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Name (optional) :   Hilah
Date :   5-04-06
My prayer :   is for my best friend terry a few months ago he moved from indianapolis to california because his uncle talked him into moving ,he is drinking everyday and hanging out with the wrong people and does not have a steady job ,terry was not like that when he l prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   C.K. W & S.M.W
Date :   4 May 2006
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for your intercession in our time of need. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   May 4 2006
My prayer :   I pray St.Jude for your immediate intercession for me;please have the other parties see the err of their ways and recind the planned change for this September.Thank-you and Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Jay
Date :   05/03/06
My prayer :   St Jude say 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Marys for 9 days. Ask for 3 favours: one business and two impossible. On the 9th day publish this and your prayers will be answered prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   5/3/06 far fa
My prayer :   yes wanted to thank st jude and god for favors granted the prayer works it doesthank you prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Al
Date :   5/03/06
My prayer :   Please pray for my son(Leon)who is very angry with me and his older sister I made him move out of my home for being very disrupted and violent with the family uses drugs and is unemployed and has not paid any rent or bills does not want to except responsi prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   05/01/06
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers and bringing me my wonderful husband, and two beautiful healthy babies, for my stepdaughter, my job, and all the other novenas that you have answered the way you thought was good for me at the time. Thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   05/01/06
My prayer :   Thank you God for answering my prayers, thank you St. Jude for interceding on my behalf. God thank you for all the grace and favors which you have given me through the prayers of Apostle Jude Thaddeus.St. Jude I thank you for your intercession in response prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   caroline
Date :   050/1/06
My prayer :   st Jude please intercede for me that i may not be pregnant please i am scared prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   caroline
Date :   050/1/06
My prayer :   please pray for me that i may not become pregnant please im desperste prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   05/01/2006
My prayer :   St. Jude please hear my prayers. I am asking you to help me with my marriage. My husband and I are currently separated and he our lines of communication is not how I would like it to be. Please bring my husband back to the way he use to be before we got m prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 30 2006
My prayer :   St Jude I ask for your intercession about the issues at our school.Please allow the right person to acknowledge and understand our concerns and intervene on our behalf.Many thanks,Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Dawn
Date :   4/30/06
My prayer :   Please pray that I may find employment. I lost my job recently (3/17/06) and I am scared that I will lose everything I worked so hard for. prayer, continued :   Thank you for your help
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 27 2006
My prayer :   I pray St.Jude for your divine intervention on behalf of the parents,that the school board be reasonable about proposed changes,and for our trustee to help us parents.Thank-you and Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 27 2006
My prayer :   I pray St.Jude for continued blessings and healings.Keep us safe and well,that moms Dr. visit tomorrow be uneventful.Amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   27 04 2006
My prayer :   St Jude, Please help my daughter and Son-in-law get through this very hard time as they try to conceive their first child, they desperatley need your help and guidance prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 26, 2006
My prayer :   Dear St Jude, patron of miracles, I would you to help my husband to look for clients that will order from him large quantity of labels every month.Give him more patience. This will be a great help for us. The money that will be saved will be used to look prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 26, 2006
My prayer :   Dear St Jude, patron of miracles, I would you to help my husband to look for clients that will order from him large quantity of labels every month.Give him more patience. This will be a great help for us. The money that will be saved will be used to look prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Dawn & Cathy
Date :   4/25/2004
My prayer :   May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved through out the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us, St Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St Jude help of the helpless pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a d prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Michael M.
Date :   4-24-06
My prayer :   St. Jude, Today is the ninth day of my novena to you. I am filled with hope and faith as I await your healing touch! prayer, continued :   I promise to always invoke your assistance and help and share your divine help.
Name (optional) :   ger
Date :   23-04-2006
My prayer :   to be together again with the woman I love. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   CMT
Date :   04/21/2006
My prayer :   St. Jude, I am grateful you answered my 1st petition that I asked for. I am now praying a novena for Homer B. I pray that you can guide him to me. I pray that he will give me a phone call so that we can really get to know each other better. I ask that you prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Sherry
Date :   04-21-2006
My prayer :   I ask that Johnny gets away from his roomate and that he finds me so that we can share in the sacrament of marriage and shared our love for one another til death till we part. prayer, continued :   Tell him I love him with all my heart and soul-please bring him back to me and heal our hearts.
Name (optional) :   Lynnette
Date :   18/04/2006
My prayer :   I would like prayers for the healing, restoration and reconciliation of my relationship with my fiance Mark prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   jackie
Date :   april17
My prayer :   St. Jude please hear my prayers and have my petitions granted. Thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   jackie
Date :   april 17
My prayer :   st. jude please pray for me I found a good home but I need some money to pay the landlord before going into the new house. please pray for me, please help me cause I must have at least part of the rental by today before shifting to my new home. Please hel prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer : prayer, continued :   Novena To St. Jude nevere fails. Use it!
Name (optional) :   huxley giffard
Date :   16/04/06
My prayer :   dear st jude help me in my studies .help me to be a perfecterness in my school me to pass my exams with no trouble from satan.amen prayer, continued :   cleans me for all ungodlyness and put a end to all problems in my life at and at work.amen amen.amen and bless the pope and the whole world for peace amen
Name (optional) :   huxley giffard
Date :   16/04/06
My prayer :   dear st jude help me in my studies .help me to be a perfecterness in my school me to pass my exams with no trouble from satan.amen prayer, continued :   cleans me for all ungodlyness and put a end to all problems in my life at and at work.amen amen.amen and bless the pope and the whole world for peace amen
Name (optional) :   huxley giffard
Date :   16/04/06
My prayer :   dear st jude help me in my studies .help me to be a perfecterness in my school me to pass my exams with no trouble from satan.amen prayer, continued :   cleans me for all ungodlyness and put a end to all problems in my life at and at work.amen amen.amen and bless the pope and the whole world for peace amen
Name (optional) :   Michael M.
Date :   4/15/06
My prayer :   Dear St. Jude, Look not upon my sinfulness and unworthiness but upon my desire to become more like Christ and please hear my petition. Grant me the confidence and strength to overcome all anxieties and weaknesses in life especially my hesitation of speec prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   marlena
Date :   april 12,2006
My prayer :   Dear St. Jude, thank you for the wellness of my mother granted to me recently. I pray now that through God and all angels you will be assisted in helping to obtain a job that will last and help my home to flourish. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   d
Date :   April 10, 2006
My prayer :   St. Jude you have blessed my family numerous times. I ask you again, to hear my prayers for employment for my husband as well as faith to see us through these tough times. St. Jude I promise to be ever mindful of this great favor and to always honor you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   cfm
Date :   4-9-06
My prayer :   Thank you, St. Jude, for hearing my request and granting this favor. You will always be my special and powerful patron. Thank you, St. Jude and thank you, God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Janet Youngstrom
Date :   April 8, 2006
My prayer :   May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored glorified loved and preserved now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. Saint Jude workers of miracles pray for us. Saint Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. Grant my prayer. JAY prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   daphne
Date :   april7/2006
My prayer :   thank-you st. jude, for answered prayers. today, i ask for prayers to be helped with, my financial difficulity. please help me to find money to pay for my utilities, heating, and phone bill. amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   Apr 07
My prayer :   St,Jude..please protect my boyfriend and take care of him..he is so accident prone..he had problems with his neck and now hes hurt his shoulder..please take care of him..thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   Apr 07
My prayer :   Thank You St.Jude for all the favors and please continue to take care and protect. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Nicole
Date :   April 6, 2006
My prayer :   St. Jude, may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved, adored, blessed and glorified throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, please pray for me now. St. Jude, Worker of Miracles, please pray for me now. St. Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, p prayer, continued :   I want to thank St. Jude for helping me heal. I love you. Thank you. Amen.
Name (optional) :   Lorie
Date :   
My prayer :   Thank You St. Jude for many prayers answered. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Lorie
Date :   
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jud for many prayers answered. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   carl
Date :   4/4/06
My prayer :   St. Jude, thank you for hearing and granting my requests. I will honor you always. Thank you St. Jude and thank you God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   4/4/2006
My prayer :   Thank you for helping my granddaughter overcome her obsessive problem. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   4-03-06
My prayer :   My prayer has been for money for my childs education and for a desired job. St. Jude who helps the helpless and intercedes for things almost despaired of I continually pray and have seen the miracles of my prayer to you. Thank you, Thank you , Thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   April 1 2006
My prayer :   I pray St.Jude for your intercession for mom with her healing and to intervene with any health issues she may have.In Jesus name,amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   km
Date :   3-31-06
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for answering my prayers. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mom
Date :   3-31-06
My prayer :   Please keep my son out of IRAQ,please help my daughter get into law school,please let the exam be dismissed prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Jim
Date :   March 31, 2006
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for all your help. God has truly blessed you with the power to perform miracles! You in turn interceded for me. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   kim nolte
Date :   29/3/06
My prayer :   I have prayed for relief from my financial burdens as I am a single mother. I also prayed for my dad to get a job. prayer, continued :   wITH HEARTFELT THANKS TO st.Jude my prayer was answered my dad got a job today.Amen
Name (optional) :   christine
Date :   3/28/06
My prayer :   for my release from jail term prayer, continued :   
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