Name (optional) : farida
Date : june
My prayer : healing for my mom from her tumor
| prayer, continued : thank you st. jude
Name (optional) : Josette
Date : 6/7/2006
My prayer : Dear St. Jude, please come to us in our time of need. Please answer the prayers we ask of you. Please help us to keep our home. Please do not let us be evicted. We need a miracle. Please help me to stay focused and calm. Amen.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : GM
Date : 6 June 06
My prayer : Thank you St Jude for granting me this miracle and answering my prayer. I will continue to pray to you and encourage others to do so as you NEVER fail. Thank you St Jude from the bottom of my heart for restoring my life.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Josette
Date : 06/06/2006
My prayer : St. Jude, please help my family and myself in keeping our home! We are in a desperate situation and need your help. We will have no where to live! Please I beg of you to answer my prayer. Thank you.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 06 06 06
My prayer : StJude intercede for me in abusiness to support my family and at the same time help glorify Our Lady of Walsingham and further the cause of Vincent Capodonna,servant of God
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 5 june 2006
My prayer : St Jude kinsman of Jesus, intercede for me in my petition to our blessed Lord Jesus. i ask your help in gaining full custody of my daughters and the financal resources and home with room to house them. i ask for the ability to provide for them with a busi
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 06/04/06
My prayer : Things had gotten pretty bad in my bad that divorce had become our only option. A friend of ours, actually, his ex-wife, gave me the St. Jude prayer and told me how it worked a miracle for her. Wanting to save my marriage, and knowing that
| prayer, continued : it was all in Gods hands now, I went forth with it; with all the faith and hope that I had left (and there wasnt very much left), I prayed faithfully every night. Low and behold, my marriage is now savageable. Were both trying hard to make it work and hav
Name (optional) :
Date : 06/04/06
My prayer : Things had gotten pretty bad in my bad that divorce had become our only option. A friend of ours, actually, his ex-wife, gave me the St. Jude prayer and told me how it worked a miracle for her. Wanting to save my marriage, and knowing that i
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : barbara toth
Date : 6-4-06
My prayer : St. Jude, please intercede on my behalf with Cigna insurance Co. during my appeal. Enter their minds and hearts and cause them to find in my favor, and agree to cover the cost of my pain medication, Actiq. Let them allow me all that I need and decide
| prayer, continued : this quickly, as I will run out of medicine in just a few days. Without this medication, the pain will be so excrutiating, making life unbearable. Desparate. Urgent.
Name (optional) : barbara toth
Date : june 4, 2006
My prayer : I promise to publish this prayer and cause others to invoke you. I will publish my prayer of thanks, as well, letting people know that the power of prayer WORKS!
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : barbara toth
Date : 6-4-06
My prayer : St. Jude, please intercede on my behalf with Cigna insurance Co. during my appeal. Enter their minds and hearts and cause them to find in my favor, and agree to cover the cost of my pain medication, Actiq. Let them allow me all that I need and decide this
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Vamessa delacruz
Date : June 3, 2006
My prayer : Dera God and Mama Mary, and to you St. Jude of Thaddeus, I know I do not pray a lot. I know you may not trust me now because I keep on Committing to pray if u give me my intentions but I never continue to do so. I am so sorry. But pls pls help me...I just
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Sherl
Date : 06/02/06
My prayer : contniued..I wish Jim would call me and I wish I would finally find hapiness in my life and have someone truly LOVE me and want to be with me.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Sherl
Date : 06/02/06
My prayer : Please St. Jude help me in my time of need. May the sacred heart of Jesus be loved, adored & glorified now and foreever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for me,
| prayer, continued : St. Jude worker of miracles pray for me, St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for me.
Name (optional) : CFM
Date : June 1, 2006
My prayer : St. Jude, thank you for helping me with my request to you. I am very grateful.
Thank you St. Jude and thank you God.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Betty
Date : 6/1/06
My prayer : Dear St. Jude,
Please help Barrie find the courage he needs to come back to me. Please help him see through his financial and emotional stress that he does love me and want to spend the rest of his life with me in a loving, caring, everlasting relations
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Eric
Date : 5/31/2006
My prayer : St Jude Heal my grandmother with Alzheimers, my mother with cancer, and my best friend with cancer. Everyone I love is being taken from me.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Eric
Date : 5/31/06
My prayer : I am so lonely and sad from my fiancee suddenly leaving me. I have no love any good feelings left in my body. My ambitions and passions have dried up. St. Jude please help me.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Karen
Date : May 31, 2006
My prayer : For the intercession of St Jude, faithful servant to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the healing of my left eye
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : maribel ceja
Date : 05/30/2006
My prayer : to be able to purchase a home
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Pamela
Date : 05/29/06
My prayer : St. Jude give my mom and dad the strength they need to overcome this hardship they are enduring. Please help my dad so that he may not due any time for the crime he has committed. I pray that my parents marriage become stronger after all this.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Pamela
Date : 5/29/06
My prayer : St. Jude please help me during my pregnancy and during labor. Pray that nothing goes wrong and I deliver my healthy baby boy w/o complications. Also help my husband & me sell our first spec home @3212 Divina Dr. to help ease our financial situation. Thank
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Pamela
Date : 05/29/06
My prayer : St. Jude, Please help Jesus @ work so that his coworkers will not be jealous of him & give him the strength to continue working and overcome these obstacles.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 29 May 2006
My prayer : I pray that Rafisahnor will recover without major or serious injuries on her body.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Kathy
Date : 5/26/06
My prayer : St. Jude you have never failed me. Now in my deepest hour of need I ask for your help again in resolving an issue that seems insumountable. Please help me maintain my career and health.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Ellen
Date : 25 May 2006
My prayer : St Jude, I hunmbly ask your aid to grant my petition,that i may work abroad, safely.That i may be included in the crew request as soon as possible. I ask Your Guidance on my work. May you also guide my children which will be left behind. Guide and Bless J
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : v.
Date : 5-22-06
My prayer : please help me get a job asap @ p&w on 2nd shift so that i can continue to support my family because this place will be closing soon, thank you st jude in jesus name I thank you for always granting me my needs amen
| prayer, continued : please pray that my daughter gets a job asap, and that omar and daneve get married.
Name (optional) : kim
Date : may22
My prayer : Dearest st Jude, You have always been helpful to me. Thank you for all your answered prayers. Please let the rexamination be over quickly and without issue.Please keep my son the soldier safe and out of harms way.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Kat
Date : 05/21/06
My prayer : St.jude,thank you so much for granting my prayers.After the illness i had,I am now healthy.
I pray that you may continue to bless & save me from any trials that might come along the way.Bless my family too & all the people I love.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : 05-19-06
My prayer : Thank you so very much St. Jude for prayers that have been answered. I am so thankful, words cannot express how thankful I am. Please help J.M. in his continuing legal problems
| prayer, continued : Please help him that all is resolved in his favor. He sincerely needs your divine help. With all my love and thanks. Please stay will us.Thank you!!!!
Name (optional) : JAD
Date : 5-16-06
My prayer : St Jude, please answer our prayers. Please help our family with the project. Please keep us safe. I pray in Jesus name. They will be done. Amen.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : May 16
My prayer : St. Jude please help Joseph love me once more.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) :
Date : May15
My prayer : Please keep your arms around my cousin...he is extremely sick with many diseases and they are complicated by blood cancer. Keep him and his family in your prayers. Only a miracle will save him.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Jackie
Date : may 15
My prayer : st jude please pray for me. I need rm2040 to pay to the landlord urgently. who is willing to help me. I will only have the money end of the month not now. what should I do. please pray for me, Iam meeting her this evening Thankyou St. Jude
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : jacqueline
Date : may 15
My prayer :
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : LJ
Date :
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : LJ
Date :
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Judy
Date : May 12, 206
My prayer : requesting prayers for me and my family. We are all having financial difficulties. The kids and grandkids are comming to grandpa and grandma for help. It is stressful. May Gods will be done. thanks for taking prayers.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Al
Date : 5/11/06
My prayer : Thank you St. Jude for answering my prayers about my son and all the fighting and arguing thats finally has gone but now I ask to help us financially and also my daughter needs a job by June at least please help us pay all our debts that we owe. God Bless
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : SJC
Date : 5/11/06
My prayer : Thanks to St. Jude. About seven years ago I was faced with a terrible situation, and although sceptical, I prayed the Novena to St. Jude as taught to me by my grandmother. My prayer was granted, and the strength of prayer scared me. I never published my t
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : caroline
Date : 12052006
My prayer : Dearest St. Jude, Ive been jobless for 3 years now and find difficulty getting interviews. Currently im waiting for an email from a prospective employer. Please intercede for me as this job will help ease the financial burden at home. I pray tat i will re
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : lorraine
Date : may,11,2006
My prayer : i wana say thank you St. JUDE FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYER,i will still look forward for my other prayers, please st.JUDE help me to my problems please in my relationship with my Xboyfriend i want him to be good to realized everything what he did to me...pleas
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : juana
Date : 11/05 06
My prayer : i thank u st.jude for praying for me and my family & for having answered all my petitions. i pray very specially for u to intercede on my behalf & help us to win the honda city car from readers digest
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : david
Date : 5/11 06
My prayer : again i wait for my prayer requests to be answered as none have if anything they have gotten worse bit let me say my thanks st jude thanks for nothing again sas usual
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Rose
Date : May 09, 2006
My prayer : Thank you St.Jude for my prayer that was answered. Please sweet St. Jude answer my others prayers and keep my family healty and safe. Thank you, R.M.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : DJ
Date : 5/9/06
My prayer : Through my own selfishness I caused someone so special to me to walk out of my life. I realize my mistakes and and want a 2nd chance. I am devastated and my life is falling apart more and more each day. Please help me to get back what I lost. I am being p
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : IP
Date : 5/8/2006
My prayer : Assist me St Jude in selling my home for my asking price. As I sell at the asking price I will be able to afford better living for my family houston.
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : davidS
Date : 5/08/06
My prayer : yes st judeprayer again still waiting for one thing i prayed for to happen when and if it does i will let you know good are probaly bad but so far everything i ask for nothing and if anything opposite has happen which is bad so far im getting quite angry
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : Theresa
Date : 5/7/06
My prayer : Thank you Saint Jude for your intercession. Praise God and his mighty works! Thank You God for Saint Jude and for answering my request!
| prayer, continued :
Name (optional) : cynthia
Date : 6 May 2006
My prayer : My husband James is trying for a transfer to Houston from Dubai so that we may be close to our son who is studying there. Please pray that everything may work well for us.
| prayer, continued :