Name (optional) : Judy
Date : 11/08/07
My prayer : Please help us with the sale of our home. We are going thru difficult times right now. Relocation of my husbands job has
forced an unwanted seperation upon us and has caused us financial burden. The housing market is not good and there does not seem to b
| prayer, continued : Please send us a buyer so our
family can reunite
Name (optional) : karen
Date : 6/11/2007
My prayer : Please St. Jude please pray for my son Jack who is quite depressed.
Please find a satisfactory resolution for all .He is only 16 but talks about dying. Please lets things get better for him so he is happy once again.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : Nov.5,2007
My prayer : Please pray for me. I think I am having a colitis attack. It is very painful. I promise to publish my thanks.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Rebecca Roberts
Date : 11-5-07
My prayer : Please heal me and give me strength to face the battle.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : jc
Date : 11-4-07
My prayer : plese god dont do this to us again.i dont have the money stop hurtting us this way.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : JC
Date : 11-3-07
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : October 31
My prayer : My son is relocating to another job. Please help him understand that attitude took his former job away from him. Thank you for your help.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/31/07
My prayer : For the healing of Parker Underwood, a 2 year old suffering from leukemia
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Gerly collado
Date : Oct.31,2007
My prayer : Dear God,please help me pass my cgfns,nclex and ielts exam.,thank u.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Kathleen
Date : 10/29/2007
My prayer : Saint Jude, please pray for my unborn baby. We have not been able to find a heartbeat and I am praying for a miracle that they will find one and that I can have a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : L.M.
Date : 10/29/07
My prayer : Dear Blessed St. Jude, Holy Spirit, Sacret Heart of Jesus, and Our Lady of Consolation. Thank you for listening to my prayers and interceding for me. I believe that my prayers have been answered. I have not heard any news one way or the other. I know my d
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Linda
Date : 10/23/2007
My prayer : Blessed Apostle St. Jude, I call upon you for help in hope and utmost confidence. St. Jude renowned help of the hopeless, come to my aid in this time of distress. St. Jude, cousin of our Lord, obtain from our Savior the favors I now need and seek,
| prayer, continued : especially for my youngest niece Lily. You received this authority and healing power to work wonders. Please pray for my family and Lily that she continues to grow healthy and strong, protect her from infection and disease, and empower her to develop into
Name (optional) : Linda
Date : 10/23/2007
My prayer : Blessed Apostle St. Jude, I call upon you for help in hope and utmost confidence. St. Jude renowned help of the hopeless, come to my aid in this time of distress. St. Jude, cousin of our Lord, obtain from our Savior the favors I now need and seek, especia
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : maria
Date : 23rd.october 07
My prayer : please pray for my son John,Alison and their unborn baby girl due Christmas day for safe delivery,for bonding,to be free from post natal depression,and for their 2years old girl Zoe, that they all get to know Jesus and for them to be be protected from evi
| prayer, continued : please also pray for my other 2daughters Jane,Julia husband Gary,boyfriend Ian for their needs,and special blessings,and for my needs,the lord knows all about me,for my sister and brothers and all the people i said i pray for, i pray all this in Jesus nam
Name (optional) : Thelma
Date : 10/22/2007
My prayer : I pray that My Husband Breck will be healed of brain atrophy and side effects of such, I pray that My daughter Michelle will be healed of painful gastro reflux that has involved her throat and nasal passage, I pray for my grandson Karson, that he will be
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Mickey
Date : 10/15/07
My prayer : Please Lord guide kim back to me so that we may be married.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Paul B.
Date : Oct. 15, 007
My prayer : Most Holy Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, please help me and pray for me that I may pass my EIT exam this October. I have been having problems focusing on my review and runnning out of time to do it. Please help me to be not distracted from the remainding day
| prayer, continued : I promise to be ever mindful of this great favor granted me by God and will never cease to honor thee as my special and powerful patron, and will encourage devotion to thee. Amen. Thank you and God Bless you.
Name (optional) : Barbara
Date : 10/11/2007
My prayer : Employment - as soon as possible.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/09/07
My prayer : St. Jude, I pray for your help inthis time of need.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10-08-07
My prayer : to lose weight for health reason
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date :
My prayer : Grateful thanks for friendships renewed. Faith restored in prayers. Looking forward to what the future holds. Many thanks SAS.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : hirut
Date : 10-8-07
My prayer : please st jude pray for me my health restore and my body function normal
thank you
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : hirut
Date : 10-8-07
My prayer : please st jude pray for me my health restore and my body function normal
thank you
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : diana
Date : 8/10/07
My prayer : pls pray that i must get job in software testing in this month
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/5/07
My prayer : prayer does not work you all need to stop praying its all bull. i prayed all my life and got nothing no family no friends no love in my life god is not real he is shit.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : rudy
Date : 10/5/07
My prayer : Thank you God for answering my prayer; thank you St. Jude for interceding on my behalf. I will encourage devotion to you always.
God, thank you for all the grace and favors which you have given me through the prayers of your Apostle, Jude Thaddeus. St.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/4/7
My prayer : Holy St. Jude,
Please help me with my addiction to computer games. Intercede for me and hear my prayer.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/4/7
My prayer : St. Jude,
Please help my brother find true forgiveness and healing.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 10/4/2007
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for interceding on behalf of my children and finding a great public school for them to attend.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : IRENE
Date : 1 oct 07
My prayer : Pray for my son P, Pray for a no bill, pray for his peace of mind, his job, and that all of his troubles end happily, thank you, amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/29/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus. The name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many but the true church invokes you universally as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray for me
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : carol
Date : 9/29/07
My prayer : st jude help with our debt so our home is safe and help mike get a new job .our life is unhappy,broke and no word to say . family dont understand whats going to hPEN AND JUST Cant think anymore
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/28/07
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus. The name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many but the true Church has invoked you universally as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray fo
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : sas
Date : 290907
My prayer : My prayer is to find love, peace and happiness in my relationship and to help a loved one overcome difficulty.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : A.
Date : 9/28/2007
My prayer : I pray to you St. Jude to return my beloved. I pray that he change his unhealthy fixations about women, certain races of people and about his denial of his faults and problems. That he return to me soon and apologize for the pain he has inflicted on me, f
| prayer, continued : Please I plead for my beloved to return to me soon, my heart aches and remains half of a broken heart without him, my soul only knows loneliness that I can’t fill with anything or anyone but his gentle touch, his beautiful voice, his incomplete heart, his
Name (optional) : Laura
Date : 9-27-2007
My prayer : O Holy St. Jude, Apostle and Martyr, great in virtue and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to who
| prayer, continued : Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name: Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us the day our daily bread:and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us: and lead us not into temptaion,
Name (optional) :
Date : 09/27/2007
My prayer : Thank you for prayers answered
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 9/27/07
My prayer : May the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be praised adored and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for me, Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus pray for me, Saint Jude Patron of hopeless
| prayer, continued : After completing this novena, it seems as though my prayer has been answered since I have not heard anything more about an impending problem. I have been praying for it all to be dismissed. Thank you Lord
Name (optional) :
Date : 9/27/07
My prayer : May the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary be praised adored and glorified throughout the whole world now and forever. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for me, Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus pray for me, Saint Jude Patron of hopeless
| prayer, continued : After completing this novena, it seems as though my prayer has been answered since I have not heard anything more about an impending problem. I have been praying for it all to be dismissed. Thank you Lord
Name (optional) : Anj
Date : 27/09/2007
My prayer : Thank you St Jude for all prayers answered.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Julie
Date : 9/26/07
My prayer : May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Please St. Jude send
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Jo
Date : 9/26/07
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude in advance for helping me stay strong and overcome my situation.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/26/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus. The name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many but the true Church invoked you univerally as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray for me
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/23/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many. But the true Church invokes you as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray for me that I may
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/22/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and frien of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray for me
| prayer, continued : and that I may bless you with the elect throughout eternity.AMEN
Name (optional) : Katy
Date : 09/22/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, glorious apostle, faithful servant and frien of Jesus, the name of the traitor has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you universally as the patron of things despaired of. Pray for me who am so miserable. Pray for me
| prayer, continued : and that I may bless you with the elect throughout eternity.AMEN
Name (optional) : emi
Date : september 21, 2007
My prayer : Oh kind and compassionate Saint Jude, please come to my brothers aid. Have all charges dismissed afainst him without any discomfort or stress. May our family name recover and be synonomous with goodness. I will be forever indebted to you for the fullfillm
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Deborah
Date : September 21, 2007
My prayer : St. Jude, thank you for favors granted.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 9/21/07
My prayer : St Jude
Thank you for favors granted on behalf of my brother.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : S. Bishop
Date : September 18, 2007
My prayer : Thanksgiving Novema to Saint Jude, for prayers answered for my family.
| prayer, continued :