The story of Michael Carneal has affected
me in a manner that I have never experienced before. There is nothing
that makes Michael different from any one of us. We have all had
thoughts that betrayed our true selves. Since December 1st I have
done extensive research on Michael and even though I am probably off base,
I feel I know a part of him. This web page gives me a chance to express
some of my thoughts and feelings. I have purposely not speculated
on why Michael allegedly committed this act, but instead I tried to sort
out the many influences that I have been able to discover in his life.
The majority of detailed facts and editorial
view I am expressing on this web site you will not find in any articles
written by the mainstream press. They have seen a pariah in Paducah
that enables them to profit greatly. But unfortunately they are not
able to tackle the larger issue of what went wrong in Paducah, only what
happened on December 1st, because that is what sells.
I feel very sad for Michaels parents,
John and Elizabeth. They were not asked to have their life turned
upside down. Bill Bartleman, of the Paducah Sun, wrote of the loss
of a child in reference to the three young women Michael allegedly killed.
The Carneals also lost their son, Michael, on that day. For all accounts,
Michael is no longer with them. His parents won’t be there the first
time he shaves or see him graduate from college. By the time Michael
can get a drivers license his parents will likely be long gone. Please
grieve for Michaels family as well as the families of Nicole, Kayce,
and Jessica.
Michael, by all accounts, appears to
have only had a few close friends. The most intriguing is Toby Nace
(Email:,, and
Toby gave the key of his fathers gun locker to Michael, (According to police
interviews Michael knew the location of the key, so he must have stolen
it, but lets be realistic, Toby is just trying to cover himself).
Michael then broke into the garage, probably not alone, and stole the weapons.
I say, "probably not alone" because I remember my own childhood.
Each boy then took their share of the loot. Toby could not take any,
because they were his fathers weapons. The police claim he gave weapons
to another boy and they recovered them, I have suspicions as to who this
was, but I don’t want to go into that at this time.
Now if you were Toby Nace and your friend,
neighbor, and shooting buddy came to you and told you he wanted some guns.
Wouldn’t that set off a flag in your mind, it would mine. But,
Toby is enthralled by fire power and guns, just look at his e-mail addresses
all start with GLOCK. What is GLOCK? GLOCK is a handgun manufacturer,
but not the normal type of handgun, GLOCK produces a high-impact plastic,
semi-automatic handgun. A specialty weapon. Toby likes the
commando image of going in guns ablazing. Some friend Toby turned
out to be. Maybe this was the only person Michael felt he could connect
Michael is an introverted teenager who,
in my opinion, didn’t make friends easily. He often spent many hours
surfing the internet, but as he struggled with his own awakening
and questions about life, religion, and sex, instead of turning to his
parents and teachers for support and understanding Michael turned to the
Internet. The Internet is a wealth of information, but for Michael,
the information that he found only supported a greater plunge into the
darker recesses of humanity. He traded e-mail with many people that
have online alias that conjure up images of the shadows of night.
Many young adults go through this faze of life, but for Michael it was
much worse. He choose not to outwardly show this darker side, but
it was brewing behind the spectacles he looked through, towards an ever
mundane view of life in Paducah.
Michael regularly attended church like
any other child from a religious family, but did Michael want to go to
church. I contend that Michael wasn’t interested in church activities,
very few teenagers are. He was confirmed into the Lutheran faith
last spring. How much did this play a role in Michaels downward spiral?
It must have been very important to Michael, because of the placement of
items found in Michaels bedroom. Michael placed his confirmation
card inside the ammo box he had stolen. This clearly shows that his
public religious activities had great bearing on his psyche, just
as much as his private religious thoughts. I don’t feel Michael ever
felt he could discuss openly his own attitudes toward religion. Paducah
is a strong Christian community and if your not a church going member,
then your not part of Paducah. Michael feared ostracizing and scrutiny.
I can’t understand Heath High.
It seems to me that the McCracken County School Board does not understand
the concept of separation of church and state. The Supreme Court
has ruled that student initiated prayer in schools is acceptable, but in
the case of Heath High it goes beyond student initiation. Certainly
the prayer group was student led, but because it was an ongoing, daily
activity in a public arena it became sanctioned by Heath High, and this
stepped over the line. It is certainly acceptable for a religious
group to use public facilities, but they must meet the same standard as
any other private group, i.e. applying to use space, outside school hours,
etc.... Certainly if there had been a group of students meeting in
the main lobby of Heath High on a daily basis, taking part in a religious
activity other than Christianity, then that group would have been told
to take that activity to a private area on campus or off campus completely.
Unfortunately, given the religious aspects of Paducah I highly doubt the
McCracken County School Board will understand the error of their ways.
I am sure it will come down to a Constitutional challenge.
Let’s face it, the entire account of
the shooting, the events following, and of Michaels friendship to Ben Strong
come entirely from Ben. Looking over all the comments Ben made several
days following the shooting, it is obvious Ben is greatly exaggerating
his thoughts and the roll he played prior to and after the shooting.
He is a glory hound and he sucked up the media coverage as fast the networks
dished it out. Yes, he took the gun away from Michael, but at that
moment anybody could have taken it away. He only happened to be in
the right place at the wrong time. I don’t believe Ben is a friend
of Michael. Michael told Ben not to be at the daily prayer session,
not as a personal warning, but as a group warning. Ben is the leader.
When you address the leader of an organization you address the whole group.
This is what Michael was doing when he warned Ben not to be there.
I call Ben Strongs alleged friendship with Michael into question.
Neither boy hung out in the same circles, or attended the same church and
I know of no high school seniors that hang out with freshman. Ben
knew Michael, but nothing more.
What are the police doing to get to the
real facts surrounding the case? I doubt much. The reality
is the Prosecutor has an open and shut case against Michael and the
Police would like to find accomplices, but if they were serious about that
they would have seized the computer of Toby Nace and subpoenaed any data
backups that their e-mail providers had prior to December 1st to see what
type of e-mail was going on between these young men.