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Name (optional) :   JoAnne Jurcic
Date :   Feb. 19, 2006
My prayer :   Ten years ago I prayed to become pregnant. You have given me 3 beautiful children. I have never published my thanks. Now I need you again. I feel unworthy to ask for your help. I know you will forgive my thoughtlessness. Please help me find a way to help prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   mom
Date :   18 Feb 06
My prayer :   I pray for the grace to continue on, for peace and a happy conclusion to my sons cross he must bear. St. Jude pray to Jesus through your intersession a favorable and happy conclustion to this crisis in his life. May it be a swift and happy end Thank you m prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   barb
Date :   02/18/06
My prayer :   I am asking for forgiveness for talking about my son and his wife. There is a Wedding in our family this july 22, 2006, which I am afraid because of my mouth, I have caused them notto let their daughter stand up. prayer, continued :   Please I ask, that God grant me this one wish that they will put aside the difference they have with me, and let my daughter have her flower girl. Thank You God in advance, because you alwsys come to my aid.
Name (optional) :   
Date :   02/18/06
My prayer :   That my friend may stop physically hurting himslf and understand that he is loved, above all by Christ Jesus our Lord. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   CAB
Date :   2/17/06
My prayer :   O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg whom God ha prayer, continued :   Thank you St. Jude for your intercession!
Name (optional) :   sheri
Date :   2/16/06
My prayer :   Thank you Lord and St Jude and Blessed Mother for blessing my husband with long term employment. I am eternally your servant. Amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   karina
Date :   17.02.2006
My prayer : prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Rebecca
Date :   Feb. 15, 2006
My prayer :   Dear Lord, Ive been praying so long to be released of my fear of fear...agoraphobia. I am over 7 months pregnant and still havent been to the doctor. I want complete and total release and cure so I feel confidant and safe where ever I go by myself or with prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Regina Lomboy
Date :   February 14, 2005
My prayer :   My prayer to St. Jude was for a the healthy arrival of our son, whose test results showed he might be born with DS. Our prayer was answered with the birth of our baby boy on Jan. 27, 2005. He was born without Down Syndrome. Thank you St. Jude for praying prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Sherry
Date :   2/14/06
My prayer :   St. Jude, I pray to you for the granting of my prayers for my entertainment career, financial situation and marriage requests through your intercession with Heaven. Thank you and Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Gary
Date :   Feb 14
My prayer :   I had an answers for ST.JUDE after nine days prayer. I got my wife fogave me. This was what I wanted last few years. Thank You ST.JUDE. Thank very much. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mindy
Date :   02.13.06
My prayer :   please pray for my husband for his job issues to be solved peacefuly so that our family can still be together. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mindy
Date :   02.13.06
My prayer :   I want to thank God and holy mother, st jiud, st anthony, st joseph, holy spirit and all the other saints and angels who prayed for my daughter to get through her exam very well. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Please donot let Keith hurt Sandy or the little girls anymore.Please bring peace.Please bring my family back together again and bring Matt back to reality.Please help everyone that need your help. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   2/13/06
My prayer :   Dear St. Jude, I thank you for helping me cope up with my tribulations and please continue to help me especially the one that I pray through your intercession. Thank you so much! prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JD
Date :   Feb 12, 2006
My prayer :   Dear Sweet Lord Jesus, Holy Mary, St Jude, St Philomena and the Heavenly Angels, I ask for you protection today and always. Please walk with me, protect me and give me the strength to continue. prayer, continued :   Please intercede in my intentions that I have revealed to you. I am a sinner and I wish to repent. Please help me make amends with those I have harmed. Please assist BP in his endeavors to close the project. As always, Thy will be done. I pray in Jesus na
Name (optional) :   SHERRI
Date :   2-10-2006
My prayer :   ST JUDE- DIRE URGENT- CATHY MOVES out of my home and finds her own home soon. mom gets comes more and more popular and he comes magistrate in nov. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   02-09-06
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered. J didnt receive a new OOP. Please help him with his difficulties & his charges. Please have K change her ways & leave us alone. God Bless &THANK YOU. R prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   bg
Date :   02/08/06
My prayer :   Thank you for the job I prayed to St. Jude and asked for a job that I had applied to and I got the job! thank you prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   at
Date :   090206
My prayer :   Dear St Jude, Pls help me in my problems at work, pls help to solve this big mistakes that I have committed at work. I am feeling so scared now that I am unable to sleep and is always making more mistakes at work prayer, continued :   Pls help to look after my family members, pls help me to find a job that I will be able to stay forever. Pls help me financially so that I can take up courses that I have strong interest in. Thanks a lot in advance 1st.
Name (optional) :   annie
Date :   09022006
My prayer :   St Jude, I m feeling very scared, troubled and confused. Pls help me in the job as I have made very big mistakes and will be in big trouble. I beg you to help solve this problem and that it was not a mistake on my side and not a big deal. Pls help me to f prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JAD
Date :   Feb 7, 2006
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for all you have done for me, and for being there to talk and pray to. It is such a blessing to be able to go to you in prayer. It gives us hope to carry on just knowing you are there listening to us. prayer, continued :   Please hear my pleas today. Please send your Heavenly Angels to make this walk with me and protect me. Thy will be done. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Please bring my family back together.Please donot let M think that he is gay.Please donot let him be gay.Please donot let Keith get custody of the little girls. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   kim
Date :   2/6/06
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for asking God to help my brother. I will always be grateful. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   kim
Date :   2/6/06
My prayer : prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   kim
Date :   
My prayer : prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   M
Date :   2/6/06
My prayer :   Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Clair, St. Jude, St. Philomena and Blessed Mother for listening to my prayers. Thank you for prayers answered. Please help me get through this tough time. M. 2/6/06 prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JAD
Date :   Feb 6, 2006
My prayer :   St Jude, please pray for me and intercede for my petition. Please protect me at work today. Please let BP get what he needs to finish the project. I pray in Jesus name. Thy will be done. Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   2-4-06
My prayer :   thank you saint jude for helping me with my GRE Exam even before i was done fully praying the novena. I continue to pray that you will help me with the second part of my prayer, which was to help me mend my relationship with my boyfriend by this week. Onc prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JAD
Date :   2-3-06
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for your protection. I am profoundly grateful. Please continue to help me and interced for me. Please send your Heavenly Angels to walk with me and give me strength. I pray in Jesus name, Thy will be done. Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mary
Date :   1st February, 2006
My prayer :   Thank you for my prayers that was answered through St. Jude. I wish to encourage all others who are going through some problems to try St. Jude. My prayers have started being answered. Thankyou St Jude prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   jad
Date :   Feb 1, 2006
My prayer :   Dear St Jude, please continue to protect me at work. Please send your Heavenly Angels to walk with me and give me strength to endure. Please help BP get the documentation he needs to complete the project and get GOV to release the funds rightly due to us. prayer, continued :   Please help BP get the documentation he needs to complete the project and get GOV to release the funds rightly due to us. Thank you for all the answered prayers. Thy will be done. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.
Name (optional) :   Nate
Date :   01/31/06
My prayer :   O holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, the faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart, and humbly beg t prayer, continued :   Thank you St. Jude for prayer answered.
Name (optional) :   SS
Date :   1.31.96
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers and for favors granted. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   january 30, 2006
My prayer :   Thank you lord for leading me to this website. I pray saint jude, that you might help me and my boyfriend mend our once beautiful relationship which has been lost. Lessen the burdens that have encompussed both myself and my boyfriend. help him to soften h prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   M
Date :   1/30/06
My prayer :   Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Clair, St. Jude, St. Philomena and Blessed Mother for listening to my prayers. Thank you for prayers answered. Please help me get through this tough time. Im in mental anguish again. M prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Dorothy Barth
Date :   1/30/2006
My prayer :   Thank you, St. Jude for the blessings you have bestowed upon me and the prayers you have answered. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Dorothy Barth
Date :   
My prayer : prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Sherry
Date :   1-29-06
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for your intercessionin bringing healing and complete restoration to my relationship with my boyfriend. Thank you for bringing us closer and for making us stronger. I will be forever grateful and will always be devoted to you. Thanks. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   c
Date :   1/30/06
My prayer :   St Jude Please help me on my financial problem and please open jhing heart for me again so we can be back together again. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Maddy
Date :   1/27/06
My prayer :   Please pray for my son J.C. so that he may stay on track in school and continue to stay focused. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JAD
Date :   1-27-06
My prayer :   Thank you ST Jude for being there. Please continue to protect me at work, and please help bring an end to the project. I have always been able to turn to you and you have been there for me. I am profoundly grateful. Thy will be done. In Jesus name, Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Danila
Date :   January 26, 2006
My prayer :   My daughter has been working very hard to get a full time position at her place of employment. She is in financial distress. Please pray this will happen soon prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Danila
Date :   January 26, 2006
My prayer :   My daughter has been working very hard to get a full time position at her place of employment. She is in financial distress. Please pray this will happen soon prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   jad
Date :   1-26-06
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for the strength and protection you have given me this week. My prayers were answered. And thank you for sending your Angels to walk with me. I am still in need of your help, but you have blessed me beyond measure. I am so grateful. I kn prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Isaac
Date :   january 25
My prayer :   That his test for intestnal cancer come back negative prayer, continued :   Please dear Jesus help him
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for your intercession. I know that I now have to wait for my answer from God. Thank you St. Jude for helping me get through this difficut time. I hope that I am worthy of this miracle. In Gods name I pray.... Lord hear my prayer. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   kf
Date :   1/25/06
My prayer :   In thanks for requests received. We appreciate our daughters and son-laws successful purchase and move into their new home. We are most grateful. prayer, continued :   Please dear Lord,through the intercession of good St. Jude, sell their home to someone who will be happy there and will pay the fair price which they deserve.So many thanks for granting these requests for two very good people.
Name (optional) :   EL
Date :   1/25/06
My prayer :   I pray to St. Jude with the hope of finding true love, peace, and contentment. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Joy
Date :   25 jan
My prayer :   Many thanks St Jude, Neil came out of hospital on the 9th day of my novena. Please give Cheryl the strength to cope. prayer, continued :   
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