Chestnuts Place
Here is my cyber kitty Chestnut, isn't he cute? If you pet him with a click of your mouse, he'll meow for you. I will be building him a home here. Chestnut and I would like to invite you to drop in and visit us from time to time.
I adopted him from The Cyber kitty adoption centre own by Sarah and Jinx the Cat. Please visit them on their home page. She has a wonderful page with lots to do and read. You too might want to adopt a cyber pet.
Of course a kitty needs his
water dish and his
food and of course a
dish in which to eat it.
Now good meowmies always get their kitties toys to play with.
Well my meowmie likes to spoil me....see..lots of toys, a kitty needs to exercise to stay healthy too.
and a
Now my meowmie knows I need privacy and seeing that people come and go here, she got me a covered litter box.
and some litter to go with it.
All kitties need a place to nap, here is my bed isn't it the greatest.
We hope you enjoyed your visit and will come back again.
The Cat ConnectionHome of the Cyber-Cat.
All cat supplies and the CyberCat where made by Sarah of Cat Connection, please do not use them without linking to her page and asking her. Thank you.
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