
My name is Nasir Ali Zaki.

I am from Karachi, Pakistan. Graduating as a Bachelor in Computer Science from FAST Institute of Computer Science in December of 1993, I joined  ITIM Associates (Pvt) Ltd, an excellent software house in Karachi, in June of 1994. Had been with them for about three years - till August of 1997.

More recently, I have moved to America. Currently I am living in Peoria, south of Chicago, in the state of Illinois. My Current employers are CGN & Associates, and I am working as contract personel in Caterpillar's Product & Service Support / Information System (P&SS/IS) Devision. You could see some of my fellow worker if you follow the link at the bottom of the page.

By religion I am a Muslim. I am proud to be part of a group of believers who call themselves Dawoodi Bohras, one of many different sects originating from the same religion of Islam.

I am a new comer to the community of personalized-web-page-holders. I could use all the recommendations, guidance, and ideas for web-page design that I could have. So, please feel free to drop me an email

I will try to make it as interesting as possible in the days to come. Please come and visit me again in a few days. Hopefully, you would find something of your interest.

A day at work - Lunch in the outdoors


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