This is the webring I created especially for that special bond mothers and sons share together.

Due to the ever changing demands of the web we are now pleased to offer more then one choice on the web fragment you choose for your web page.

Ring Fragment 1 is the default ring that is sent out when new members join the Mothers And Sons Ring. This does not mean that it is the only choice they have. We offer two ring fragments at this time and I am currently working on creating another one.

*Ring Fragment 1*
... ... This Mothers and Sons site is owned by

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*Ring Fragment 2*

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Yes every ring seems to have them and so do I.

  • Just have a small part of your web world dedicated to that special someone.
  • Your site must be child safe.
  • NO pornography (either text based, graphic images, or links to sites containing such)
  • NO sexually explicit or offensive language or links containing such.
  • NO prejudice towards ANY race / creed / religion
  • NO hateful themes of any kind
  • It does not matter if you are a married mom or a single one. Just that you are a mom with a son(s). And your son need not be your only child.
  • Your site must conform to your servers guidelines.

I reserve the right at any time to deny membership to this ring or
to remove from this ring sites that do not meet the above stated
guidelines without any previous warning.

If you would like to join please follow this link to join
Also follow this link to edit your site.
Mothers and Sons join

I would like to inform everyone before they follow this link that is going through a major software upgrade. If you experience any difficulties with the forms on the next page please email me and I shall let you know when the forms are working properly again. I apologize for any inconvenience.

* NEW *

We are please to announce we now have a message board to use for all of us to get together and exchange ideas, stories, and just talk.

Message Board

We are also now using eCircles as a forum with Message Forum, File Exchange, Email options, Photo Center. To learn more about eCircles just click on this link. If you are a member of the ring and havent recieved any information about eCircles please email the ring mistress about this and the information shall be sent to you


We are also using ONEList with message forum, file exchange and mailing list for ring updates, announcements, and site changes. To learn more about ONEList just click on the link below. If you are a member of the ring and havent recieved any information about ONEList please email the ring mistress about this and the information shall be sent to you


To get the coding for ring #1 please follow this link to the
Coding Page

To get the coding for ring #2 please follow this link to the
Coding Page

More options on rings to come soon.

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