Compiled By: Dennis J Yancey
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The reason that the items here-in have been
placed in chronological order is for various reasons. One, it
gives the researcher some sort of an idea of the history and
evolution of Yancey research over the years. It also makes it
much easier to trace and understand how certain information has
been passed on from early Yancey researchers to those of a later
date. It also groups together items which were published around
the same time period and lists those that have been published
recently at the bottom of the list.
For a more comprehensive list
of published material with Yancey family genealogical data see: More Sources
Here for A list of common errors included in published Yancey reports
Also note those
that are currently available - at the bottom.
Laurus Crawfurdiana
[known as the Crawford Book] 1883. 177 pages |
Compiled By: Frank A.
Crawford Vanderbilt (deceased - wife of the
famous Cornelius Vanderbilt). |
Summary: Information concerning
Yancey family in this book is mainly confined to the
descendants of Col. Charles Yancey (1741-1814) and his
wife Mary Crawford as well as the Rev. Robert Yancey
(1743-1774) and his wife Ann Crawford - all of the Louisa
County area of Virginia. The book has quite a bit of
interesting information, such as transcripts of old
letters, wills, etc. Considering the date that this book
was written - it was quite an impressive work. Mrs.
Vanderbilt did make some mistakes however, concerning
some of the earliest Yanceys of America. She records one
John Yancey as an immigrant from Wales and as father of
three Brothers: Charles, Leighton & Bartlett. Charles
- supposedly marrying a Miss Dumas and being the ancestor
of most of the Yanceys in this book - This information
has been found to be incorrect - but was unfortunately
quoted by most later works. |
Notes: Book is very rare, I have
both a xerox copy and a microfiche copy. In 1974 a short
addendum was made to this book by Amelia E. Massey. DJY |
Various County Histories containing references
to origins of Yancey Family |
Various Letters written in the 1880s (are part
of Nanney-Yancey History)
[Text of
Letters]History of South East Missouri. Goodspeed [Joel
Yancey] 1888.Early Reference to the immigrant Yancey "brothers"
(without names) being Welsh. But does not mention "1642".
Counties of Warren, Benton, Jasper, Newton, Indiana [William
Yancey], F. A. Battey, 1883
text] records Yanceys as French Irish.
History of North East Missouri [Stephen Bedford Yancey]
[Full text] claims Family was of French Origin (descend from Robert
and Jeremiah Yancey (father and son who BOTH married French women)
Encyclopedia of Virginia Biography 1915 - Mentions Yancey
brothers coming in 1642
Full Text] But gets lineage of Robert Davis Yancey mixed up.
Other early Yancey Biographies
Life and Times of William
Lowndes Yancey. 1892.
Text on Google] |
By John W. Dubose. |
Two volume set concerning the Civil
War era and William Lowndes
Yancey's life and involvement
in the confederate cause. Limited genealogical
information. It would seem that this work makes the first
published reference to the "Yancey Brothers"
coming to America in 1642 with Sir William Berkeley. |
Notes: I have access to original
volumes. DJY
[More info] |
Genealogical & Historical
Notes on Culpeper County. A History of St Marks Parish in
Culpeper County, Virginia 1900, 270+ pages
Text on Google] |
(Report by Raleigh T. Green
in book compiled by Philip Slaughter) |
Summary: This was the first
published work that contained information (about 10
pages) about the descendants of Lewis Davis Yancey of
Culpeper County, Virginia. Click
here for full text |
Notes: The Book has been
republished various times and can be found in most major
libraries. I have a xerox copy. DJY |
The Alstons and Allstons of North and South
Carolina. 1901
Text on Google] |
Compiled By: Joseph A. Groves |
Contains information on the
Alston famly as well as the descendants of Jechonias Yancey.
History of Albemarle County, in
Virginia. 1901 400+ pages
Text on Google] |
Compiled By: Rev. Edgar Woods |
Contains an account
of the Yanceys of Albemarle County,
Virginia. Information
on the Yancey family is restricted to a few
pages. Wood's
made a few mistaken assumptions as to the parentage of
some of the early Yanceys in his book
Notes: I have a 1989 edition of
this book DJY |
History and Genealogies of the
Families of Miller . . . Yancey and Others. 1907 |
Author: W. H. Miller |
Miller's book contains a wealth of
information on the Millers, Woods, Kavanaughs and others,
but the information on the Yancey family seems to be
pretty much the same information put together by Green and Slaughter - of the
Yanceys of Culpeper County |
Notes: I have xerox copies of
various pages DJY |
James Sprunt
Historical Publications - Bartlett Yancey. 1911. |
[Full Text] |
Contains a
biography of Bartlett yancey |
Notes: |
Family. Historical and Genealogical Notes" |
in: William and Mary Quarterly Series I, Vol 17
[Full Text] |
a brief write-up of early Yancey family information
extracted from records from Culpeper and Mecklenburg
counties in Virginia and Granville County in North
Carolina. |
I have a xerox copy. DJY |
in the Revolution" |
in Virginia Historical Magazine Vol 23. |
a very brief write-up of information concerning Yanceys
who served in the military during the Revolutionary War
era. |
I have a xerox copy. DJY |
The Nanney or Yancey
History. ca. 1930, 15+ pages |
Compiled By: Tempe H.
Carraway (1881-1943) |
Summary: This was the
genealogical work done exclusively about the Yancey
family. Mrs. Carraway seems to have been the first one to
record the connection between the Yancey and Nanney
families. She seems also to be the first one to document
the Yancey Coat of Arms - and note its similarity to the
Nanney arms. She was an artist and it would seem that
many later renditions of the Yancey Coat of Arms were
based on her sketches. She also quoted the works of
Phillip Slaughter concerning the Yancey family as well as
various family records. |
Notes: Her Report was apparently
never actually bound or professionally published. I have
an original copy. There are various versions of this
report. DJY |
Lynchburg and It's
Neighbors. 1935 |
Compiled By:
Rosa Faulkner
Yancey. (deceased) |
Summary: Contains genealogical
information for various families of the Lynchburg area in
Virginia. Contains information concerning the ancestors
of Robert Davis Yancey (Husband of the author). Much
information in this book concerning the earliest Yancey
ancestors has been found to be obviously invalid and
erroneous information. Sources of much of authors Yancey
family information is unknown. Separating what is fact,
what is partially true, and what is incorrect information
is very hard. |
Notes: I have a xerox copy of this
book. DJY |
History of Louisa County,
Virginia. 1936 |
Compiled By Malcolm H. Harris. |
This early history of Louisa County
records briefly some information about early Yanceys of
the County. But it also gives a good amount of background
history for that branch of the Yancey family that
originated from Hanover/Louisa County Virginia. |
NOTES: I have a Xerox copy. DJY |
The Vanishing Virginian.
1940 |
Compiled By: Rebecca Yancey
Williams. (deceased) |
This was a book written as a novel
about the family Life of Robert Davis Yancey of Lynchburg
Virginia (father of the author). It was made into a movie
at an early date - does not seem to be available on
Video. Gives reader a very good idea of what life was
like for the average Yancey family of Virginia. No
genealogical data contained in this book. |
NOTES: I have access to an original
copy. DJY |
Family Book of Remembrance
and Genealogy - with allied Lines. 1952/1957
Compiled by Leonidas Devon
Mecham |
This book is the result of a
mammoth genealogical research effort on various families
of which the Yancey family is only a small part. With
pictures, charts, biographies it is an excellent work of
more than 1000 pages. The information on the Yancey
family is limited to the descendants of one Austin Yancey
(of North Carolina and later Illinois) - mainly through
his son Hiram John Yancey. But most of the information is
concerning a descendant: Adam Yancey and wife Alice
Tolman of Groveland, Idaho. The information on the Yancey
family was actually written up by Bertha Yancey Jensen
a great-aunt of mine (now deceased) who did extensive
Yancey research from about 1935-the 1980's. The Yancey
information in this book covers about 30 pages. |
NOTES: I have an original copy.
Genealogy of Yancey - Medearis and
Related Lines. 1958, 261+ pages. |
Compiled By William H
Norwood, James H Norwood & Olivia Y. Lacy
[all deceased] |
This was a major work in
documenting the descendants of William Yancey (1740-1803)
and Abigail Hicks. It was a collective effort of many
people. The book contains information from many sources.
It contains some photos and was published with a full
color rendition of the Yancey coat of arms (apparently
based on sketches of Mrs. Carraway). It also contains
much family data as well as biographical info and general
family history. [Letters extracted from
the book ] |
NOTES: I have an original copy of
the book with two appendices which seems to have been
added in 1959 and 1961. DJY |
The Yancy - Caddell and
Allied Families. 1959, 38 pages |
Compiled By Ila Mitchell
Conner (deceased ?) |
A short, but well written report
concerning the descendants of John Yancy (1815-1868) and
Elizabeth McCanulty who settled in Texas. Includes
Pictures and Biographical data. Origin and ancestry of
John Yancy is uncertain. |
NOTES: I have a xerox copy. DJY |
Notes For Beginning A
Genealogical Study of Certain Yancey Families
1960, 34+ pages |
Compiled By Lloyd R.
Garrison (1892-1979) |
This contains much information
about branches of the Yancey family in Mecklenburg
County, Virginia and Granville County, North Carolina. |
NOTES: I have a xerox copy of an
original. DJY |
The Descendants of Jackson
M. Yancey and Elizabeth B. Goode, His Wife
1962, 134 pages |
Compiled By Lloyd R.
Garrison (1892-1979) |
This is an excellently written book
concerning the descendants of Jackson M. Yancey
(1791-1838) and his wife Elizabeth Goode of North
Carolina. It also contains information about the
Nanney-Yancey connection. It contains some photos as well
as a full color rendition of the Nanney coat of arms
(which seems NOT to have been painted from an actual
rendition of the Yancey Coat of arms - but just from
descriptions of both the Yancey & Nanney arms) |
NOTES: I have an original copy of
the book. DJY |
Yanceys West. ca.
1970, 3 pages |
Written By Lillian Bogardus
(1916-1993) |
Although very short, this report is
here included, because Mrs. Bogardus did do a wealth of
Yancey family research. This write-up concerns her
ancestor Austin Yancey, his family, and their migration
West. Click here for full text. |
NOTES: I have copies of this
report. DJY |
Some Yancey, Medearis, and
Hicks Descendants. 1973 375 pages. |
Compiled By Douglas M.
Willis (deceased) |
This book "evolved" from
the previous "Yancey-Medearis and Related
Lines". It is much better organized than the prior
book and much better written and bound. But it has very
little information outside of the descendants of William
& Abigail Hicks Yancey - though for this branch of
the family it is quite comprehensive. |
NOTES: I have an original copy. DJY |
Ancestors and Descendants
of Capt. William Layton Yancey and his wife Frances Lynn
Lewis 1600-1900. 1977, 290 pages. |
Compiled By Rebecca L.
Yancey (1898-1992) |
This book has a wealth of
information concerning the Yanceys of the Rockingham
County area of Virginia. Mainly concerned with the
descendants of William Layton Yancey (grandson of Lewis
Davis Yancey through his son John) - the book is full of
biographical information as well as various pictures.
Although there is some erroneous information concerning
some of the very earliest Yanceys - most of the
information in the book seems relatively well documented
and accurate. The version of the Yancey Coat of Arms as
displayed in this book is very suspect - and may not be
based on an actual family rendition. |
NOTES: I have an original copy. DJY |
Jamieson and O'Callagan
Ancestors. 1978. 85+ pages |
Compiled By Jean Jamieson.
(deceased) |
Contains a good section concerning
the early Yanceys - mainly of Mecklenburg Co., Virginia
and Granville Co., North Carolina. Contains a lot of
information concerning deeds, wills etc. not found in
other sources. |
NOTES: I have a xerox copy. DJY |
NALL Families of America.
1978. 915 pages |
Compiled By Sally N. Dolphin
(deceased) |
This is an extensive compilation of
material concerning the NALL/NALLE surname including
information concerning the descendants of Martin &
Winifred (Yancey) Nall and William & Ann Elenaor
(Yancey) Nall - these two Yancey ladies being daughters
of Lewis Davis Yancey of Culpeper County, Virginia. The
information is very well documented and the book is very
professionally done. |
NOTES: I have a copy. DJY |
YANCEY of Virginia.
1980's 7 pages |
Compiled By Frances C.
Griffin |
This is nothing more than a short
report which extracts information from other, previously
published material. There is no original material here.
Just quotes from other sources. Limited value. |
NOTES: I have an original copy. DJY |
The Family of John Lewis,
Pioneer. 1985 |
Compiled By Irvin Frazier |
Contains much of the same
genealogical information as published in Rebecca L.
Yancey's book with a few minor corrections. Very little
Biographical information. |
Descendants of Lewis Davis
Yancey. 1986 & 1990. |
Compiled By Barbara B.
Vaughn (213 E Locust St, Paris MO 65275) |
This is an excellant source of
information concerning the descendants of Lewis Davis
Yancey. Mrs. Vaughn corrects many errors that were being
passed down by previous researchers. It is very well
written. It contains some photos and some charts. Mrs.
Vaughn makes note of sources used. |
NOTES: I have original copies of
both the 1986 & 1990 publications. DJY |
Jones and Yancey Ancestors:
Notes from a genealogical Study . . . 1993. |
Compiled By Thomas E.
Yancey (7299 Coppahaunk Rd, Waverly VA 23890) |
Mainly concerns Yanceys of
Mecklenburg Co., Virginia amnd Granville Co., North
Carolina. Written in very same format as book by Jean
Jamieson. |
NOTES: I have xerox copy. DJY |
Notes on some Descendants
of Alexander Yancey and Mary Ann Elam. 1994 |
Compiled By Thomas B.
Yancey (14259 Springfield Ln, King George, VA
22485) |
Short write-up concerning
descendants of Alexander Yancey (1815-1890+) of
Mecklenburg Co., Virginia. |
NOTES: I have an original copy. DJY |
Notes on some Descendants
of Reason Porter Yancey and Susan C. Elam. 1994 |
Compiled by Jeanette Yancey
(Hundley Annex, S Hill, VA 23970) |
Short write-up concerning
descendants of Reason P. Yancey (1813-1897) of
Mecklenburg Co., Virginia. |
NOTES: I have an original copy. DJY |
The Yancey family of
America. 1995 |
By Dennis J Yancey |
60 page report concerning the origins of the
Yancey family and the early Yanceys of America. One of
the few books to give a balanced report on both main
branches of the early Yanceys of Virginia & North
Carolina: The Culpeper Branch - headed by Lewis Davis
Yancey and the Hanover/Louisa County branch headed by
Charles Yancey. Corrects many errors published in earlier
reports. Most complete and accurate report for first few
generations of documented Yanceys in America. |
NOTES: Much of this is now on line at following
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7647/origin.htm |
The Yancey family
Genealogical Register. 1995 |
By Dennis J Yancey |
Alpahabetic Register of over 8,000 Yancey family
members, from earliest known Yanceys of Virginia &
North Carolina down to present date. Most complete record
of Yancey family genealogical data. Contains census,
deed, military, other records - on a person by person
basis. Complete list of sources is listed at family
level. |
The Yancey Family
Genealogical Collection. 1996 |
By Dennis J Yancey |
This is not a book, or report, per
se, but is a microfilm copy of the entire Yancey family
Genealogical Collection as compiled by Dennis J Yancey.
It has been microfilmed by the LDS church and is now
available through the local Family History Center
Network. It contains information on probably around
20,000 Yancey descendants and allied lines. Over 30,000
pages have been microfilmed.
See the Web Page at the following address: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/7647/yfgc.htm