of the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Springfield

A.1.0 NAME The name of this congregation shall be "Saint John Evangelical Lutheran Church of Springfield," Delaware County, Pennsylvania.


A.2.1 Purpose St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church exists in order that the Gospel and the Sacraments, as means of grace, can create a saving faith in Jesus Christ. As the Augsburg Confession (Article VII) declares, the Church is "the assembly of all believers among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy sacraments are administered according to the Gospel."

A.2.2 Mission The mission of this congregation is two-fold: (1) outside its membership, as the Holy Spirit calls and gathers believers; (2) within its membership, as the Holy Spirit enlightens believers and keeps them united with Jesus Christ in true faith.

A.2.3 Ministry The ministry of this congregation expresses its two-fold mission in the following ways:

A.2.3.1 WORSHIP: We call and support a pastor to preach and teach God's holy, inspired Word in all its truth and purity and to administer the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion in accord with our Lord's command (Matthew 28:18-20). We respond to the Word and Sacraments with prayer, praise and thanksgiving (Colossians 3:16-17).

A.2.3.2 NURTURE: We carry out an educational ministry for children and adults in which faith and the knowledge of God's will are strengthened (Ephesians 4:11-16).

A.2.3.3 FELLOWSHIP: We provide for fellowship between people of like faith and commitment (Acts 2:42), since we are a people bound together as brothers and sisters of Christ (the family of God).

A.2.3.4 WITNESS: We reach out to those who do not know Jesus Christ through direct contacts in our local community and through support of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (Acts 1:8).

A.2.3.5 SERVICE: We provide opportunities for each believer to serve God with the time, talents, and treasure which God has so graciously given (I Corinthians 12:4-31). We also seek to be a "good neighbor" to the people of the community in which we live (Luke 10:25-37).


This congregation accepts without reservation:

A.3.1 The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as the written Word of God and the only rule and norm of faith and of practice.

A.3.2 All the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God, to wit: the three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed). the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald Articles, the Large Catechism of Luther, the Small Catechism of Luther, and the Formula of Concord.


A.4.1 Definitions

A.4.1.1 Baptized members are all who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God and who are under the spiritual care of the pastor of this congregation, including the children who have not yet been confirmed.

A.4.1.2 Communicant members are those baptized members who have been confirmed in the Lutheran faith, accept the confessional standard of Section A.3.0 of this Constitution, are familiar at least with the contents of Luther's Small Catechism, and are not members of organizations whose principles and conduct conflict with the Word of God (in accordance with Synodical guidelines).

A.4.1.3 Voting members are communicant members who have reached the age of 18 years and who have signed the Constitution of the congregation. Communicant members under the age of 18 have the privilege of speaking at a Voters' Assembly but without vote.

A.4.2 Reception: Baptized and communicant members are received through the sacrament of Holy Baptism, through the consent of one or both parents (or legal guardian) in the case of children who have been baptized in another Christian congregation, through the rite of confirmation, through transfer from a sister congregation, through profession of faith or reaffirmation of faith. The reception shall be approved by the Voters' Assembly. Eligible communicant members may be received as voting members upon signing the Constitution.

A.4.3 Duties: Members of the congregation shall conform their entire lives to the rule of God's Word, and to that end make diligent use of the means of grace, exercise faithful stewardship of God's many gifts and talents, impart and accept fraternal admonition as the need of such admonition becomes apparent, and be readily available for service in the kingdom of Christ within and beyond the congregation.

A.4.4 Termination

A.4.4.1 Membership shall be terminated by transfer to a sister congregation, by death, by joining a congregation outside the fellowship of this congregation, by excommunication, or by self-exclusion (see A.4.4.2).

A.4.4.2 Communicant members who conduct themselves in an unChristian manner shall be admonished according to Matthew 18:15-20; if they remain impenitent after proper admonition, they shall be excommunicated. Each case shall be presented individually to the Voters' Assembly for a decision. If such members deliberately absent themselves from the meeting(s) at which their case is to be discussed, they shall be regarded as having excluded themselves from the membership of the congregation.

A.4.5 Inactive Status: Baptized members who do not participate in the worship of the congregation and communicant members who do not receive the Lord's Supper for two years may be declared inactive by the Board of Deacons and their names removed from the active membership roster of the congregation. Inactive members shall remain eligible for transfer to a sister congregation, but with designation of their inactivity. Reactivation shall occur upon request of the inactive member and renewed participation in the worship or sacramental life of the congregation.


A.5.1 This congregation shall establish the Pastoral office, which shall be conferred only on such a Pastor or candidate who professes and adheres to the confessional standard set forth in Section A.3.0 of this Constitution, who is qualified for his work, who has been endorsed by the Synod, and who is a member of the Synod. The same shall apply to any called teachers in a Christian Day School of the congregation.

A.5.2 Any Pastor or called day-school teacher may be removed from office by the Voters' Assembly by a two-thirds majority ballot vote, in Christian and lawful order, for one of the following reasons: persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect, or inability to perform the duties of the office. Before any motion to remove the Pastor or day-school teacher is acted upon by the Voters' Assembly, the Church Council shall meet with the Pastor or day-school teacher and the District President regarding the reason(s) for such an action.

A.5.3 The congregation may request the resignation of any Pastor or called day-school teacher in the case of prolonged incapacity or general incompetence.


A.6.1 The Voters' Assembly shall be the governing body of this congregation and shall be empowered to administer and manage all its affairs. The establishment and conduct of all organizations and societies within the congregation or related directly to it shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Voters' Assembly.

A.6.2 All matters shall be decided by majority vote unless otherwise specified by this Constitution or Bylaws, including matters of doctrine and conscience which shall be decided only on the basis of the Word of God.

A.6.3 The right of calling Pastors or day-school teachers shall be vested in the Voters' Assembly and shall not be delegated otherwise.

A.7.0 OFFICERS, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES This congregation shall have the following Officers, Boards and Committees in addition to any which the congregation shall authorize from time to time (the difference between a Board and a Committee is the Board's broader policy-making authority compared to the task-orientation of a Committee; non-members active in the life of the congregation may be appointed to a Committee even though they are not eligible to serve in any elected office):

A.7.1 Elected Officers

A.7.1.1 A President, who shall conduct the meetings of the Voters' Assembly and perform other duties as specified in the Bylaws.

A.7.1.2 A Vice-President, who shall serve as President in the President's absence or inability to act.

A.7.1.3 A Secretary, who shall keep minutes of the Voters' Assembly and perform other duties as specified in the Bylaws.

A.7.1.4 A Financial Secretary, who shall record and deposit the regular and special offerings of the congregation.

A.7.1.5 A Treasurer, who shall have custody of and disburse the funds of the congregation.

A.7.2 Elected Boards

A.7.2.1 A Board of Deacons, consisting of three to six members, which shall assist the Pastor in meeting the spiritual needs of the congregation.

A.7.2.2 A Board of Trustees, consisting of three members, which shall be responsible for the physical properties of the congregation.

A.7.2.3 A Board of Education, consisting of three members, which shall be responsible for the nurture and Christian growth of the congregation's members.

A.7.2.4 A Board of Stewardship and Finance, consisting of the Treasurer, Financial Secretary and two other members, which shall promote Biblical stewardship in the congregation and conduct the congregation's financial affairs.

A.7.3 Standing Committees

A.7.3.1 A Community Relations Committee, consisting of three to five members, which shall advise and assist the congregation in its relationship to the community.

A.7.3.2 A Worship Committee, consisting of the Pastor, the Music Director, a member of the Board of Deacons and at least two members of the congregation (preferably, one of which shall be a communicant member under the age of 18), which shall assist in planning worship and church music.

A.7.3.3 A Youth Committee, half of whom shall be communicant members under the age of 18, which shall assist in planning programs and activities for the young people of the congregation.

A.7.4 Removal From Office: Any Officer, Board member or Committee member may be removed from office by the Voters' Assembly by a two-thirds ballot vote, in Christian and lawful order, for one of the following reasons: persistent adherence to false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect, or inability to perform the duties of the office.

A.8.0 SYNODICAL MEMBERSHIP This congregation shall be a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as long as the Synod conforms to the congregation's confessional standard (A.3.0) as determined by majority vote at a Voters' Assembly specifically called for that purpose. The first vote shall determine whether the Synod conforms to the confessional standard of this constitution; additional votes, if necessary, shall be required to withdraw from the Synod and to select a church body which does conform to the confessional standard.


A.9.1 If at any time a division should take place on account of doctrine, the property of the congregation and all benefits connected therewith shall remain with those communicant members who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Section A.3.0 of this Constitution, as determined by the adjudication procedure of the Synod.

A.9.2 If division takes place for any other reason, the property shall remain with the majority of the communicant members who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Section A.3.0 of this Constitution, as determined by the adjudication procedures of the Synod.

A.9.3. In the event the congregation should dissolve, the property and all rights connected therewith shall be transferred to that District of the Synod in which the congregation held membership at the time of dissolution.

A.10.0 MEETINGS OF THE VOTERS" ASSEMBLY Regular meetings of the Voters' Assembly shall be held as determined by in the Bylaws. Announcement of the meeting shall be made in the services of the two previous Sundays. Special meetings require announcement in services on the two previous Sundays or notification by mail and announcement in the services on one previous Sunday. Such special meetings may be called at the request of the pastor, the president, three officers, or ten voting members.

A.11.0 QUORUM At least four members present at a validly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of the President, Vice-President and Secretary, the oldest voting member present shall open the meeting and call for the election of a temporary President.

A.12.0 LIMITATIONS ON HOLDING OFFICE In accordance with the teaching of Holy Scripture and the policies of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, women who have reached the age of 18 may hold voting membership in the congregation and serve as Officers and as members of Boards and Committees as long as these positions are not directly involved in the specific functions of the Pastoral office (preaching, the public administration of the sacraments, and church discipline) and as long as this service does not violate the order of creation (usurping authority over men). They shall not serve as Pastor, as a member of the Board of Deacons, as President or as Vice-President.


A.13.1 Amendments to provisions of this Constitution, except Sections A.2.0, A.3.0, A.5.0, A.8.0, and A.13.0, may be adopted at a regular meeting of the Voters' Assembly, except as hereinafter otherwise provided that:

A.13.1.1 The proposed amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous meeting of the Voters' Assembly and published by posting in a conspicuous place in the Church or by mail prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment will be acted upon.

A.13.1.2 The proposed amendment has been reviewed by the Committee on Constitutions of the synodical District to which the congregation belongs.

A.13.1.3 An affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the voters present is secured.

A.13.2. In addition to the above requirements, proposals to amend Sections A.2.0, A.3.0, A.5.0, A.8.0 and A.13.0 shall require that previous notice of such amendment and discussion of the same shall be presented at two regular meeting of the Voters' Assembly before the meeting at which the proposed amendment is to receive action. Due notice of the fact that a vote will be taken shall be given to all voting members of the congregation. Any changes in these articles shall not destroy the essential meaning of the same. Whether or not this has occurred shall be decided, if challenged, by a decision of the Commission on Adjudication of the synodical District in which the congregation holds its synodical membership.

Amended 12/10/95


B.1.1 When a Pastor or a day-school teacher is to be called, every member of the congregation should have the privilege of making one or more nominations. The congregation shall also ask the President of the synodical District for recommendations. In the case of a Pastoral call the Board of Deacons shall serve as the screening committee, and in the case of the calling of a day-school teacher the Board of Education shall perform that function.

B.1.2 In the screening process the respective Board shall submit all names to the respective District President for information and evaluation. After receiving information and recommendations from the District President, the respective Board shall present to the congregation, by means of a public announcement, a list of preferred candidates, together with a biographical sketch of each.

B.1.3At the Voters' Assembly called for the purpose of electing a new Pastor or day-school teacher, the preferred list may be amended by means of a two-thirds vote of those present. At that point the Voters' Assembly shall be asked to agree to be satisfied with the final selection.

B.1.4 Balloting shall proceed by means of a secret ballot vote. A majority is needed in order to determine the disposition of the Call.

B.2.0 CHURCH COUNCIL There shall be a Church Council which shall consist of the Pastor, the President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Chairman of the Board of Deacons, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the Board of Education, the Chairman of the Board of Stewardship and Finance, the Chairman of the Community Relations Committee and the Chairman of the Youth Committee. The President and Secretary of the congregation shall serve as President and Secretary of the Church Council.

B.2.1 Meetings The Church Council shall meet at least quarterly and preferably monthly. Special meetings may be called by the President, the Pastor or any three members of the Church Council by personally notifying each member, or sending a notice which shall be delivered to the residence of each member, at least 24 hours before the meeting.

B.2.2 Duties It shall be the principal duty of the Church Council to coordinate and plan the program and activities of the congregation. It shall advise the Voters' Assembly and implement the decisions of the Voters' Assembly. It shall have the power to act in behalf of the congregation between meetings of the Voters' Assembly only when so authorized by the Voters' Assembly. It shall produce an annual report to the congregation which shall incorporate reports by the Pastor, Officers. Boards and Committees. It shall conduct an annual evaluation of the congregation's ministry and up-date long-range plans, both of which shall also be included in its annual report.


B.3.1 A Nominating Committee, consisting of two members chosen by the Voters' Assembly and two members chosen by the Church Council, shall be created by March 1 of each year and shall propose a slate of candidates for all elected offices. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. No person may be nominated without his consent.

B.3.2All elected offices shall be filled by a majority ballot vote and voting shall continue until a clear majority has been established after candidates receiving the lowest number of votes have been eliminated in each succeeding ballot.

B.3.3 The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Community Relations Committee Chairman and Youth Committee Chairman shall be elected for a term of one year, with a limit of five consecutive terms. The members of Boards shall be elected for a terms of three years (on a rotating basis over three years), with a limit of two consecutive terms. The members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Church Council, upon recommendation by the Committee Chairman, for a term of one year, with a limit of five consecutive terms.

B.3.4 Officers, Board Members and elected Committee Chairmen shall be inducted into office during a public service of the congregation.

B.3.5 In case of vacancy in an elective office, the Voters' Assembly shall elect a successor to fill the unexpired term. In case of vacancy in an appointive office, the Church Council shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term, upon recommendation of the Committee Chairman.

B.3.6 Elections shall be held so that terms of office can begin on June 1 of each year. Appointments shall be made soon after the installation of new Officers, Board Members and Committee Chairmen.


B.4.1 Pastor The Pastor shall perform those duties as specified in the Diploma of Vocation which is provided to him by the Voters' Assembly at the time of his Call. The Pastor shall be a voting member of the Voters' Assembly and the Church Council. He shall chair the Worship Committee and be an advisory member of other Boards and Committees.

B.4.2 Officers

B.4.2.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Voters' Assembly and Church Council. Together with the Secretary he shall sign all legal documents on behalf of the congregation, subject to its decisions and control. He shall be an advisory member of all Boards and Committees of the congregation or may designate the Vice-President as his representative on any or all Boards and Committees.

B.4.2.2 The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President during the President's absence or inability to serve. In the case of death, permanent disability, expulsion or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall succeed him in office for the balance of the term. The Vice-President may serve as an advisory member of Board and Committees at the request of, and in place of, the President.

B.4.2.3 The Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions and business of the Voters' Assembly and Church Council. The Secretary together with the President shall sign all legal documents in behalf of the congregation, subject to its decision and control. The Secretary shall maintain a current roster of voting members, conduct the correspondence of the congregation not otherwise provided for, and provide notice of Church Council and Voters' Assembly meetings.

B.4.2.4 The Financial Secretary Shall receive the regular and special contributions of the congregation and account for them in an appropriate manner. The Financial Secretary's work will be coordinated with that of the Treasurer by the Board of Stewardship and Finance.

B.4.2.5 The Treasurer shall have custody of and responsibility for the funds of the congregation. The Treasurer's work will be coordinated with that of the Financial Secretary by the Board of Stewardship and Finance.

B.4.3 Boards

B.4.3.1 The Board of Deacons shall assist the Pastor in providing for the spiritual health and Christian fellowship of the congregation. It may render assistance as necessary for the proper administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies. It shall concern itself with the care of the sick and needy of the congregation and shall maintain regular contact with the members. The Board shall review the membership roster annually and publish a list of active members in the annual report. The Board shall appoint its Chairman for a one year term.

B.4.3.2 The Board of Trustees shall see that all the real estate, buildings and personal property of the congregation are kept in good repair and adequately insured against loss. It shall do an annual inventory and evaluation, publishing a summary of its findings along with a maintenance plan in the annual report. The Board shall appoint its Chairman for a one year term.

B.4.3.3 The Board of Education shall supervise, promote and provide for the Christian education of the congregation, adults as well as children. The Board shall be responsible for the Sunday School and also for a Christian Day School, should the congregation decide to operate one. The Board will appoint a Director of the Sunday School who shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the Sunday School and the Director shall be an advisory member of the Board of Education. The Board shall have a policy statement for the operation of the Sunday School (as well as Vacation Bible Schools and the like), including a Biblically-based curriculum which is consistent with the congregation's confessional standard (A.3.0) and a plan for the learning of Luther's Small Catechism. The Board shall have position descriptions for the Director of the Sunday School and the Sunday School teachers. The Board shall maintain a congregational library/resource center and shall cooperate with the Trustees in purchasing and maintaining equipment necessary for its operations. The Board shall appoint its Chairman for a one year term.

B.4.3.4 The Board of Stewardship and Finance shall promote the Biblical stewardship of members and shall encourage their sacrificial involvement in Christian ministry. It shall conduct the financial affairs of the congregation and shall coordinate the work of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary. It shall ensure that all funds are deposited in accounts which have been approved by the Voters' Assembly and shall implement a procedure for counting offerings before they are entrusted to either the Treasurer or Financial Secretary. The Board shall have a policy for the handling of memorial gifts. It shall prepare an annual budget for the congregation's finances which shall be presented to the Church Council before it is presented to the Voters' Assembly in December. Following approval by the Voters' Assembly the Board shall supervise and implement the budget, making suitable proposals as necessary for revision to the Voters' Assembly. Expenditures not otherwise provided for in the congregational budget must be approved by the Voters' Assembly. The Board shall publish a report on the financial affairs of the congregation at least quarterly and shall make this report available to regular meetings of the Voters' Assembly. It shall publish an audited financial report in the Church Council's annual report to the congregation. Requests for financial support from outside of the congregation shall be referred to the Board. The Board shall appoint its Chairman for a one year term.

B.4.4 Standing Committees

B.4.4.1 The Community Relations Committee shall assist the congregation in its relationships with the community, including publicity and social ministry. The Committee shall familiarize itself with the needs of the community and shall recommend congregational responses to the Voters' Assembly. The Committee shall develop and implement, upon approval of the Voters' Assembly, a plan for publicizing the mission and ministry of the congregation.

B.4.4.2 The Worship Committee shall assist the Pastor and Music Director in planning worship services and church music. It shall be chaired by the Pastor. The Committee shall provide for congregational participation and variety of expression which is consistent with the theology and practice of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and the congregation's confessional standard (A.3.0). [Amended 12/10/95]

B.4.4.3 The Youth Committee shall plan programs and activities for the young people of the congregation. The Committee shall recommend adult advisors to the Voters' Assembly for any youth groups which may be formed by the Voters' Assembly, as well as a policy for the operation of any youth groups which are formed.

B.5.0 MEETINGS The Voters' Assembly, Church Council, Boards and Committees shall meet at least quarterly. The President, in consultation with the Pastor and Board or Committee Chairmen, shall produce an annual schedule for regular meetings following the installation of new Officers and members of Boards and Committees.

B.6.0 RULES OF ORDER In addition to principles laid down in Scripture, and except when the Constitution or Bylaws indicate otherwise, the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be followed.

B.7.0 BYLAW AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended in a properly convened meeting of the Voters' Assembly by a majority of all voting members present, provided the proposed change has been announced in a previous meeting or has been submitted in writing to all voting members at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Bylaw changes must also be submitted for review by the Committee on Constitutions of the synodical District to which the congregation belongs.

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