In 1981 I received a phone call from someone called Sandy and she told me she was my half-sister. She told me they just found out that there was a half-sister and brother in Ohio they did not know about until now. She also told me that I had another half-sister and one brother. We talked for a while, exhanged phone numbers and addresses and hung up. I was very excited as I had always wanted a sister...now I had TWO! As luck would have it, Sandy moved into a new house and I moved from an apartment to a house and in the process we both lost each others information we shared. I was devastated! Here I just found I had new siblings and now they were gone. As the years passed, I would check on the Internet to see if I could find them in California.
Well, 16 years went by with no trace of my family. I had almost given up. I still kept searching but to no avail. Until...December 28, 1997 I decided to do another search on the spur of the moment and low-n-behold...a match came back. There was an email address to the name and I sent a brief message. The next day I anxiously checked my email and there was a reply. I nervously opened my message and read, "The Internet never ceases to amaze me, Yes, I am your half-brother." I yelled out to my husband, "I've found them!"

Since then I've been back several times, the last being Christmas 2002. I spent Christmas 2000 in California and brought in the new Mellenium, 2001. We had a blast.

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