!! I have twins too so come and visit us!!! |
Catherina - 06/18/98 20:54:06 My Favorite Site: 9to5, of course Favorite Dog Breed: Nanook, the BB husky Dog or Cat Lover?: err, do turtles and salamanders count? Favorite Sport: surfing (the web) | Comments: Wow, Crissy, I stopped by to look at your web site and love it. Ismiled at the top 10 stupid questions and I am going to recommend your site to a friend who has 4 yo identical girls (yes, same birthday). Hey, and you never mention just how pretty you are. You look gorgeous, Crissy! And a handsome foursome you've gathered around you there, too. Do other women get jealous a lot at how lucky you are? Catherina, entirely impressed |
Justina Tipps - 06/14/98 02:57:45 My Favorite Site: Stork Site Favorite Dog Breed: Lab Dog or Cat Lover?: cats Favorite Sport: swimming | Comments: Great looking Family Crissy! |
Rena - 06/13/98 13:54:19 My URL: My Favorite Sport: Hockey - Red Wings | Comments: Great page Christine!!!! so much information to see. Thanks for stopping by my place!! |
Jennifer - 06/12/98 18:55:47 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat lover | Comments: Your page is great! Wish I had seen it sooner so I could get some help from you. But, hey...I finally figured mine out! |
Rose - 06/07/98 12:45:06 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Retiever & Cocker Spaniels Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: Basketball | Comments: Crissy, What a lovely Site you've created! And what adorable kiddos you have!! I thought your 3 Men in a Tub pic was too cute!! LOL Your page of poems was really lovely! I snook in here via from Lisa's page! Hope you don't mind?! :) Well come check ou my cuties sometime! And see ya on SS soon! ![]() |
Stephanie - 06/06/98 18:44:04 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: retrievers Dog or Cat Lover?: Both!!! Favorite Sport: Nascar | Comments: Crissy, Your page is excellent! I finally got the great award you sent me up on our page. Thanks again! Your family is beautiful! Oh, and yes, I live in Strasburg, PA.--About 10 minutes from Lancaster. |
Michele - 06/02/98 01:41:41 My Favorite Site: Storksite Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat lover here! Favorite Sport: typing lol | Comments: Hi Crissy! MicheleLeigh from SS here! Cute kiddies! I have added you to my ICQ contact list, when I get my webpage up I will send it to you! :-) |
Heide - 06/01/98 17:30:23 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Retriever Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog! Favorite Sport: spectator :) | Comments: What a great page. I just finished mine a week or so ago...come check it out! See you on Storksite :) Heide |
Laura G - 05/30/98 12:01:29 My URL: My Favorite Site: StorkSite Favorite Dog Breed: Caviler King Charles Spaniel Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat Favorite Sport: Surfing (the net!) | Comments: Great page! Thanks again for the award!! |
Lisa B - 05/29/98 23:45:47 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Dog or Cat Lover?: Both but have a bird Favorite Sport: Figure Skating | Comments: Hi Crissy! Great page! Loved those poems! Thank you for your award. Please accept Carly's award for your page! BTW if you are interested we have started a webring. Check it out on my page under the rings link! Lisa |
Kelbo - 05/29/98 06:59:35 My Favorite Site: Absolutely this one!!! Favorite Dog Breed: Rotweiller Dog or Cat Lover?: Both....all animals Favorite Sport: tennis | Comments: Chrissy, You did a fantabulous job on this!!!!!!(: If and when I ever start a family, keep time on your books because as my sister, you'll have to help me and my family to our 15 minutes of fame!!! Now your family won't just be locked in our hearts but a unforgettable, mark in society!! Love ya---KellyT |
Kelbo - 05/29/98 06:50:36 My Favorite Site: Absolutely this one!!! | Comments: |
AUNTI DI - 05/28/98 04:31:31 My Email:DIANE2222@AOL.COM Favorite Site: THIS ONE Favorite Dog Breed: LHASA APSO Dog or Cat Lover?: DOGS Favorite Sport: BASEBALL | Comments: CHRISSY, GREAT JOB WITH THE CHANGES. ENJOYED THE POEMS, NICE TOUCH!! |
Chrissy - 05/27/98 06:50:25 My URL: My Favorite Site: hmmm.... I've got too many to mention! Favorite Dog Breed: huge ones! I like BIG dogs :) Dog or Cat Lover?: cats/ferrets Favorite Sport: hockey | Comments: I like your page! its so cute! :) You've done a wonderful job!! |
AngelaSher - 05/23/98 01:20:06 Favorite Dog Breed: pomeranian Dog or Cat Lover?: dog | Comments: |
Amber - 05/22/98 18:03:43 My URL:/Heartland/Acres/8911 Dog or Cat Lover?: cat lover Favorite Sport: Hockey, GO RED WINGS | Comments: I really enjoyed your page... I read through the twins page... it's a particular interest of mine. I have always wanted to have twins.... hoping while I was pregnant that I would have twins... but I just had one, and he is perfect for me. Your poems are very wonderful... thank you for sharing part of yourself... drop by sometime and check out my page: |
PEBJr - 05/22/98 04:19:04 Favorite Site: This one!!! Favorite Dog Breed: STUPID ones Dog or Cat Lover?: Dogs all the way! Favorite Sport: Word Perfect | Comments: Only took me a month to find this with out your help. You are truely an amazing woman. Now I know why I love you infinity squared. |
Shari Bonare - 05/22/98 02:48:46 My URL: My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Boxer Dog or Cat Lover?: Love dogs, but also have and love 2 cats Favorite Sport: anything that DH doesn't watch on TV, lol | Comments: You've done a great job on your site! The kids are just adorable. Thanks for visiting my page :o) |
Denise - 05/21/98 01:28:48 My URL: My Favorite Site: Stork Site Favorite Dog Breed: chiwawa Dog or Cat Lover?: cat Favorite Sport: voleyball | Comments: Hi Chrissyb,its nice to put a face to that name.Thanks for visiting my page.I've come a long way in the couple months it took me to learn html.I haven't been to SS much cause I am pages look great,your children are adorable.I'm going t link you on my friends page.I also printed some poems to put in my kids albums,thanks! |
Mary - 05/19/98 18:48:58 My URL: My Favorite Site: Stork Site:) Favorite Dog Breed: Labrador Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: Gymnastics | Comments: What a beautiful family you have! I can't wait to get pics of us up on our home page. |
Kaci aka Twinmommy onSS - 05/19/98 17:44:45 My URL:http:// My Favorite Site: hmmmm... MINE LOL Favorite Dog Breed: boston terrier Dog or Cat Lover?: dog | Comments: Hi Crissy You have a beautiful family. your boys are darling all three of them what a blessing three perfect boys. see ya on storksite |
Kristen - 05/11/98 23:20:03 My URL: My Favorite Site: SS Dog or Cat Lover?: Both Favorite Sport: Soccer | Comments: Hi- Just coming from SS to check out your excellent page. I just signed onto geocities this week and am trying to figure out how to make a web page. Wish I could do as good a job as you have done! My page is very primitive at the moment, and I have a 6 week-old son so not much time to work on it. I bet you have even less time with three boys!! Thanks for sharing- Kristen P.S. I have a Sean and Zach too- Sean is my son and Zach is my kitty! |
ChristyW - 05/08/98 14:01:09 My URL: My Favorite Site: StorkSite, July Storkies Homepage, & Baby Pages Webring! Favorite Dog Breed: Any large breed: Rottweiler, Doberman, Irish Setter, Husky, etc... Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG!!!! Favorite Sport: NHL Hockey - Watching the Detroit Red Wings kick butt!!! | Comments: Hi Crissy and family! Saw your address on the Preschool BB at Stork Site and came to visit. You have a very nice looking family. Your 3 boys are cutie-pies. I really loved your "3 men in a tub" pic! Come visit my family and sign-in. :) See you at Stork Site! Christy (Savannah 6-7-95 & Leanne 7-15-97) |
Jeri - 05/08/98 08:50:49 My URL: My Favorite Dog Breed: Pomeranian Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG Favorite Sport: Tennis | Comments: I enjoyed your site. Your children are absolutely beautiful.
![]() |
Jason - 05/06/98 21:02:41 My Favorite Site: N/A Favorite Dog Breed: Black Lab Dog or Cat Lover?: both Favorite Sport: soccer | Comments: |
Angie Silver - 05/06/98 15:23:51 My Favorite Site: StorkSite Favorite Dog Breed: Alaskan Malamute Dog or Cat Lover?: Both Favorite Sport: Softball | Comments: Crissy....great page!! The boys are absolute cuties!!! I would love to meet you someday! Maybe we could plan it....who woulda figured...we were great friends!!! I like the latter!LOL Talk to you soon!!!Angie |
John Prelle - 05/06/98 02:39:04 My Favorite Site: Star Trek Continumm Favorite Dog Breed: None Dog or Cat Lover?: Neither Favorite Sport: Football | Comments: Nice page cous... |
- 05/05/98 23:33:40 | Comments: |
Kathleen Prelle - 05/05/98 22:41:59 My Email:KCP0427 Favorite Dog Breed: yorkies Dog or Cat Lover?: dog Favorite Sport: swimmingWonderfull | Comments: Wonderfully done! Great looking kids! |
Theresa Goebel, Community Leader - 05/05/98 20:50:20 My URL: My Favorite Site: Favorite Dog Breed: Great Dane Dog or Cat Lover?: Both! Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: You're doing a great job!! Your children are so cute. :^) |
Laura Van Riper - 05/05/98 12:52:03 My Favorite Dog Breed: golden retriever Dog or Cat Lover?: both Favorite Sport: baseball | Comments: Hi Chrissy, Your boys are so handsome! What a lucky mom you are. How old was Brandon when the twins were born? See you on storksite! Laura |
Becky Sloan - 05/05/98 12:35:36 My Favorite Site: Parent Soup Favorite Dog Breed: All Dog or Cat Lover?: Both Favorite Sport: Football | Comments: Great site Crissy! Talk to ya later! Becky |
Angel(AngelWings) - 05/05/98 04:24:05 My URL: My Favorite Site: Babynet, Storksite, Animal Network Favorite Dog Breed: Cocker Spaniel, Golden Retriever Dog or Cat Lover?: Both, especially kitties!! Favorite Sport: Nascar | Comments: Hi Crissy - I love your page and I think you have the most beautiful boys! You must be so proud of them - and yourself! Take care and when yoiu get a chance, come pay me a visit at my home page! o:-) |
Kim and Randi - 05/04/98 22:12:18 My Email:KVrobel Favorite Site: ???? Favorite Dog Breed: wrinkles Dog or Cat Lover?: dog and cat lovers Favorite Sport: football/baseball | Comments: Me and Randi liked your homepage. It was very cute with Tiger. |
marymomof2 - 05/04/98 22:00:28 My Favorite Site: Parent Soup Favorite Dog Breed: Sheltie Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog Favorite Sport: Juggling | Comments: Great site Crissy! Kids are sooooo cute. See ya in the Soup! |
Angela aka valentine - 05/04/98 16:41:28 My URL: My Favorite Site: I have many Favorite Dog Breed: Golden Retriver and Sharpei Dog or Cat Lover?: Cat Favorite Sport: Hockey | Comments: Great site!! Your kids are handsome boys. You must have your hands full.:-)) Come by and visit my page when you have the time. See you later at SS.:-) Angela |
Eileen Murdoch - 05/04/98 16:18:23 My Favorite Site: Parent Soup Favorite Dog Breed: Irish Setter Favorite Sport: Golf | Comments: Hi, Crissy, too cool. |
Maria - 05/04/98 16:07:04 My Dog or Cat Lover?: Neither Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: Crissy- great page! You have a beautiful family! See ya on SS! Maria |
Rachel (rachela from SS) - 05/04/98 15:14:27 My Favorite Site: Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: love em all! can't pick Dog or Cat Lover?: Definitely Dog! :o) Favorite Sport: Football | Comments: Crissy, Your boys are adorable!!! You did a great job on the webpage. See you around SS! |
Lauren Avery - 05/04/98 14:55:02 My Favorite Site: Parent Soup Favorite Dog Breed: Yellow Lab Dog or Cat Lover?: Both! Favorite Sport: Baseball | Comments: Hey Crissy! Nice job! See you in the Soup. Lauren |
Jan James - 05/04/98 14:11:38 My Favorite Site: PS - 9-5 Favorite Dog Breed: English Springer Spaniel Dog or Cat Lover?: Both | Comments: Hi Crissy -- nice work. See you in 9-5. Jan |
Tom H. - 05/02/98 16:21:56 My Favorite Site: Favorite Dog Breed: Dianes Dog or Cat Lover?: dog Favorite Sport: track and field | Comments: Hi, I enjoyed your web site.Good job! Keep up the good work. Love , Tom |
aUNT dIANE - 05/02/98 15:29:10 My Email:DIANE2222@AOL.COM Favorite Site: THIS ONE OF COURSE Favorite Dog Breed: MINE Dog or Cat Lover?: DOG Favorite Sport: CANT MENTION | Comments: CHRISSY, Great Job!! Now you will have to teach me how . love aunt diane |
Crissy - 11/18/97 14:23:40 My URL: My Favorite Site: Parent Soup; Storksite Favorite Dog Breed: Dalmatian and Lab (black) Dog or Cat Lover?: Dog!!! Favorite Sport: Football | Comments: This is a test to see if this works. |
- 11/16/97 02:20:19 | Comments: |