Our family is growing by leaps and bounds. Just recently a brother and two sisters were added into our clan...Sandy, Kathy, Duane and their mother, Arden. They live in California so in October of 1998 I flew to California to meet the family for the first time.
My other son, Tony and his wife Carol live in Hammersville, Ohio with her two girls, Lisa and Danielle. Just before last Christmas they moved into their new house. Two years ago when I was there for Christmas we went to the construction site and I took pictures of the house before it was completed. It is a beautiful house and is located on a nice piece of land and is adjacent to his father's house. Last year at Christmas we went down to visit and stayed with Tony and Carol in their new home. It was decorated for Christmas and we enjoyed the fireplace on Christmas Eve.
April 2002 we flew to Cincinnati where Angela picked us up at the airport and we drove down to Tennessee to spend Easter with Sharon and her family (DaBoyz-identical twins). Kay, Cindy and their families followed us down and we formed a caravan. We will rent a car in Tennessee and drive to Cincinnati for the rest of our vacation.
The trip to Tennessee was so much fun...watching the twins search for Easter eggs. Remind me never to rent a car in one state and leave it in another. EEEKKK...it was so expensive I almost passed out from shock!:)
Update: A trip is being planned for this Easter and now that I'm retired I can stay pretty much as long as I want. I'm looking forward to that. A week before last Christmas I flew to Arizona and spent a week before flying on to California. My granddaughter, Amanda, flew to Arizona for the week also and we went to The Grand Canyon. By the time we got to the top of the Canyon, it was snowing so hard you couldn't see anything! Bummer! Besides that, I got altitude sickness and felt like I was dying. Well, at least I can say that I was there and have pictures to prove it. :) Then on to California for Christmas and had a really good time. Got acquainted with Nordstrom in California thanks to my sis!
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