Name (optional) :
Date : 9/8/2007
My prayer : St. Jude thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. Ive used your novena many times throughout my life and it has always worked. Thank you for bringing me peace and comfort.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Fashi - Bon
Date : 09/07/07
My prayer : my prayer is health peace and happiness for me and my family and good freinds, and to be protected from few evil spirits that work with me at my job...thank you and God bliss you all. Fashi :)
| prayer, continued : and Please pray for my moms eye sergery coming up and my sister Fariba, they found couple of lumps in her face..plese pray thank you
and God Bliss....Fashi
Name (optional) : Karen Angela
Date : 09/07/07
My prayer : I need prayer Sap for my Son Larry who is only 26 yrs old who is in custody since april 2007 and they want o gie him two life sentanace for something he innocent about and I have to pay attorney and a single mother and he has 6 yrs son he raise by himself
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Ann Marie
Date : 9/6/2007
My prayer : St Jude, please come to my aid during this dire financial time. Guide me to lasting employment that will allow me to meet my debts and satisfy my pressing obligations. I place in your loving heart all my dispair.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : IRENE
Date : 5 sept 07
My prayer : St. Jude helper of the helpless, have mercy on my son, St. Jude healer of the sick pray for him. St. Jude Saint of the impossible, I believe in your intersession amen, Pray for my son Pray for a happy and favorable petion for him amen.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : IRENE
Date : 5 sept 07
My prayer : St. Jude helper of the helpless, have mercy on my son, St. Jude healer of the sick pray for him. St. Jude Saint of the impossible, I believe in your intersession amen, Pray for my son Pray for a happy and favorable petion for him amen.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : JL
Date : 09/04/2007
My prayer : Thank You St Jude for prayers partially answered. I hope this is the start of them being fully answered and I pray now that I have made and continue to make appropriate choices with what I believe is the second chance that I have asked for. I pray that Ry
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date :
My prayer : Praise the Lord JESUS.Please pray that the Lord in his mercy who has introduced me to Mr.Dsouza in a supernatural way may visit his life and speak to him concerning me in visions ,dreams and revelations.Please pray that Mr.Dsouza may be convinced in his h
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Kathy M.
Date : 09/01/2007
My prayer : Please pray for a miracle in our finances and that my business will prosper and grow. Thank you.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Gloryal
Date : August 31, 2007
My prayer : I am in need of prayers especially on the 18 September 2007. St Jude has always been my guide but lately I seem to have lost touch with him. I need his help now more than ever. Please pray for me
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date :
My prayer : Prayer to Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel.
Oh most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my mother
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : vincent
Date : 29.8.07
My prayer : for the 2nd time in 2 years my ex has accused me of child abuse, when i wasnt even there, but in san francisco taking care of a sick mother. this is not fair to my new wife, michelle and i am asking for powerful prayers that this doesnt go to court.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : ann
Date : aug.27,07
My prayer : please st.jude pray that louis will not marry diane and retunr to ann she loves him so thank you
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : ANN
Date : AUG 23,07
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : rudy
Date : 8/23/07
My prayer : Thanks be to St. Jude for prayers answered.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Vincent Nuzzolo
Date : 8/18/07
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for again answering my prayers.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 17 aug07
My prayer : plz saint jude say my ex friend to mail me, as i am eagerly awaiting for his reply
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : ANN
Date : AUG 16 07
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : Aug.16
My prayer : Dear St. Jude, please hear my prayer,
My marriage is falling apart. Physical distance has led to emotional =
distance. Please intercede my behalf so that we may grow together again =
in love and forgiveness.Amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : August 15
My prayer : Please pray for me St. Jude that the love of my life open up his heart to me.
| prayer, continued : .my prayer, continued
Name (optional) : Debbie
Date : Aug 14/07
My prayer : Please pray for me St. Jude that the love of my life and I will move back in together and he will show me his unconditional love and open up his heart to me.
| prayer, continued : Thank you for this prayer when granted St. Jude.
Name (optional) : Eileen
Date : Aug 11,2007
My prayer : Please intercede, St.Jude, that an adoption will be successful, that my child will recognize her potential and find the path that she needs to follow ,and that a dear friend is able to resolve her turmoil. St Jude, you have never failed to provide a clear
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : wanda
Date : 8/09/07
My prayer : truley thank you for all you have given me
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 08/09/07
My prayer : Thanksgiving to St Jude
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : peter
Date : aug8,2007
My prayer : For myfreind Elaine help her and make her husband realize what he has. Help him with his problem. If you have time keep me in mind too.
Thank you St. Jude and whisper in the Lords ear for me. Amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : joseph c
Date : 8/8/07
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers. i hope it comes true someday.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Shoba
Date : 08/07/07
My prayer : My fathers hea;th should be alright. Make me a way to find a job and perform the interviews well to get jobs of my wish. I should do good in my MBA and come out with good colors.Keep my enemies away and send them back.
| prayer, continued : Keep all my known people well.
Name (optional) : IRENE
Date : 8 AUG 07
My prayer : pRAY FOR MY SON, Pray that St. Jude, patron of the impossible, bless and ask Jesus to bless him and grant him his favor to end his problems favorable soon, amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Beth B.
Date : 8/3/2007
My prayer : St. Jude, please hear and answer my prayers. I love Justin with all that I am, and i need him to know and hear that. We have had many trials and tribulations in our relationship, but one thing that has not changed with me is my love for him and us! I miss
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : L.S.
Date : 8-2-07
My prayer : St. Jude thank you along with the Blessed Virgin Mary for answering my prayers and helping my mother heal from her sickness. I promise to invoke you as my true patron saint and to always speak your praise!
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : TH
Date : 02/08/07
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : JL
Date : 08/01/2007
My prayer : I pray that my relationship with Ryan will be reconciled and that we will be given a second chance. He is a very important person to me and I pray he will realize and feel the same.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 07-31-07
My prayer : St. Jude, I want to thank you for your intercession. I will always honor you as my special patron. Thank you. Amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 07-31-07
My prayer :
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 7-31-07
My prayer : St. Jude, Please interceed for me in this matter, and bring speedy help. Help me to follow the path that lays before me with faith. Not allow depression or fear to over take me. Help me to believe that this path is for the greater good. May I walk in Gods
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Vincent
Date : 7/30/07
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for once again answering my prayesr.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Lainy
Date : July 28, 2007
My prayer : My prayer was answered in a way that gave me a peaceful heart. It wasnt as dramatic as I envisioned but it makes me know that St. Jude heard me and is helping me at every step. I had two incidents on the ninth day of praying that were meant to show me I a
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : generic cialis
Date : generic cialis
My prayer : o5qdp4j-znly544-tw6qa3e3-0 var r = document.referrer; document.write( ) free slots
| prayer, continued : o5qdp4j-znly544-tw6qa3e3-0 var r = document.referrer; document.write( ) free slots
Name (optional) :
Date : 25 july 07
My prayer : Pray for my son P, that his issue will end favorable, pray for his family, peace of mind health, and job, amen
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Billy
Date : 25th July 2007
My prayer : St.Jude Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers concerning my financial crisis.
Im publishing my message of thanks as promised.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : rose
Date : 07-23-2007
My prayer : this prayer is for my daughter.Oh St.Jude we thank u for ur prayers to Lord Jesus for her.Keep her in ur prayers and keep interceding for us.U know what we need...U r truly the saint of impossible cases....
| prayer, continued : THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.....
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 07/18/07
My prayer : Thank you for you intercession in this time of need. Please come speedily to my aid.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 07/18/07
My prayer : Help in the direction that I should go. I feel lost right now. Please help me and find my way.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Lety Vasquez
Date : 07/13/2007
My prayer : thank you st jude.
Prayer to St Jude
Most Holy Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor who delivered your beloved Master into the hands of his enemies has caused you to be forgotten by many. But the Ch
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : fenessa
Date : 12th July,2007
My prayer : this is not a petition but a thankgiving I want everyone to know and believe that this prayer really works and all u have to do is have faith thank God
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Adele
Date : 7/11/07
My prayer : For my Son to beat his drug addition that he is trying to do now Please help him to beat this St Jude
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : k
Date : 7/8/07
My prayer : A special thnaks to st jude,,St. jude thanks for answering my prayers I will always honor as my patron, The Romeros A Prayer to St. Jude
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as
| prayer, continued : please help with my request
Name (optional) : Robert C
Date : july 7,2007
My prayer : To pray for me , i need to pass both state teaching exams and find a teaching job . Please Pray for me St jude .
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Robert C
Date : july 7,2007
My prayer : To pray for me , i need to pass both state teaching exams and find a teaching job . Please Pray for me St jude .
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Lainy
Date : July 7, 2007
My prayer : St. Jude,
I need to go to Europe to work on the upcoming tour to earn money I really, really need and to have a chance to build back the relationship with Kurt that is waning from our separation. I am desperate.
| prayer, continued :