David Cohen - 12/08/00 04:06:45 My Email:dcohen28@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Vamcuver, British Columbia, Canada How old are you?: 56 What is your religous affiliation?: Christian Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Tes | Comments: As a Canadian citizen I was shocked by the crimes and I couldn't believe it why a person like you, Michael would do terrible things like that! Although I don't condone the crimes you Michael Carneal committed, it reminds me of something similiar when a 14 year old boy killed ma student and wounded two others in Tabar, Alberta, here in Canada because like you Michael Carneal he was taunted, rejected, the adults around him were out of touch in Alberta which is very Americanized, surrounded by so much right-wing thinking because this is a Province of farmers, ranchers and oil workers and this is not an environment carring, compassionate, decent, progressive-minded people like my then parents, my brother and myself would want to live in, eventhough it's great to visit there. So very similiarly in Kentucky, although you're paying for your crimes, I want to give understanding because like that 14-year old boy who went on a shooting rampage in Tabar, Alberta,, you Michael Carneal did not receive the support in Paduch, Kentucky, you were rejected, taunted and the adults around you were out of touch in Kentucky. Although I may be dazaled by the scenery and the tourist attractions, if I am correct mainly because of the historical background as a compassionate, caring, decent, thoughtful and progressive-minded person, Kentucky like the just about the Southern United States is so old-fashioned, so rigit, so traditonalistic, so much right-wing thinking which can explain why Kentucky voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 Presidential election , also this can explain why there is anger, hostility and resentment against you Michael Carneal not because the families of the three girls killed and the families of those wounded are suffering and getting on yuour lives. Kentucky is a state especially strongholds of right-wing thinking ia a state for progressive-minded persons to avoid at any cost. |
Katie Rae Gowen - 11/16/00 02:42:43 My Email:fuqh8rs@Yahoo.com Where do you live?: Hopkinsville, Ky How old are you?: 20 What is your religous affiliation?: Southern Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: My name is Katie Gowen and I'm 20 years old. I live in Hopkinsville, Ky wich is not very far from Paducah. I marched in the Christian County Marching Band for four years and graduated Highschool in 1998. I have recently become involved in a lawsuit that in a very small way pertains to Michaels crimes. I work for a lawfirm that represents a Lawer from Bowling Green named Breen. I do remember the incident happening three years ago, but just recently became interested in what happened to Michael. If anyone is reading this I would like this message to get to Michael....There is no condimnation in Christ. It says that in the Bible. I am currently attending college here in Hopkinsville, and am interested in using Michaels story, Not the exact story but his exact memories. I feel that it is very important that I see his point of view, I have read many many interviews Michael gave and some things seem to contradict each other. All of my information is at least 2 years old, so...it probably isn't as actual as one might have thought in 1998. I don't neccessarilly want to write a story about Michael, but something is pushing me to try to make contact with him. Maybe the same force that pushed him to stand in a crowd of children and start shooting. I do not want to offend anyone about Michael's trvesties. I only want the chance to make contact with him as I said earlier. sincerely- Katie Rae Gowen. |
Kevin - 10/31/00 00:47:48 My Email:SloppyKevn@aol.com Where do you live?: Rome Georgia How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: Agnostic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no i havn't Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: hello, i don't have anything really important to say, but i did want whoever will be reading this to know that i Like what this website is about..and i couldn't agree more! i support Michael Carneal! i live in a Bible belt town and i know exactly what it an be like..and the way people can treat you when arn't of their religon..the automatically condem you! and if michael reads this i want him to know that i am a supporter! thanks Kevin |
CThrift - 10/25/00 12:52:18 My URL:http://cthrift.tripod.com My Email:continental_thrift@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Australia How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: Atheist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no but id like to.. what is it? i never heard about it Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: I cant say I understand exactly what Michael did.. all i've heard is what the media has said which is usually twisted lies for the most part. but from what I have read it seems Michael is liking prison more than school... anyways if thats true he cant hav liked school all that much...... maybe he should've tried to change some stuff. but hey i dunno. this isnt a bad page although theres not much on it... mainly just this guestbook with all the comments, it could be improved a lot if there was more content. |
- 10/02/00 05:09:53 My Email:whitepony8@juno.com Where do you live?: Paducah, KY How old are you?: 18 Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: please | Comments: Michael, I am sorry that I am not saying my name, but it is just a good idea if I don't, I am sure you understand. You and I were good friends when you were here. I want to talk to you more than anything, and I have wanted to ever since you left. This is the clos st thing that I have found to coming in contact with you. I miss you so much. Please email me, you will know who I am then. You probably don't believe me and think I am someone just saying I know you. To prove it, I remember the Prep Bat and the Smurf story, I have the backpack that you wrote 'preps suck' all over, and your seventh and eighth grade dance pictures are in my wa let. Please email me. I would give anything to talk to you again. I love you and I miss you. |
Sarah - 09/23/00 17:53:34 My URL:http://www.postavalon.com/feia/ My Email:feiagirl@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Massachusetts How old are you?: 18 What is your religous affiliation?: None Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: Even though I never knew him, I feel for Michael. He was harassed daily by other kids who were considered "popular" because of their good looks, athletic ability, or some other stupid reason. I know exactly what he went through, because I went through the same thing myself. It hurts. No one deserves to be harassed like that. The kids that harassed him - just like the ones at Columbine - might not have deserved to be killed, but someone shou d have pointed out to them what they were doing to the poor kid. To tell you the truth they probably wouldn't even have cared and kept with the taunting.. people are so cruel. And when they die, everyone is all sad... but no one takes the time to say "hm .. what did they do to Michael to make him so hurt and angry?" There's only so much torture a person can take before they finally flip, and these kids pushed Michael way overboard. Michael, if you read this, I wish you the best of luck with everything. None of this was your fault. |
SARA HARRIS - 06/27/00 01:54:47 Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: YES | Comments: HEY MICHAEL IM GONNA BE MOVING TO OAKLAND JULY 1 SATURDAY. FROM SARA HARRIS |
SARA HARRIS - 06/26/00 03:54:54 My URL:SARA953844@AOL.COM My Email:SANLORENZRO CA Where do you live?: 24 Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: YES Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: YES | Comments: HEY MICHAEL WUZ UP MAN WHATS YOUR AOL SCREEN NAME FROM SARA HARRIS |
Mark Konetchy - 06/22/00 21:35:49 My Email:m_konetchy@yahoo.com Where do you live?: Ann Arbor Michigan How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: agnostic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: no | Comments: I am doing a research paper on Ritalin and it's frequency in school shootings. Do you know if Michael was a ritalin administree? I would really appreciate feedback Thank you Mark Konetchy |
unknown - 04/19/00 06:19:58 My Email:rather you not know Where do you live?: Paducah-student at Murray State University How old are you?: 19 Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: doesn't matter | Comments: Listen here, Whoever wrote this web page has no business. I went to Heath High School and lived down the road from Michael. He by no means deserves any sympathy. Yeh we had a prayer group, if you didn't want to participate in it you didn't have to. A small port on of the school participated in it so if you didn't want to there were other things to do. I saw Kasey laying on the floor with her hair over her face. I went to the funeral and saw the poor parents in misery and pain because they all lost their preci us little girls because someone was confused with his own idenity and yearned for some attention. It's sick to give this boy any attention. I don't think he should die but I hope he suffers in jail until the day he dies. If you killed him he wouldn't h ve to suffer. If you didn't live in Paducah or go to my school you have no business trying to tell the rest of the world what you THINK it's like. Because from what I've read, you sure as hell don't know. Not only did he destroy the lives of the studen s that were shot but he destroyed every students out look on the world. I'm scared to death of everything now. I just thank the Lord above that I was upstairs that day instead of downstairs. |
- 04/03/00 16:02:24 | Comments: First of all, reguardless of the prayer meeting in the main lobby or not, there is no excuse for what he did. We all go through stress and things that overtake us everyday of our life , but that gives us no right to even think of murder or any other viol nt thing. I'm not sorry that Michael is spending life in prison. He deserved the death penalty. We cannot always blame everybody else for one person's actions. All religion aside, murder is wrong. period. NO EXCUSES! Michael Carneal knows that! |
Christian Martin - 03/31/00 09:50:32 | Comments: |
Christian Martin - 03/31/00 09:50:31 | Comments: |
Jennifer - 12/16/99 20:42:15 Where do you live?: Alaska How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: none Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: Michael does not deserve any sympathy. What he did was wrong, VERY wrong. I have a son who is almost 2, and I would lose my mind if anything ever happened to him. I feel for the parents of the victims. Michael should be in prison, jail, or whatever, but j st not ever be able to walk the public streets. YOU HAVE A SICK MIND!! What made you do this? |
Jennifer - 12/16/99 20:38:41 | Comments: |
Matzy - 11/08/99 00:36:33 Where do you live?: Norway How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: Christian Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Yup Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: YUP!! | Comments: Michael, you're just a little wimp! You should really burn in hell, guess you've heard that before! Wish we could meet for a fist-fight!! That would have been fun!! I guess violence solves nothing, but I would get out some aggression. If you ever get to N rway, drop in!! Just one question: WHY?????????????? |
Mats - 11/08/99 00:30:38 My Email:Can't say..... | Comments: |
- 09/30/99 21:54:14 Where do you live?: Western KY How old are you?: 19 Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no | Comments: I think that Paducah does provide an environment of trust and understanding for its children. If you don't think the community was supportive, then you obviously did not see the way it pulled together to support the students of Heath High School and the amilies of the shooting victims after Michael Carneal shot three teenage girls. And if you don't think the community is understanding, you obviously did not see the "We Forgive You, Michael" banner they displayed. In fact, many of the students have said that they forgive Michael Carneal for what he did, and that they pray for him. I think that, for someone who killed three people in cold blood, Michael was treated very well in the community. The fact is, there ar places where he could have gotten help if he had been willing to reach out to people. He decided not to ask for help, and only he is to blame for the consequences. That's why this triple murderer has such "negative publicity." |
Michael Carneal - 08/05/99 13:55:30 My Email:th1983@yahoo.com Where do you live?: NKYDC How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: none | Comments: |
- 08/05/99 13:54:49 | Comments: |
Justin Shaw - 07/30/99 00:28:31 My URL:http://electroaudio.cjb.net My Email:PlayBoy@soldier.net Where do you live?: Phoenix, AZ How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Struggling... Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No... Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: If you want to.... | Comments: This world is a crazy place...People do crazy things...We have to deal with it...Only one person should judge Micheal, though...God. The rest of us should learn and grow from the situation that was placed on us...I can't tell you about Micheal because I arely knew him...I sat next to him for a semester in English...We used to get it trouble with "Ms. Manns--something" almost everyday...But I believe that no one "knew" Michael Carneal...He was a good guy from the outside...But I always knew he was dealing with something on the inside...The point I'm getting at is...What he did was TERRIBLE...And I hated him for quite some time....But what did that get me?? Nothing. I believe that hate (beyond his control) caused him to commit the crime...Why should I ret rn the feeling that fueled this whole situation in the first place??? That's what the Devil wants (not tryin' to preach)...What I'm gettin' at is...It's okay to mourn...But not to hate...It doesn't matter either way....Michael is still gonna' be in priso ...The three girls, unfortunately, won't come back...And you're still the same person...Better to forgive and learn...Than to hate and remain idle...Please don't take this as an insensitive and negative passage...I have mad love for all the families and a l the people that were touched by the situation...But I also have love for Michael...And hope that he's gettin' his stuff together with the Lord...Peace Out... Justin Shaw |
lauren - 07/25/99 02:40:18 My Email:lalita86@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Tennessee How old are you?: 14 What is your religous affiliation?: agnostic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: I know a person in Michael's family, she was my counselor at a camp I recently attended. This camp was for intelligent youth. His sister is a VERY good person, and while Michael has problems, she doesn't. Shame on all of you who came to sign this guestboo saying that he shouldn't be allowed to have children, that he was from the shallow end of the gene pool. Michael Carneal is a genius, tests have been done, he is a genius. Like most extremely bright people he has mental problems, I myself am mildly depre sive. This is because we reflect more on the wrongs of the world, the pointlessness, or other similar things, we're just more aware. Yes, he did a bad thing, yes, he does deserve to be in jail, but you still don't have the right to pass judgement over him |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:30 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:26 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:23 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:20 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:12 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:09 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:05 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:45:00 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:43:04 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:56 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:49 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:42 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:39 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:35 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:29 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:21 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:05 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:42:00 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:54 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:50 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:46 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:41 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:35 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:29 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:19 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:13 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:08 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:41:02 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:40:23 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:40:13 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:40:08 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:57 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:53 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:50 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:45 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:41 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:37 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:27 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:22 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:18 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:14 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:10 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:05 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:39:02 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:55 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:51 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:48 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:44 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:40 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:37 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:33 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:27 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:38:22 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
Burn In Hell - 07/19/99 20:36:23 My Email:Burn In Hell Where do you live?: Burn In Hell How old are you?: Burn In Hell What is your religous affiliation?: Burn In Hell Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Burn In Hell Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Burn In Hell | Comments: Burn In Hell you sick mother fucker. I hope you die in jail. |
ritc - 06/29/99 19:42:54 My Email:froggysavior@hotmail.com Where do you live?: New Albany, IN How old are you?: 24 What is your religous affiliation?: Christian, but does it matter? Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Certainly. | Comments: As long as there are people who want to blame the media, blame society, blame religion, this will continue. The violence will never end. It starts when people own up to their own actions, accept responsibility. Everyone. As for your view of Christianity.. the fact is if everyone followed the model of Christ, which was to love and accept everyone - especially the "unlovable" - the world and our schools will be a better place. This web page is filled with the same hatred that has led Michael and many others ike him to kill. I pray some one will reach out to you, webmaster, and restore your faith not simply in God, but in yourself, in your fellow human beings. Love is the answer. Love and acceptance. That is the message of Christ. Christians, let's take the l ad. Don't let another Michael give up hope. Michael needs love. His "friends" need love. We all need each other. Own up to your actions. Make friends with those who are different. Live at peace with each other, not at odds. You have no idea how much you c n learn from someone who is different until you give them the chance. |
Gene - 05/19/99 20:12:38 My Email:gene@arn.net Where do you live?: Texas How old are you?: 57 What is your religous affiliation?: changes frequently Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: Some of the reasons I believe Michael did what he did-- are not going to be changed during this century and probably not the next one. Homophobia from society and probably from the parents there, passed down to their children by them and their churches, made any mention of it a horrible condemnation to Michael. Being called a "queer" is probably the favorite "put-down" by kids who feel better-- when they make someone else feel bad. It doesn't matter if Michael is heterosexual or homosexual, or a combin tion-- such orientation should NOT be a reason to torment people, redicule them, or even ignore them! I also believe that the students in their prayer group, while meaning well, were really praising themselves. Their time could have been much better used--- in having a little social contact OUTSIDE of their group... showing a little concern to the unp pular kids... demonstrating a little of the kind of love Jesus is said to have had.. to kids like Michael. The Bible has something to say about people who pray so that they can be seen and heard by others. Having said all that, Michael killed three people who had every right in the world to live their lives-- and put another beautiful person in a wheelchair, possibly for life. When you do the crime, you must do the time. For Michael: You OWE society BIG time, Michael! If there is any way in the world you can devote these years in prison to helping others, you need to do that. It won't lessen your guilt or bring people back to life-- but it would be better than just sitting there. For others: The simple fact is-- the law had to be followed. If you don't like Michael's sentence-- get busy and get the law changed. Also remember that-- even if he DOES get out one day-- I suspect that he will have to spend most of his time "watc ing his back" for those who would like to create their own justice. That situation is going to come even sooner for the two boys in Arkansas. Many valuable lives were taken or horribly affected by Michael that day. But that does not change the fact that Michael's life is a reality, and could still be used in a positive way. |
Dominic - 04/19/99 23:18:24 My URL:http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~painless My Email:dominic_pain@hotmail Where do you live?: Britain How old are you?: 25 What is your religous affiliation?: none of your business Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: if that's what you want to do. | Comments: Whoever composed this page, I can see where you are coming from. Something caused Michael to do this. But that does not take away the blame from him. Michael shot and killed three sixteen year-old children. End-of-story. War-criminals quoted the 'jus following orders, sir' excuse, which was ruled as no defence. Michael killed the kids, not Sony or anyone else. To try and understand is laudable but misguided. Like a rabid dog, child-killers should be put down. The kids parents don't get to stop grieving ever, so why should he get to attempt parole in 25 years? At 40 something he will be able to have kids of his own (I'm sure some sad low-life will marry him while he is in prison) and possibly pass on his own sickness to his children. |
Jorah - 04/18/99 14:24:31 Where do you live?: NC How old are you?: 38 What is your religous affiliation?: Pagan Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: Michael should have a bullet in the brain, not sympathy. The gene pool evidently needs more chlorine. |
James A. West - 04/14/99 21:31:50 How old are you?: 48 What is your religous affiliation?: secular | Comments: I've heard that a lawsuit was filed Monday alleging various persons/entities were responsible for what Michael did. I think such a lawsuit would be counterproductive. Crime fiction/nonfiction and pornography have been around for a very long time. And, multitude of people have been exposed to this type of literature ... be it in hard copy form or on the Internet or anywhere else. Yet only a fraction of the people exposed to this type of literature have acted-out or "mimicked" what was described to the . And of that fraction, only a smaller fraction of people have done so in a manner that directly affected other human beings. If 1,000,000 people see a movie depicting schoolyard violence and only 1 person copycats the act, the problem isn't with the mo ie ... it's with that 1 person. No one will act upon an "influence" unless they're already suceptible to that kind of influence. And so, origins of criminal activity must be sought by asking oneself, "What made this person _suceptible_ in the first plac ?" ... _before_ the influence was encountered. Asking any other question or coming to any other conclusion would merely be acting-out a sad but prevalent new popular tool of litigation ... the act of "fingerpointing" in order to shift the blame from it's real source. |
Shawn Miller - 12/23/98 22:19:12 My Email:asledd@apex.net Where do you live?: Benton, Ky How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist christian Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: I don't care | Comments: Of all the web pages i have scanned over in my entire lifes internet experiences, this one makes me the very sickest. You sir, obviously know little to nothing about the community surrounding these shootings. As far as the prayer in schools go, that has absolutely nothing to do with this matter, other than the fact that Carneal not only shot into a crowd of people, but he shot into a crowd of young people in a prayer group which makes me even sicker. The issue of seperation of church and state is not a actor here and should not even be mentioned. Now, if you want to write your opinions on the Heath shooting on your page, fine, thats your business. But don't for one second pretend you know a thing about the surrounding community and people, because bas d on your writings...YOU DON'T! The people of the Heath community are good people. Plain and Simple. Carneal is a sick boy and thats all there is too it.... people didn't influence him.... media didn't influence him.... His own sadistic mind influenced him. Thank You., Shawn Miller |
Amanda Merritt - 12/23/98 19:58:28 My Email:cwdancer@apex.net Where do you live?: Marshall County, KY How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Gospel Mission Non-Denomination Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: you probably shouldn't | Comments: How come your webpage for guest signing says, "No tasteless remarks"? I guess you did enough of that for all of us, huh! This page is a bitter opinion based on one-side facts.Believe me when I say that the Heath community is a warm and welcoming communi y. Beside, I am pretty sure Carneal doesn't like the whole idea of you getting into his head either! Well, I have said enough today, through emails to you and everyone in this guess book as of 12/23/98. PEOPLE, know the facts before you make the assump ion. |
Allison Bloodworth - 12/17/98 00:54:54 My Email:mbworth@apex.net Where do you live?: Marshall County How old are you?: 16 Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: no | Comments: I just wanted to say that after Dec 1 of last year I have questioned why this even happened. well I am not the one to pick side in any situation, and i am not going to start now. I truely believe that Michael had serios problems that no one coudl relate to or at least that is what he thought. I do grieve for both side though. It was such a tragic end to those girls lives and it makes me just want to hug my friends because I never know when that can go, and this proved it. I didn't know any of the girl personally, but i just wanted everyone that lost them as a personal friend know that I have you in my prayers. Thanks allison |
Michael - 12/11/98 22:19:33 My Email:lettnerdog@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Macon, MO How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes, very much so. | Comments: Dear Michael, I am sorry for what you did. It is not right what you did, but you did it. I imagine that you wish you could do it over. The reason I am writing is that I am you in a talk show in my english class and I hear the facts and see the articles, but I am won ering what was going through your head and what made you go over the edge and shoot at some of your friends, encluding your ex-girlfriend. I need you to respond as soon as possible. Thank you and take care of yourself in prison. |
sara schwabe - 10/26/98 00:19:37 My URL:sjschw0.pop.uky.edu My Email:same as above Where do you live?: University of Kentucky How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Not sure Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: I am writing an english paper on the Michael Carneal story. I need to know as much background info. as possible. I want to understand. Please help me if possible. |
sara schwabe - 10/26/98 00:18:34 My URL:sjschw0.pop.uky.edu My Email:same as above Where do you live?: University of Kentucky How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Not sure Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: I am writing an english paper on the Michael Carneal story. I need to know as much background info. as possible. I want to understand. Please help me if possible. |
fozzy - 10/22/98 19:01:32 My Email:kermit_jr@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Canada How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: doesn't matter | Comments: I don't know who you are but this webpage has no facts to support your opinion. Students who gathered and prayed did have a right to be there. Just as much as anyone else. They weren't hurting or bothering anyone. I don't know if you've ever heard of human rights but one of them is freedom of assembly. And they were meeting outside f school hours. If you read the accounts of what happened it was all before school. I don't think you have any right to make assumptions about Ben Strong and his motives unless you know him or have talked to him personally, which I have. He is anything but an attention hog. He is spiritually stronger than anyone I've ever met and more h mble than a lot of people I know. A "glory hound" is not how I would describe him. He did what he knew he had to do. Had he not, more people probably would have been killed. It wasn't his choice to be the focus of all of the media attention. It was his re ponsibility. I do agree we all are like Michael in a way but we are different in the way we choose to deal with problems. For him it meant taking a gun to school and wiping out people who were peacefully gathered. I don't think you should defend him. He is human, but he does have to deal with the consequences of what he's done and must learn to deal with his mental incapabilities in ways other than violence. |
Shawn Reynolds - 10/08/98 06:08:55 My Email:shwn-ptrick@yahoo.com Where do you live?: Lexington How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: As we all search for understanding into why this happened, only Michael knows and he is doing, in my opinion, taking the easy way out by pleading guilty with a mental illness. That is offering no comfort and solace to the families of the mortally wounded As a member of the media, I find it often hard to write about this subject without adding my personal opinion to it, but this is a way to just vent my anger and confusion. |
Erin - 10/06/98 19:26:54 Where do you live?: Lexington, KY How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: Catholic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Doesn't matter | Comments: This is addressed to the writer of this page. Firstly, I was never really sure reading your webpage if you actually knew Michael, or you were really just truly affected by his story. However, your page is not factual. It is peppered with your own opinions and thoughts, which is fine. This story would make a person have a gut emotional response. I am sorry for all parties involved, and I am sorry even for Michael. Not because I think he deserves pity, but because he is a young human being that is very troub ed. However, anyone that would say Ben Strong did not act heroically or at least bravely is not thinking in terms of the psychology of mob mentality. One person acting against someone who has just blown away several people and still holds the weapon of de truction is truly unique, speaking from a psychology student's standpoint. Also, reading this page I was touched with the fanatacism of the writer. It was disturbing. Maybe you should consider whether you are really concerned for Michael or you are just m rbidly curious. |
Cat Mom - 10/06/98 15:29:08 My Email:catmom1@aol.com Where do you live?: Louisville How old are you?: mother of middle school student What is your religous affiliation?: Catholic Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: you decide | Comments: As a former "kid on the outside" and the mother of a child who spent time at a school where she didn't quite fit, I can see how this whole situation came to be, and I'm very, very sorry for Michael. There is a certain allure of skirting with danger when you don't quite fit, almost as if you want to justify your status, turn it into a situation of choice rather than something outside of your control. The plotting and planning of things on the fringe ake life interesting and exciting when in reality it is not. Its easy to get caught up in it, especially when there is little else to take its place. Unfortunately, crossing the line from imagination to action usually has dire consequences. In my own family, my daughter never quite fit at school. She was always older, more mature, had other interests. Even a grade skip didn't help, because kids excluded her because she was younger than they were. She once asked a girl why she was left out of things, and was told, "No offense, but everyone hates you because you're 9 and everyone else is 11 and 12. You belong back in 4th grade." Teachers would tell her to stop asking questions because if she was so smart she could figure it out on her own. So she befriended the class troublemaker, thinking that at least this would be someone who would be glad to have a friend. It only lead to further ostracism. My daughter at age nine, wrote in her journal "I hate everyone here, I wish I could make everyo e feel the way they make me feel so they would understand what they've done to me and take it all back. If I have to, I would throw a paint can through the principal's window to get expelled." Sounds like a little terrorist, doesn't she? Well, she's not. This is the child with perfect manners, kind soul, community volunteer, nice to her little sister, and very mature. The kind of kid parents love to have over, hoping she'd rub off on their k ds. When I would talk about her problems at school with other parents, they wouldn't believe me. "Everyone likes her. It's just a phase. All kids go through it." The long and short of it, being in Louisville and having more choices of schools than there are in Paducah, we changed changed schools. Now, instead of being an outcast, she fits in. Doesn't have a whole lot of friends calling her or a teeming social li e, but she's in with a group where is doesn't stick out as different. But when I look at some of the other kids on her team, I can see kids like Michael. There's the boy whose mother is dying of cancer and doesn't want anyone to know, the boy who's stil interested in being gross when the others have moved passed that, the boy who is so wrapped up in sci fi stuff that it preoccupies him all day at school, the girl who goes out of her way to be annoying in order to get some attention...and I think of the ids I went to high school with who were left out, and what has become of them...some turned out to be suicides, others rose above it all and became responsible, functioning adults, others still are lost on the edges... I think life is about choices. A wrong choice was made with devastating conscequences. What choices will be made in the future? Even when freedom is limited there are still choices to be made, roads to choose. You cannot take back what you have done ut you can atone by making the right choices and not wasting your life. This won't be easy. I will pray that God gives you strength, wisdom and courage. Every wall is a door. catmom |
Cat Mom - 10/06/98 15:27:15 My Email:catmom1@aol.com Where do you live?: Louisville How old are you?: mother of middle school student What is your religous affiliation?: Catholic Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: you decide | Comments: As a former "kid on the outside" and the mother of a child who spent time at a school where she didn't quite fit, I can see how this whole situation came to be, and I'm very, very sorry for Michael. There is a certain allure of skirting with danger when you don't quite fit, almost as if you want to justify your status, turn it into a situation of choice rather than something outside of your control. The plotting and planning of things on the fringe ake life interesting and exciting when in reality it is not. Its easy to get caught up in it, especially when there is little else to take its place. Unfortunately, crossing the line from imagination to action usually has dire consequences. In my own family, my daughter never quite fit at school. She was always older, more mature, had other interests. Even a grade skip didn't help, because kids excluded her because she was younger than they were. She once asked a girl why she was left out of things, and was told, "No offense, but everyone hates you because you're 9 and everyone else is 11 and 12. You belong back in 4th grade." Teachers would tell her to stop asking questions because if she was so smart she could figure it out on her own. So she befriended the class troublemaker, thinking that at least this would be someone who would be glad to have a friend. It only lead to further ostracism. My daughter at age nine, wrote in her journal "I hate everyone here, I wish I could make everyo e feel the way they make me feel so they would understand what they've done to me and take it all back. If I have to, I would throw a paint can through the principal's window to get expelled." Sounds like a little terrorist, doesn't she? Well, she's not. This is the child with perfect manners, kind soul, community volunteer, nice to her little sister, and very mature. The kind of kid parents love to have over, hoping she'd rub off on their k ds. When I would talk about her problems at school with other parents, they wouldn't believe me. "Everyone likes her. It's just a phase. All kids go through it." The long and short of it, being in Louisville and having more choices of schools than there are in Paducah, we changed changed schools. Now, instead of being an outcast, she fits in. Doesn't have a whole lot of friends calling her or a teeming social li e, but she's in with a group where is doesn't stick out as different. But when I look at some of the other kids on her team, I can see kids like Michael. There's the boy whose mother is dying of cancer and doesn't want anyone to know, the boy who's stil interested in being gross when the others have moved passed that, the boy who is so wrapped up in sci fi stuff that it preoccupies him all day at school, the girl who goes out of her way to be annoying in order to get some attention...and I think of the ids I went to high school with who were left out, and what has become of them...some turned out to be suicides, others rose above it all and became responsible, functioning adults, others still are lost on the edges... I think life is about choices. A wrong choice was made with devastating conscequences. What choices will be made in the future? Even when freedom is limited there are still choices to be made, roads to choose. You cannot take back what you have done ut you can atone by making the right choices and not wasting your life. This won't be easy. I will pray that God gives you strength, wisdom and courage. Every wall is a door. catmom |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Kellie - 09/22/98 00:00:16 How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: Cumberland Presbyterian Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yes | Comments: My comment is mainly for who ever is responsible for this page, but if you'd like to send it to Micheal go ahead. You sit here and say you know everything about Micheal Carneal, but you don't know crap! You can put down Ben Strong for falsely claiming his friendship, but you know just as much as he does. Also, Id like to comment on you're little deal with Paducah. I lived there for nine years before I moved to Texas 2 months ago and I can tell you, you are WRONG!!!!!!!!!! Paducah is a Christian community, es, but it never excludes some one who is not! How many Paducah papers did you read??? Every one I read said that Micheal was a teen who had a few problems. They never depicted him as a demon or anything like that. Maybe you should reread before you start spouting off your trash like that! You sir were not there. You were not in that lobby. You did not have to experience the pain and fear that those children did, seeing thier friends and people they loved shot down right in front of them!!! You have no rig t to be saying anything about this when you don't even know the begining. For Micheal, the people in Paducah forgive you. They love you no matter what. Yes, what you did caused a lot of people a lot of pain, but the fact that most of them have moved on is a sure sign that you are not the devil or anything like that. I coul care less what faith, you are od what you do or don't believe in. I will always have you on my mind because as far as I'm concerned, you lost you life too that day. To Mchael: Sincerly, Kellie To The Author: Think Before You Write |
Jason Spears - 07/17/98 06:00:19 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ky/Bumpin/ My Email:jasons@vci.net Where do you live?: Paducah, Kentucky How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: babist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: Michael I go to Reidland High School.....and I really hate/dislike what you done....BUT....there had to be a meaning to all of it and I wouldn't/couldn't to any thing but kill myself If I ever did something like that.....Please if you can A.S.A.P to this essage......Prayers are at your foot steps....later... Your Friend Always, Jason Spears |
Charlotte Taylor - 06/11/98 14:33:44 My Email:chartay@hotmail.com Where do you live?: Paducah How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Catholic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes most definately | Comments: Hey Michael! Keep your head up. Don't let the guards get to you to bad and know that your in my thoughts always. Guess what: I love Billy!! Ha,Ha Smile for me and tell April I said hello and I miss her. Lots of Love! |
char tay - 06/06/98 15:30:00 My Email:chartay@hotmail.com Where do you live?: paducah How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: catholic Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: It makes me happy to see that there are people out there who see Michael as I do.He is a very nice person if people would give him a chance.I thank him for helping me through a difficult part of my life.He's a great friend and I'll cherish my friendship w th him forever-no matter what anyone else thinks.He holds a part of my heart. |
michelle - 05/17/98 00:21:37 My Email:mbrunston@hotmail.com Where do you live?: ballard county, ky How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: doesn't matter | Comments: Everyone in/from Heath is in my prayers. Like I said before. Anyone that I have defended, I'm truly sorry. |
michelle brunston - 05/11/98 22:31:13 My URL:http://members.delphi.com/mbrunston/index.html My Email:mbrunston@hotmail Where do you live?: ballard county, wickliffe, ky How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: i really don't care | Comments: First of all, I want to appologize to everyone, I didn't mean to sound harsh about Ben Strong, I know a girl that goes to Ballard that just transferred from Heath, and she gave me a big head about it, when really, I know that Ben didn't steal the media, a d he doesn't consider himself a hero. Forgive me every one. |
Christa Sexton - 05/09/98 18:22:01 My Email:sexy_shai@yahoo.com Where do you live?: Paducah, Kentucky How old are you?: 17 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Yeah Sure | Comments: Michael is a great kid, he was like a little brother to me. I'm sorry we all had to go trough this, but it's over for us now and what is most important is Michael. He will never have a normal life again. I pray for him and his family every day. I forgive im and we all are trying our best to put this all behind us. All he needs is to know we are here for him and anytime he needs someone to listen, I'm here and maybe one day I'll be able to see him again. |
Angel Pigg - 04/27/98 15:12:40 My Email:tcooper@brtc.net Where do you live?: Wickliffe,Ky How old are you?: 19 What is your religous affiliation?: methodist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: You are in my prayers. |
muchelle brunston - 04/25/98 18:15:14 My Email:mbrunston@hotmail.com Where do you live?: ballard couynty kentucky, near heath How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: no Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: it doesn't matter | Comments: This is for any one that thinks that ben strong is a hero! I agree that any one could've tooken the gun away, and that ben just happened to be there! Michael is in a tuff situation, but what I don't understand is...why???????? and something else about Ben Strong, he shouldn't of tried to take tye mwedia so quickly, because he didn't do a damn thing! |
Katie M. - 04/13/98 20:24:59 My Email:marlene@holly.colostate.edu Where do you live?: Loveland, CO How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: me Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: yes | Comments: Hello Michal. I'm from Colorado and I read in the paper what happened. And that's when I fell in love with your picture. But anyway, I'm really sorry that you are getting in so much trouble and I wish you all the luck in your court hearings. |
Erika McArthur - 03/18/98 13:41:24 Where do you live?: Erlanger Ky How old are you?: 15 What is your religous affiliation?: Christian Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: sure | Comments: Michael, Hi. I can not believe that this is all happening. it seems like only yesterday we were in our rooms at State Finals talking about next season. Our show will be for you. Lloyd Marching Band #1 go woodwinds. Love Always Erika Kay |
Willie Kerns - 01/14/98 23:15:18 My URL:http://www.hcis.net/users/wkerns My Email:wkerns@hcis.net Where do you live?: Calvert City, KY How old are you?: 16 What is your religous affiliation?: Baptist Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: Yes Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: I do not care. | Comments: I am friends with both Mandy and Missy Jenkins. I know both of their boyfriends, and Mandy's is one of my close friends. What happened was very tragic, and I don't think this website delivers the correct message at all. What causes a kid to go to schoo and commit this insane act? I am disapointed in this site as well as it's condoning sound. |
Eurisko97 - 12/27/97 21:51:18 My Email:Eurisko97@aol.com Where do you live?: League City, TX How old are you?: 14, Freshman What is your religous affiliation?: Greek Orthodox Christian - Proud of it. Did you see Michaels alleged webpage?: No what is the URL? Do you want your message delivered to Michael?: Why not? | Comments: Why can't this world see that the true reason behind it all is evil itself? I can understand why you did the thing you did Michael, I've been there. I know that you are not some "Immature troublemaker" this alleged principal has cut you out to be. If you only whould have waited and thought things over longer you whould have been standing right where I am standing right now. You have brought to me a mirror of what could of been had I not frozen my actions and thought. I can not bring you any words of hope. You will most likely be sentanced your entire life ruined. I can't say that you aren't entirly blameless but I can't say you are ethier. I can imagine the pain and humiliation going through your mind. I feel the remorse of the media who has not done a goo job at this case for they have still not answered the one question on my mind Who is Michael Carneal? |