11/10/99 08:16:15
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Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen
10/02/98 11:48:36
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Kate Dotson - 01/21/98 04:29:56
My Email:dotson@pdq.net
Well, it sounds like you had as many driving mishaps as Jeff on our honeymoon. Every time he pulled out, he went to the wrong (right) side. He did not, however, scrape any parts of the car.
I really enjoyed your honeymoon...hope you did too!
Carol Cameron Peters - 01/16/98 21:41:32
My Email:cpeters@grove.net
I am the daughter of Robert Cameron who lives
in Canton, Ohio. I live in Brasstown, North
Carolina. I am a cousin of yours and part
of the Rockwell clan. My dad suggested I read
day 8 of your trip. It sounds like you had
a marvelous day. It would be wonderful to
sit in the church our family attended so long ago.
I'll read more later.
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
Ken Rockwell - 01/12/98 19:56:01
My Email:krockwel@library.utah.edu
Favorite Day of Trip: Fitzhead
Bob Cameron sent me. The Rockwell connection, of course!
Steve DeBoer - 01/12/98 16:28:27
My Email:deboer.stephen@mayo.edu
Actually, I only read #8, as Bob Cameron gave me info about site, being I am also a Rockwell descendant. Don't know if you are a genealogy buff, but I am also descended from a Robert Morgan who settled in Massachusetts in 1630s. Let me know if there is
ny connection.
Robert W. Cameron - 01/10/98 05:20:08
My Email:bobcameron@sssnet.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Fitzhead
Richard and Laura.
As a fellow Rockwell descendant I am delighted to read your account of your visit to Fitzhead. Even though I had visited your site previously you hadn't entered that portion yet. I wish all Rockwell progeny could read that story. Your fresh
and thorough description of the places and events gives us a vicarious "trip" of our own.
Thank You,
Cousin Bob
Jeff & Susan Kelby - 12/24/97 01:23:41
My Email:smkelby@prodigy.net
Very nice. You sure put a lot of work into this. I don't have time to read it all now. For most of the pictures, the pages couldn't be found. We only saw days 1, 2, 3 & 5. Have a Merry Christmas.
Aimee Van Huizen - 12/22/97 22:16:45
My Email:avahuizen@btg.com
Favorite Day of Trip: THIS ONE!
You know I love all of the days, but this one is cool because the people you met in the churchyard were so incredibly nive to you all! That's wonderful...
Mrs. Cynthia Wade - 12/20/97 21:37:12
Favorite Day of Trip: Day 8
I love your trip. I wish I was there, well not with you on your honeymoon!
The satellite dishes are for their cable tv - Sky TV.
Try the black currant soda mixed with lemonade (sprite). It makes it tasty. Less mediciney.
I'm with you on the left hand side wheel scratches! If I had to pay for all the scratches I made to the company car, I'd owe the company!
Ah the trials of trying to get a glass of water! I finally learned to ask for "a pint of still water (as opposed to sparkling) with ice"!!!!
I fell in love with the Banoffi pie too! It's terrific and I got the recipe from a friend over the pond. Here it is: Boil a can of condensed milk for about 3 hours until caramelized. Put a layer of banana slices over the bottom of a graham cracker cru
t. Pour the caramalized milk over the bananas. Cover with fresh whipped cream. For added taste, the true recipe calls also for about two crushed crystals of instant coffee to be sprinkled over the whipped cream. Enjoy!
Bet you never thought you'd hear from me here. I'm on a friend's computer. Got your Christmas card and had to stop in. Can't wait for the rest of the trip!!!!
Mrs. Cynthia Wade - 12/20/97 21:27:54
Favorite Day of Trip: Day 8
I lived that wacky lifestyle for 6 months! It takes some getting used to - but there are some things you really get to like. The satellite dishes are for Sky TV - their version of cable. Try the black currant drink with lemonade (sprite), it de-medicin
zes it. I scratched up plenty of wheel myself! Never had to pay for any of them - good thing! I'm with you on the water. If I had two heads I'd be drinking from Loch Ness! I prefer the "still" water to "sparkling". I also have the recipe for Banoffi
pie. Boil a can of condensed milk for about three hours. Lay slices of banana in a graham cracker crust. Pour the caramalized milk over the bananas. Cover with fresh whipped cream and sprinkle about two crushed crystals of instant coffee over the top.
Garrett - 12/16/97 21:44:15
My URL:/Pipeline/1423/
My Email:gvanhui@concept5.com
Favorite Day of Trip: I like the photo gallery so far
You site is looking so awesome...... I need to sit down and do some real work on mine.
Richard Morgan - 12/11/97 04:06:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8193/trip.htm
My Email:rlmorgan@bellatlantic.net
Favorite Day of Trip: Day 8, yet to come
Hello all-
Under good advice, I have done some image processing and reduced the file sizes of the pictures in the Photo Gallery by 2/3rds. This should speed up the loading of the pictures and increase your enjoyment of this little travelogue.
I will be attacking the photos in each day later on. Hope all of you are enjoying the trip as much as we did. Live vicariously! It's safe, fun, CHEAP, and best of all, you won't get run over by a big red bus because you stepped off the curb without loo
ing to your right one more time.
Your Host, Richard
Matt Hutcheson - 12/11/97 00:59:56
My Email:mchutcheson@delta.is.tcu.edu
Favorite Day of Trip: Stirling
Looking good guys!!!! See ya at Christmas!!!
Harold - 12/10/97 18:21:07
My Email:hhutch@pdq.net
Dave Carroll - 12/08/97 16:28:29
My Email:dave@tri-8.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Unknown
The area around Greyfriar's is really nice isn't it?
Dave Carroll
Bob Cameron - 12/07/97 01:54:21
My Email:bobcameron@sssnet.com
Favorite Day of Trip: all of them
I'm so glad that you made the effort to provide this fresh, complete, and colorful record of your visit.
Robin Spires - 12/04/97 00:11:12
My Email:KSpires941@aol.com
Favorite Day of Trip: haven't finished them all yet
Great idea! My only complaint is it seems to take forever to move from one day to the next.
Todd "Pox" Richardson - 12/02/97 07:15:09
My Email:toddgrich@aol.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Sitting in the airport with me!
Can I find your web page through Yahoo???
Laura McDeavitt Morgan - 11/29/97 05:48:29
My Email:rlmorgan@bellatlantic.net
Favorite Day of Trip: All of 'em (cause I was there!)
See how creative he is??? One of the many reasons I married him!!! Stay tuned for more pages. ~ Laura
Hutch - 11/24/97 23:36:41
My Email:lance_hutcheson@idx.com
Favorite Day of Trip: day 2 thus far
I too shall begin measuring rooms by the ability to swing a cat.
Love it!
(gotta run)
Paul Kasewurm - 11/24/97 15:49:25
My Email:pkasewur@us.oracle.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Day three
Day 3 wins because of the dog at the feet of the man at the bar.
I hope to have my URL by Christmas, but we'll see. I need to get a scanner, to put my photos on the net, as well. Keep up the good work.
Patrick Guy - 11/24/97 14:39:01
My Email:guypj@infomgt.com
Pretty humorous rendition of your travel notes - especially like the vehicle mis-haps
Aimee Van Huizen - 11/24/97 13:27:17
My Email:avanhuizen@btg.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Day 3 (so far!)
Kathy Cartner - 11/24/97 01:47:17
My Email:kcartner@raex.com
This is really a great way to tell everyone about you honeymoon. I'm really enjoying reading it and look forward for to next page.
Rick-Rick Bear - 11/23/97 06:03:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/NapaValley/6721
My Email:rickbear@sprintmail.com
Favorite Day of Trip: Three (has pictures)
Sounds like you guys are giving the rental car a workout. What, do you think you are on a UCS sponsored trip? Remember our "Dukes of Hazzard" moves in Florida? Where was that? Was it Trail Lincoln-Mercury? Anyway, talk to you later.
name - 11/22/97 15:51:12
My Email:email
Favorite Day of Trip: fave day
your comments here
test2 - 11/22/97 15:46:09
My Email:testemail
Favorite Day of Trip: day 4
test comments
guest test - 11/22/97 15:22:12
My Email:email@email
Favorite Day of Trip: day 3
testing the guestbook comments