St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church
(Missouri Synod)
25 East Scenic Road Springfield,PA 19064
(610) 543-3100
Celebrating 160 Years

About St. John

We are pleased to announce that Rev. Jonathan Fisk was installed as our 21st pastor on Palm Sunday, March 16, 2008, and on June 1, 2008 we celebrated 160 years since our founding.

We are a growing congregation with a spirit of renewal and recommitment as members rediscover the values and beliefs of historic Christianity. The History link below gives details of the congregation's past history. Members of St. John believe that traditional teaching about the "changeless Christ" of Scripture offers great hope and comfort in the darkness of our rapidly changing world.

The congregation offers a supportive environment for those who are seeking honest answers to life's most pressing and troublesome questions. Members of St. John enjoy a vital worship life and there are educational opportunities for children and adults alike, with over 50% of those attending worship also involved in Sunday morning educational programs. A well-received Vacation Bible School is conducted for the community every summer.

Pictures of the Church Map of our Location History of St. John
Rev. Jonathan Fisk
Music Director
Kathleen M. Panek
and Bylaws

The Ministry of St. John

St. John exists so that the Word of God and the Sacraments, as a means of grace, can create a saving faith in Jesus Christ. The mission of the congregation is two-fold: The ministry of the congregation includes worship, nurture, fellowship, witness, and service.

At St. John, men, women and youth use their talents and abilities in a variety of ways: assisting with the spiritual needs of members, taking care of physical properties, providing educational opportunities, planning worship, managing finances, helping with youth activities, singing in the choir, and reaching out to our community.

Weekly Schedule
Sunday Worship Service 10:00 AM
Sunday School 11:30 AM
Wisdom and Hope
Monday Boy Scout Troop #512 Meeting 7:00 PM
Thursday Adult Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM

What is a Lutheran? What Lutherans Believe Luther's Small Catechism
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