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Name (optional) :   kf
Date :   1/17/06
My prayer :   Dear Lord in heaven above through the intercession of good St. Jude please help us get our real estate sold this year. They are weighing on us and we need to have the funds in order to settle down permanently in a new home in our old age. Please bring buy prayer, continued :   the properties. Please grant smooth and timely sales. We are grateful for all you have done for us in the past. We praise you and give thanks through our Lord, Jesus Christ. We also ask that all goes well for our daughter and her family and that their new
Name (optional) :   
Date :   1/17/06
My prayer :   To pass my social studies final exam. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mary V
Date :   1-17-06
My prayer :   Please help my son and daughter to get jobs this month. They have been looking for a long time. Help my daughter to lose weight, help her get her face healed. Help me sell my house quickly, help me improve my finances. prayer, continued :   Help my brothers to get well, help my mother to stay healthy and help my sister in law and nephews to get their legal papers quickly.
Name (optional) :   jd
Date :   Jan 17, 2006
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for your strength and protection. Thank you for sending your Angels to walk with me. I continue to pray for intercession during this dangerous time. Please continue to intercede for me. Thy will be done. In Jesus name, Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   jl
Date :   Jan.16
My prayer :   Thanksgiving Novena to St. Jude holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near Kinsman of Jesus Christ, the faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the dept prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   cfm
Date :   1-16-06
My prayer :   St. Jude, thank you for granting this request, I will honor you always. Thank you, St. Jude and thank you God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   janean
Date :   01/16/06
My prayer :   I ask that both my husband and I with Gods help be renewed. I pray that we both live in the way God intended us to, with peace and love. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Julie
Date :   January 16
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers. I will be forever thankful. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   estela
Date :   1/16/06
My prayer :   St. jude pray for us that me and my bf that our relationship will be getting stronger and love grows more deeper everyday whatever obstacle we’ve been experiencing now,help him with his problem in his business and help us with our papers for fast approval prayer, continued :   for my financial difficulties im having now...
Name (optional) :   JD
Date :   1/16/06
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for all you have done for me. Thank you for sending your Angels to walk with me and protect me and give me comfort. I am asking for you divine intervention and help especially for the next two weeks. I am facing very serious challenges. prayer, continued :   I pray in Jesus name. Thy will be done. Amen.
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Please bring my family back together.Please do not let Keith get the little girls or hurt them or Sandy anymore. Please make him sign the papers. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Joy
Date :   15th January
My prayer :   Please help my son, Neil, back in hospital today prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   c
Date :   14 January 2006
My prayer :   St. Jude please have mercy on me. I have been praying for so long to be happily married to a man that I truly love and that will love me, take care of me and cherish me. And heres the man that I wanted to be with forever but were having problems in gettin prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JD
Date :   Jan 13. 2006
My prayer :   St Jude, please continue to comfort me and pray for me and my family. I am still struggling to keep my footing in the face of these serious obstacles. Please send your Angels to me to help me find my way. In Jesus name, Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JA
Date :   1/12/06
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for answering my prayer today. Thank you and the Angels in Heaven for all you have done for me. You have never let me down. Thy will be done. Amen, prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   janean
Date :   01/12/06
My prayer :   I pray that my husband, Norman returns to the Lord. By remembering his walk with our Lord he will become the husband that he has been called to be and our marital difficulties will lessen and our lives improve. Thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Maureen
Date :   01/12/2006
My prayer :   Thank you St Jude for once again answering my prayers!You have never failed me.My friend continues to be in remission.I will always honor you.Thank you! prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JA
Date :   1/12/06
My prayer :   St June, please be with me in the journey I must take this week. Please be there to offer me comfort. I am nervous about the outcome. Thy will be done. In Jesus name, Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   JD
Date :   1/12/06
My prayer :   Please protect me at work. I am having great difficulty there. I pray in Jesus name. Thy will be done. Amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   1/11/2005
My prayer :   Please pray for my son, Dan, for success in school. Peace and salvation. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   11/01/06
My prayer :   St jude please help us.please let my daughter admission for vet science as she desiresand my second daughter study well please my husband get a good job and let us live in peace without ahving to fearlet my niece do well in her studies thank you amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   11/01/06
My prayer :   St jude please help us.please let my daughter admission for vet science as she desiresand my second daughter study well please my husband get a good job and let us live in peace without ahving to fearlet my niece do well in her studies thank you amen prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   11/1/06
My prayer :   St jude pray for us in our time of need. let my husbands name be cleared and let him get a good and secure job.all the troubles that have bothered us for the last 5 years be be rid forever with your help.let my brother find relief from parkinsons prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Acuniforme
Date :   01/09/05
My prayer :   I thank the intercession of St. Jude that my principal was able to observe my class today. I prayed that he intercede for this request and he really did. prayer, continued :   I need St. Jude to intercede in my present financial difficulty and problem with my growing children. Thank you St. Jude, in faith, I know this is possible.
Name (optional) :   P.R.P.
Date :   January 9, 2006
My prayer :   I pray for financial security. Thank you St.Jude. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   P.R.P.
Date :   January 9, 2006
My prayer :   May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St.Jude worker of miracles pray for us. St.Jude helper of the hopeless Pray for us. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   010606
My prayer :   St Jude please pray with me that I can work my problems out with my husband and live a good relationship as in the past. please pray for me. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   SANDRA
Date :   01/09/06
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Please bring my family back together.Please help them all find their way back to reality. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   
My prayer :   Please bring an end to this between S&K.Make them either work things out or part. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Mag
Date :   Jan 6, 2006
My prayer :   St. Jude, Please help my brother get a job. He is getting so down and lost and hopeless. He is such a good worker, such a good brother and friend. Please help him. I know that this is possible. Thank you. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Carl
Date :   1-5-06
My prayer :   Thank you, St. Jude, for requests answered in the past and now. Thank you, St. Jude and thank you God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Carl
Date :   1-05-06
My prayer : prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   mari
Date :   12/29/05
My prayer :   St.Jude please hear my petition, intercede for me before God , help me find agm and also help my mother ease her pain. thank you for being always there. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   BG
Date :   Dec. 28, 2005
My prayer :   Thank you for granting me a wish for a job. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   dec.28-05
My prayer :   I prayer that St. Jude will intercede on my behalf and ask God to remove the severe hypertension that I now have. In Jesus name I prayer, and give thanks to St. Jude for his help, amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   Dec 28 2005
My prayer :   I pray St.Jude for utmost intercession for my mom,and her health.I pray for your blessings regarding this,many thanks in advance.Amen. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   krm
Date :   dec.27-05
My prayer :   I prayer that my high blood pressure will be cured. I ask this in Jesus name ,St. Jude, prayer for me. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   DDG
Date :   12/26/05
My prayer :   This publication is for the many novenas I have said over the years that have gone unpublished due to my financial situation. This novena has moved mountains in my life - I am a firm believer! prayer, continued :   This new novena is very special to me because I have been divorced for six years and I am hoping that St. Jude and our Lord will come to my assistance and bless me with a God fearing man! Lord hear my prayers!
Name (optional) :   Joseph C
Date :   22/12/2005
My prayer :   St Jude, thanks for being there and helping me and my family get through the problems we have been experiencing for the past 12 months. Please continue to watch prayer, continued :   over us and please let us make the changes we require to get our lives back into the direction that will bring us all together,
Name (optional) :   Carl
Date :   12-20-05
My prayer :   Thank you, St. Jude, for the help in mending my relationship. It would not have happened without you. Thank you again St. Jude and thank you God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   dora
Date :   12/20/2005
My prayer :   Lord, I ask that you help me restore my marriage to my husband Victor. Its been 2 months, and I have not heard nothing from him. Please Lord, help me save my marriage.Soften his heart, and talk to him, and let him know that we can save this marriage. Stop prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   mom
Date :   12/20/2005
My prayer :   Please help my daughter find a peacful and happy solution to her troubles with her son, please help her a job,please help her to always turn to God. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Jennifer
Date :   12-15-05
My prayer :   Thank you St. Jude. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   a worried mom
Date :   Dec.15, 2005
My prayer :   Please help my daughter and her husband find peace and a common ground to work through the problems in their marriage. prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   12/15/05
My prayer :   I prayed an d begged St. Jude to help my son finish his projects that were part of his finals in college. He was pressed for time, even though he worked on it all night long without any sleep. It got done, it was impossible to it in 2 days, but with the h prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   12/15/05
My prayer :   I prayed an d begged St. Jude to help my son finish his projects that were part of his finals in college. He was pressed for time, even though he worked on it all night long without any sleep. It got done, it was impossible to it in 2 days, but with the h prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   
Date :   12/15/05
My prayer :   I prayed an d begged St. Jude to help my son finish his projects that were part of his finals in college. He was pressed for time, even though he worked on it all night long without any sleep. It got done, it was impossible to it in 2 days, but with the h prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Carl, CA
Date :   12/13/05
My prayer :   St. Jude, thank you for all the past requests you have answered. Thank you for answering this request that is so important to me. Thank you again St. Jude and thank you God prayer, continued :   
Name (optional) :   Joseph
Date :   13 - 12- 2005
My prayer :   St Jude please continue to help us get over the issues we have been going through for the past 12 months.I pray for you help in getting over these problems prayer, continued :   My wife has been depressed for a number of reasons please help her cope and become stronger so we can both face our future together.
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