The Baldwin Family Home Page

Family Description Table
Bill is a paramedic at Western Berks Ambulance in PA for the past five years.  Danielle has been an EMT for the past six years at Western Berks Ambulance also.  Danielle also works hard for her father at The Auto Spa of Wyomissing Hills.  Bill doesn't work very hard but he does have fun playing around with his computers.
We currently have two boys: Christopher - 3 years old and
                                             Logan - 7 months old
Additionally, we are expecting another baby in August of 1999!
Family The Bressler family has a new addition: Emma Lauren Bressler who was born 4/22/99 @ 0627 in the Reading Hospital.  She weighed in at a little over 8 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long and is of course a beautiful little girl. 
Congratulations Brad & Amy!!!
Danielle enjoys shopping, socializing and dreaming of babies.
Bill enjoys biking, reading, computers and driving.
Christopher enjoys Snuggles, cartoons, PB&J and Granny's house.
Logan enjoys eating, rolling around, squealing and spitting up.

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