HELLO & WELCOME..... from high atop the Great Smoky Mountains! Glad you could stop by for a visit. Well, don't be shy, come on up on the porch and grab a rocker or sit here in the swing with me so you can see for yourself the beautiful place I call home. Boy, don't you just love the smell of fresh mountain air and the sound of a mountain stream rushing by? Listen closely, do you hear all the little birds and frogs out by the pond singing hello to you? Be sure to keep an eye out for deer scampering out from between the trees to play now and then too. And, while you're here, maybe we can get to know each other a little better and make this great big world we live in seem just a little bit smaller. Oh, and be sure to follow my links if you have the time since they reflect not only my deep pride and love for these Great Smoky Mountains but also some of my favorite places on the Web. And, by all means, kick your shoes off, relax, and enjoy your visit! Well, what are you waiting for? Knock on the door and come on in!!! (grin)

If you have visited before, then you can see that
I am in the process of totally changing the look of my web site
so please excuse the mess while I redecorate.

Most of the graphics you see on my site are original graphics made by me using the
graphics program Paint Shop Pro and my mouse. The "right click" feature has been
disabled to prevent the downloading of my copyrighted images. When it is ready
to go online, I will offer a page of my original graphics available for download.

Copyright ©1998 - 2004 Patty

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Copyright is the legal means of protecting expression. Copyright attaches to a work when the work becomes "fixed" in a tangible medium, which can be paper, magnetic tape or silicon. This fixation occurs when an expression is "sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for a period of more than a transitory duration."1 The rights attach immediately,
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This page was last updated January 5, 2004
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