Welcome to A Windy Day

Come enjoy the flavor and spice of a crisp Fall day. The wind is blowing and the leaves are fluttering. Stop a moment and breath in the aroma of home-baked Apple pie.

Fall - my favorite time of year!

As a child, although I enjoyed the summer, I always looked forward to returning to a new year of school - meeting old friends, the excitement of new clothes (always too warm for the first day!), all the new school supplies. A new year full of challenges and unexplored adventures. As I grew older and no longer returned to school, come August I would eye the stacks of school supplies with longing, invoking a flood of memories, often finding some excuse to buy some anyway. These days I am back to buying new clothes and school supplies - only now for my own children. And yes, invariably the clothes are too warm for the first day

It seems to me that I have so many interests, and certainly not enough time to enjoy them all.

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