Welcome to
Bob Davenport's
Kentucky Farm Page 
Aerial Photo of our farm and home taken about 1982 
     Welcome to the Davenport Homepage.  I hope that you enjoy your visit.  Our farm is located in the Pennyrile Region of Western Kentucky.    It is a grain farm consisting of 725 acres of family owned and leased land.   We raise corn, soybeans, wheat, and burley tobacco.   Our county is where no-till farming pretty well originated and most of our crops are planted by this method.  This saves labor, time, and most of all, the soil.  I think it is probablyone of the greatest advances in agriculture this century. 

My wife of 36 years Joyce and I are both native Kentuckians.  We are parents to 3 children and now have five grandchildren,  the latest  being Rachel, who was born this year.  I grew up on and still operate a small farm that my mother still owns and lives on.   As a young man I served a 4 year hitch in the Air Force.  I have been an innkeeper for Holiday Inns, Managed a furniture store for 13 years but have always had one foot on the farm.  It is where I belong. 
 Some of my hobbies and interests
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    Antique Tractors
   Guns and Shooting Sports
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Some of my favorite links
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