Our love story is unique and quite authentic... we met each
other via a list server in which we both were subscribed... The Crouzon’s
Listserver. Both John & Gisela were born with the condition known as
Crouzon’s Syndrome. It all started by an e-mail sent to me by John on November
10, 1997 he was complimenting me on my achievements.. I replied! And with
each e-mail Gisela’s feelings for John went from friendship to LOVE! John
was a little skeptic..
Gisela declared her love in December/97 via e-mail.. told
John to call her... at a specific time at her part-time job.. John did
called but refused to reply.. when Gisela insisted John clarified that
he was involved in previous Internet based relationships and that he couldn’t
say that he loved Gisela without meeting her.. and knowing her... Gisela
was very dissappointed but determined to make him fall in love with her..
Day by day the e-mail’s progressed.. more frequent.. longer.. deep in content..
and feelings... John started to feel attracted to Gisela and the mail letters
began .. shared pictures.. continued calling each other (Huge Phone bills!).
Finally Gisela decides to visit John and sets up a date..
January 16th, 1998 to spend the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday in Ohio.
Going on a Friday.. leaving a Monday.. It was all settled.. but as John
refused to say the magic words... Gisela started to back out. During all
of this.. Gisela had her friend Kristi Branstetter, cross checking this
John L. Dossey. Turned out that both Kristi & John had common friends
.. The Valentine’s!! So John was authentic (no mass murderer, fake, or
rapist!) As time progressed and John refused to tell that he loved Gisela..
by Monday, January 12th, 1998 Gisela wrote an e-mail to John telling him
she needed to travel with her mom.. John called .. and clarified that both
needed time alone.. and then Gisela outspoke her problems.. John reassured
his strong feelings for Gisela.. He said that this trip would be our only
chance as our relationship would not last with time and distance between
us.. Gisela couldn’t resist John’s words.. somehow he said what she wanted
to hear.. he had strong feelings for her.. just needed to reassured them
when we finally met!! Gisela’s heart told her that this was the love of
her life!! As a friend told her.. this could be the life boat God had sent
out to her to be saved and she might be refusing to take it!! So .. It
was decided.. the trip was on!!
Gisela arrived as scheduled.. Friday, January 16th, 1998
and there was John very silent somehow distant.. seemed a little shocked..
all the way to Gisela’s Hotel.. John kept his silence and even at the hotel
room all John could do was stare.. John spent the night with Gisela at
the hotel
.. next day they
went to have breakfast, go to his house.. (John convinced Gisela to stay
with him at his house) We talked for hours... and we were very compatible...
On Sat, Jan 17/98 Gisela went to have dinner with John and meet Barb Prickel
(John’s best female friend) Barb commented: “He was done!” Sunday was the
day Gisela was to meet John’s daughters, and grandson.. the place for dinner
TGIF at Colerain Avenue Gosh! Was Gisela nervous.. everything went out
smoothly.. but Gisela got upset stomach.. when we came back to the house..
there were 2 messages on the answering machine (0ne from Becky and one
from Sandy (John's daughters).. telling Gisela that they’ll love for me
to stay!). Sunday evening arrived as quick as a blink.. we were on the
basement (I named it the cave) it was really late when John said he was
in love with me.. he knew the weekend will go fast and that he wanted me
to stay!! Gisela expressed her fears.. she told John she didn’t wanted
to be the new toy.. the catch of the day.. and that she needed to know
John’s intentions.. so John proposed and said he wanted to marry Gisela!!
So.. Gisela came to Cincinnati, Ohio for a weekend visit
and NEVER went back.. she came with a carry on luggage and a return flight
ticket.. She decided to marry John Dossey and be his wife!! He decided
to make her his wife and live happily ever after!! So on Saturday, March
7th, 1998 at 2pm.. at the Mason’s Lodge temporary home of Hope’s Lutheran
Church - John & Gisela became Mr. & Mrs. Dossey as stated by the
State of Ohio and solemnized by Pastor Cathleen Thompson.
Our cyberlove story has been wonderfully written by a unique poem
inspired by a dear friend of ours.
<-----(Click on the Word to read our special Poem)
<-----(Click on the Word to see pictures of Our CyberLove Story)
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