Welcome - all those interested in Yancey Family Genealogy & History. I appreciate your comments about these WEB pages concerning the Yancey Family. Please include info about your line of descent or connection with the Yancey Family.


Name :   Steven Derek Yancey
Email :   sy8484@aol.com
Comment :   Interesting information!
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Jack Bevis Yancey (father, resides in Pensacola, Florida) Samuel Bartow Yancey (grandfather, deceased, resided in Bonifay, Florida)
Name :   Deborah Edwards Moorefield
Email :   conaleuski@yahoo.com
Comment :   Dennis: I appreciate all your hard work! I was so happy to see that you have Eleanor Yancey Stogsdale Jones, Wm C Yancey, and others on your site! These Alabama Yanceys married into families living in the Upper Hurricane Valley area of Madison Co, AL. Alo
Postal Address :   P. O. Box 718 Grant, AL 35747
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   The widow, Eleanor Yancey Stogsdale married Seaborn Jones. Francis Edwards married Wm C Yancey ca 1866 here in Madison Co, AL. Francis E Yancey was a sister to my great grandfather, John Henry Edwards b 1850 Madison Co, AL. Seaborn Jones was his Uncle. It
Name :   Mary Alice Carter
Email :   merrymacb1@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   290 Pelican Circle,. Monitcello, Ga. 31064
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I am the grand daughter of Wilburn Fulton Carter, great grand daughter of William Turner Carter, great great grandaughter of Thomas B. Carter and Sarah Holman, and it appears Yancey Holman was my great-great-great grandfather.
Name :   Tyrone Yancy
Email :   babatu@KC.RR.com
Comment :   Tring to connect with family.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Martha Furr Brown
Email :   marcie65@hotmail.com
Comment :   Im trying to find out if Im part Cherokee. My grandfather was Richard L. Nuckolls. Keziah is my Great(4) Grandmother.
Postal Address :   1633 Ballentine St, Waukegan IL 60087
Personal WebSite :   none
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Charles N. Nuckolls & Keziah Yancey
Name :   fatima
Email :   Pepsamchi@aol.com
Comment :   looking for yancey from orangburg sc if you know please email me
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   ben louis yancey/father louis yancey/granfather maggie yancey/grandmother
Name :   Daryl Swinney
Email :   swinda@mansfieldisd.org
Comment :   Looking for info on William Browning of Tennessee. I havent been able to find his parents probably from South Carolina.
Postal Address :   PO Box 1116 Mansfield, Tx 76063
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Through William Browning whos son Aaron Browning came to Granbury, Texas and my grandmother Laura Ethel Browning married William Monk Rilet.
Name :   Bob Taylor
Email :   bob320i@yahoo.com
Comment :   I am a Yancey thur my Grandfather Robert H.Taylor whose mother was a Yancey..The family history tells us that they came with the French to support the Rev.war that one Colonel Charles Yancey served for laFeyette.His son served in the 1812 war and at some
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I have some records but will have to review them to get a clear picuture of the lineage as handed down..
Name :   Joseph C. Yancy, Jr.
Email :   Spike.Yancy@MontgomeryCollege.edu
Comment :   
Postal Address :   Arnold, MD 21012
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grandfather was Charlie Yancey of Scottsburg, VA
Name :   EmmaD Raty
Email :   eraty@ttc-cmc.net
Comment :   I have always heard The Yancey line was Cherokee. My ggrandmother Mary Lucy Yancy looks indian. I have a picture of her. I[ve never found a connction. I also have a picture of The Yancy home place in Stockton, Missouri.
Postal Address :   Box 1016, Chinook, Montana, 59523 USA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Robert Yancy, Jeremia Yancy
Name :   Margaret Godby
Email :   dreamc@aug.com
Comment :   I have Lucinda Finfrock md John Yancy.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Diane Yancy
Email :   diane.yancy@verizon.net
Comment :   Looking for relations to Godfrey E Yancy, father Thomas B Yancey born Arkansas, died Chicago, IL
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Wife of Godfrey E. Yancy, son of Thomas B. Yancey born in Arkansas, died Chicago, IL looking for any relatives
Name :   wanda ross
Email :   wprissy2004@msn.com
Comment :   yes ive been looking over some of your yancey material and i notice that youve post somethings realated to my yancey family. my great grandma was lillie l ross, yancey, who married richard alonzo yancey(lon) are you related to these yancey and if so, how?
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   marc andrews
Email :   marc919@comcast.com
Comment :   i am from yancy blood and am very interested to no how and when and where my blood comes from i am grand son of jhon yancy son of margot andrews yancy nephew of sandra laro yancy brother and uncle of preston jr and preston sr yancy
Postal Address :   po box652 north attleboro mass 02760
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   yancy andrews laro
Name :   Susan Phillips
Email :   aisling@clearwire.net
Comment :   Dennis, Ive been trying to send you a scanned photo of my GG Grandmother and her mother tonight. Are you still receiving email at the edu address? It is a photo of Flora Edna and Sarah Francis Tunnel Yancey.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Edwin Conder Flora Yancey Jasper Yancey Phillips Henry Yancey Alfred Yancey.
Name :   Edward A Yancey
Email :   Eayancey2@aol.com
Comment :   Im reading to find any name that I will reconize from the past, none so far.
Postal Address :   2100 Cordova Dr. Sanford, Fl. 32771
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grand Father Charles Allen Yancey&Grand Mother George Simmons Yancey my grandfather was born about 1882 and my grandmother was born about 1897, they had two sons Robert A. Yancey and Edward Allen Yancey Sr Edward was born about 1916 born in Quincy, Florid
Name :   james h. yancey,sr.
Email :   plt2053@aol.com
Comment :   I am very impressed with your hard work. My greatgrandfather was Mr. B.Y.yancey. I know his last place of residence was Birmingham,Alabama. Can you help me find out or tell me how to find out about him.I think the B.Y.stood for BEN YOUNG. Thank Y
Postal Address :   290 Beverly Rd. Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my Daddy is Ben Hunter Yancey.
Name :   Brian Yancey
Email :   yancey32@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Denise Flynn
Email :   deniseflynn418@yahoo.com
Comment :   I see I incorrectly filled out the form the first time I signed your guest book. Forgot to put in my email address.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Steve Yancey
Email :   sy402@frontiernet.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   P.O.Box 161 Fairmount Ga. 30139
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Glenn Yancey,Arthur Yancey, Jasper Yancey, Levi Yancey
Name :   Bart Stottlemyre
Email :   bartstottlemyre@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   136 W Trail Point DR Nixa Mo 65714
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I am the Great Grandson of Jesse B Yancy and Zula K Yancey
Name :   Charlotte Yancey
Email :   cayancey@oppcatv.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Neal Beaver Yancey
Name :   Faith White
Email :   faithw@qix.net
Comment :   My daughter Hollie Brandt told me about you. She is the historian in our family which now consists of she, I and my son, Andrew Michelson Harris. Hollie and Andrew loved their Grandma Alice Yancey very much.
Postal Address :   11353 Horton Road, Goodrich, MI 48438
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My mother was Virginia Alice Yancey and Im her only child. Here are her brothers and sisters & parents - all from West Virginia: Oscar Yancey (Uncle Boone) - married Martha : had Lola Madge, Betty John Yancey Arthur Yancey (Uncle Ted) - married Francis
Name :   Mandy Yancey Nunnery
Email :   mly00078@yahoo.com
Comment :   I am trying to find out about my late ancestors. Most of them lived in MS. Just trying to connect roots.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my father was Charles Harvey Yancey Sr. grandpa Charles Henry Yancey Jr. and great grandfather Charles Henry Yancey Sr. whos father is from TN and mother from England.
Email :   PAPR46@AOL.COM
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Mark Johnson
Email :   mmj121972@yahoo.com
Comment :   hello again Dennis. I figured I would contact you via your web-site as well. Again, any resourse info would be greatly appreciated.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   William Johnson-Gabriel Johnson-Welford B. Johnson- Olen Johnson- Welford K. Johnson- myself
Name :   mckeever yancey
Email :   mckeeverscott@yahoo.com
Comment :   im looking to find out more things about my family history
Postal Address :   po box 1267
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my dad michael yancey and mom arliss johnson
Name :   KylePatrick Jones
Email :   bluegrass@vci.net
Comment :   greatwebsight
Postal Address :   350Kenmar Road
Personal WebSite :   www.vci.net
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   ive Branchlines
Name :   Hollie Brandt
Email :   ehdaisy@netzero.com
Comment :   It would be nice to get in touch with some of my distant relatives. I had been to the Yancey family reunion a hand full of times in the past 30 years. Such wonderful people and talented musicians. Unfortunatley, I did not inherit the gift of song, but boy
Postal Address :   5318 Hegel Rd., Goodrich, MI
Personal WebSite :   www.myspace.com
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I am the granddaughter of Virginia Alice Yancey Michelson. She grew up on the Yancey farm, in the hills of Hinton, West Virginia. The small house still stands there as well as the Yancey graveyard on the hill. She had many brothers and sisters, some still
Name :   Lynda Holt
Email :   treelimbs@sbcglobal.net
Comment :   old Email: SnLtroutcreek@aol.com Yancey, Lynda Cleolas - - Email: SnLtroutcreek@aol.com Maintained By Dennis J Yancey - dyancey@miami.edu new email is treelimbs@sbcglobal.net
Postal Address :   same
Personal WebSite :   Gedcom-rootsweb-snlroots
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Yancey,Cleolas was my grandmother. new research on: Son of Richard & Mary Walton Yancey. Richard Yancey was a soldier of the Confederacy in the Civil war, was captured, and was held for some time as a Federal prisoner of war at Point Lookout. - http://w
Name :   Kathryn Becker
Email :   kbecker@georgefox.edu
Comment :   I am looking for information on: Martha Yancey (b1807-Culpepper,VA) married to Augusta S Campbell(1827). I dont know who Martha Yanceys parents are so I am at a road block- Anything you could find would be most appreciated.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Augusta S. Campbell married to Martha E. Yancey (thats all I know)
Name :   Pamela Yancey Benn
Email :   bennp@sbcglobal.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   San Ramon, CA
Personal WebSite :   none
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grandfather: Frederick Howell Yancey b.18??; Father: Raymond E. Yancey, Sr. b.1919
Name :   Rodney Yancey
Email :   Jesterbug_98@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Email :   KRY12345@COMCAST.NET
Postal Address :   1408 CENTER ST., WEST CHESTER PA, 19382
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Eula Jones Noble
Email :   rnoblewa@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   P.O. Box 924, Malone, wa. 98559
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   6th generation from Mary Yancey through the Mary Baynes, Malinda pace, George L D Jones, Rufus Jone.
Name :   Adalene Yancey Wood
Email :   nene@shakleeoffice.com
Comment :   Thanks for doing this website. I have always wondered about the name Yancey.
Postal Address :   1943 Queens Way, NE Atlanta, GA 30341
Personal WebSite :   www.shaklee.net/nene
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My Grandmother Lucille Newell Yancey was born in Owen County, Kentucky in 1887. Her father was Richard (Dixie) Yancey. He was a Kentucky Colonel. They owned land and had sheep. There were 3 daughters: Lucille, Mary and Mildred
Name :   Jeff Duvall
Email :   jduvall@iupui.edu/jeffery@iquest.net
Comment :   Im a descendant of Philadelphia Yancey, wife of Charles Weaver Kemper, and daughter of Richard H. Yancey and his first wife (poss. Mary N.) of Culpeper Co., VA and Gallatin (later Owen) Co., KY. Im just taking a look to see if Richard H. is still regarded
Postal Address :   920 E. Markwood Ave., Apt. A10 Indianapolis, IN 46227
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   -Richard H. Yancey m1. (Mary N.) -Philadelphia Delphia Yancey m. Charles Weaver Kemper -Tillman Kemper m. Sarah Elizabeth Haydon -John James Kemper m2. Henrietta Bledsoe -Leola Kemper m. John P. Fuller -Marguerite Fuller m. James Walton Morgan -Wand
Name :   sherron Yancey Helmer
Email :   sydh@centex.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   rt1 box 245 mullin ,tex 76864
Personal WebSite :   n/a
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   john yancey g-father foy D yancey father
Name :   Arlynda Barnes
Email :   arlynda@oakharbor.net
Comment :   My Yancey family appears to have come from the New England area....do you have any information on them? The only name I have is Marjorie Yancey who apparently married a Burroughs....any info would be greatly appreciated...
Postal Address :   225 NE Ernst # 56, Oak Harbor, WA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   EmmaD Jones Raty
Email :   eraty@ttc-cmc.net
Comment :   I am the greatgranddaughter of Mary Lucy Yancey. Her daughter Jessie Mildred Beasley was my grandmother. Her son, my father was Kenneth Clifford Mones. I have her new testiment in my possession. It only has names and dates of her immediate family. Dennis
Postal Address :   Box 1016, Chinook, Montana, 59523 USA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Robert Yancy Jeremiah Robert Yancy Thomas Benton Yancy Mary Lucy Yancy Jessie Mildred Beasley Kenneth Clifford Jones EmmaD Priscilla Jones Raty
Name :   Clarence Prestage
Email :   cprestage256@comcast.net
Comment :   I am trying to find out ,about the Indian blood from Hiram Wood Yancey or his wife Inus Lavata Haywood
Postal Address :   120 Ada Dr. Owens Cross Roads,Al.35763
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My wifes is g-dau of Loyd Clements and Lillian Gaynell Yancey and gg-dau of Hiram wood Yancey
Name :   Rebecca Cook
Email :   tripleb_bec61@hotmail.com
Comment :   My Grandmother was Nona May Yancy, she lived in Hinton West Virginia, her grandfather was owner of the Yancy Plantation, She had told me many stories of the times, her father was more or less cast out for marrying and indian woman, but my grandmother vist
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Dale Yancey II
Email :   dj7780@msn.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   6814 Armar Rd #1 Marysville, WA 98270
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Directly through Don Merlin, who is through the Jasper and Phillip Yancey line.
Name :   Paula Yarbrough
Email :   paula16@alaweb.com
Comment :   I would like any information you have on a Fortner Yancey. Thanks so much
Postal Address :   29221 Fleeta Rd
Personal WebSite :   paula16@alaweb.com
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My grandmother was a Yancey.
Name :   Martine Yancey
Email :   martineyancey@yahoo.com
Comment :   Mother of Cymmone NiShawn Dior Yancey, daughter of William Charles Yancey of Atlanta Georgia
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   groups.msn.com/theyanceyfamily
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I married William Charles Yancey, son of Betty and Dennis Yancey. They had Katherine, Dennis, Paul C. and Lisa Yancey. They are from Atlanta Georgia. I am excited to connect to the Yancey family heritage
Name :   Donna Pretty
Email :   donnapretty@telus.net
Comment :   Great grand daughter of Alfred Victor Yancey and grand daughter of Edna Yancey. Recently discovered this geneology as mother Donna Yancey was adopted
Postal Address :   Sechelt,B.C. Canada,
Personal WebSite :   No
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Ida Lehman, GGM, Edna Yancey GM, Donna Yancey Mother - adopted and named Rita Hughes, Married to Geroge Finch. My birth name is Donna Finch, married name Donna Pretty
Name :   Cathy Bowman
Email :   rdbowman140@adelphia.net
Comment :   I really enjoy your site. It has given me alot of valuable info about my Yancey roots.
Postal Address :   211 S. Sequoyah Dr. Woodstock, GA 30188
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Mary Nina Yancey (Johnston) Dabner Or Dabney Yancey Mr. Yancey
Name :   Marie Anderson
Email :   home1880@hotmail.com
Comment :   Looking for information on Mary Yancey, wife of Christopher Reynierson. More info on witch story? This is part of a research project Im doing at BYU for History 480. Thank you.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Rebecca Anderson
Email :   rand1271@prodigy.net
Comment :   Enjoy your work-- bought a copy of your research probably 10-15 years ago(?), I am descended from the Yanceys of Louisa. Keep up the good research.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   From Archelaus Yanceys daughter Susannah, wife of John Holman, Esq.

Name :   Joseph C. Yancy, Jr.
Email :   Spike.Yancy@MontgomeryCollege.edu
Comment :   
Postal Address :   Arnold, MD 21012
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grandfather was Charlie Yancey of Scottsburg, VA
Name :   EmmaD Raty
Email :   eraty@ttc-cmc.net
Comment :   I have always heard The Yancey line was Cherokee. My ggrandmother Mary Lucy Yancy looks indian. I have a picture of her. I[ve never found a connction. I also have a picture of The Yancy home place in Stockton, Missouri.
Postal Address :   Box 1016, Chinook, Montana, 59523 USA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Robert Yancy, Jeremia Yancy
Name :   Margaret Godby
Email :   dreamc@aug.com
Comment :   I have Lucinda Finfrock md John Yancy.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Diane Yancy
Email :   diane.yancy@verizon.net
Comment :   Looking for relations to Godfrey E Yancy, father Thomas B Yancey born Arkansas, died Chicago, IL
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Wife of Godfrey E. Yancy, son of Thomas B. Yancey born in Arkansas, died Chicago, IL looking for any relatives
Name :   wanda ross
Email :   wprissy2004@msn.com
Comment :   yes ive been looking over some of your yancey material and i notice that youve post somethings realated to my yancey family. my great grandma was lillie l ross, yancey, who married richard alonzo yancey(lon) are you related to these yancey and if so, how?
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   marc andrews
Email :   marc919@comcast.com
Comment :   i am from yancy blood and am very interested to no how and when and where my blood comes from i am grand son of jhon yancy son of margot andrews yancy nephew of sandra laro yancy brother and uncle of preston jr and preston sr yancy
Postal Address :   po box652 north attleboro mass 02760
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   yancy andrews laro
Name :   Susan Phillips
Email :   aisling@clearwire.net
Comment :   Dennis, Ive been trying to send you a scanned photo of my GG Grandmother and her mother tonight. Are you still receiving email at the edu address? It is a photo of Flora Edna and Sarah Francis Tunnel Yancey.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Edwin Conder Flora Yancey Jasper Yancey Phillips Henry Yancey Alfred Yancey.
Name :   Edward A Yancey
Email :   Eayancey2@aol.com
Comment :   Im reading to find any name that I will reconize from the past, none so far.
Postal Address :   2100 Cordova Dr. Sanford, Fl. 32771
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grand Father Charles Allen Yancey&Grand Mother George Simmons Yancey my grandfather was born about 1882 and my grandmother was born about 1897, they had two sons Robert A. Yancey and Edward Allen Yancey Sr Edward was born about 1916 born in Quincy, Florid
Name :   james h. yancey,sr.
Email :   plt2053@aol.com
Comment :   I am very impressed with your hard work. My greatgrandfather was Mr. B.Y.yancey. I know his last place of residence was Birmingham,Alabama. Can you help me find out or tell me how to find out about him.I think the B.Y.stood for BEN YOUNG. Thank Y
Postal Address :   290 Beverly Rd. Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my Daddy is Ben Hunter Yancey.
Name :   Brian Yancey
Email :   yancey32@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Denise Flynn
Email :   deniseflynn418@yahoo.com
Comment :   I see I incorrectly filled out the form the first time I signed your guest book. Forgot to put in my email address.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Steve Yancey
Email :   sy402@frontiernet.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   P.O.Box 161 Fairmount Ga. 30139
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Glenn Yancey,Arthur Yancey, Jasper Yancey, Levi Yancey
Name :   Bart Stottlemyre
Email :   bartstottlemyre@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   136 W Trail Point DR Nixa Mo 65714
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I am the Great Grandson of Jesse B Yancy and Zula K Yancey
Name :   Charlotte Yancey
Email :   cayancey@oppcatv.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Neal Beaver Yancey
Name :   Faith White
Email :   faithw@qix.net
Comment :   My daughter Hollie Brandt told me about you. She is the historian in our family which now consists of she, I and my son, Andrew Michelson Harris. Hollie and Andrew loved their Grandma Alice Yancey very much.
Postal Address :   11353 Horton Road, Goodrich, MI 48438
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My mother was Virginia Alice Yancey and Im her only child. Here are her brothers and sisters & parents - all from West Virginia: Oscar Yancey (Uncle Boone) - married Martha : had Lola Madge, Betty John Yancey Arthur Yancey (Uncle Ted) - married Francis


Name :   Mandy Yancey Nunnery
Email :   mly00078@yahoo.com
Comment :   I am trying to find out about my late ancestors. Most of them lived in MS. Just trying to connect roots.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my father was Charles Harvey Yancey Sr. grandpa Charles Henry Yancey Jr. and great grandfather Charles Henry Yancey Sr. whos father is from TN and mother from England.
Email :   PAPR46@AOL.COM
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Mark Johnson
Email :   mmj121972@yahoo.com
Comment :   hello again Dennis. I figured I would contact you via your web-site as well. Again, any resourse info would be greatly appreciated.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   William Johnson-Gabriel Johnson-Welford B. Johnson- Olen Johnson- Welford K. Johnson- myself
Name :   mckeever yancey
Email :   mckeeverscott@yahoo.com
Comment :   im looking to find out more things about my family history
Postal Address :   po box 1267
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my dad michael yancey and mom arliss johnson
Name :   KylePatrick Jones
Email :   bluegrass@vci.net
Comment :   greatwebsight
Postal Address :   350Kenmar Road
Personal WebSite :   www.vci.net
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   ive Branchlines
Name :   Hollie Brandt
Email :   ehdaisy@netzero.com
Comment :   It would be nice to get in touch with some of my distant relatives. I had been to the Yancey family reunion a hand full of times in the past 30 years. Such wonderful people and talented musicians. Unfortunatley, I did not inherit the gift of song, but boy
Postal Address :   5318 Hegel Rd., Goodrich, MI
Personal WebSite :   www.myspace.com
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I am the granddaughter of Virginia Alice Yancey Michelson. She grew up on the Yancey farm, in the hills of Hinton, West Virginia. The small house still stands there as well as the Yancey graveyard on the hill. She had many brothers and sisters, some still
Name :   Lynda Holt
Email :   treelimbs@sbcglobal.net
Comment :   old Email: SnLtroutcreek@aol.com Yancey, Lynda Cleolas - - Email: SnLtroutcreek@aol.com Maintained By Dennis J Yancey - dyancey@miami.edu new email is treelimbs@sbcglobal.net
Postal Address :   same
Personal WebSite :   Gedcom-rootsweb-snlroots
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Yancey,Cleolas was my grandmother. new research on: Son of Richard & Mary Walton Yancey. Richard Yancey was a soldier of the Confederacy in the Civil war, was captured, and was held for some time as a Federal prisoner of war at Point Lookout. - http://w
Name :   Kathryn Becker
Email :   kbecker@georgefox.edu
Comment :   I am looking for information on: Martha Yancey (b1807-Culpepper,VA) married to Augusta S Campbell(1827). I dont know who Martha Yanceys parents are so I am at a road block- Anything you could find would be most appreciated.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Augusta S. Campbell married to Martha E. Yancey (thats all I know)
Name :   Pamela Yancey Benn
Email :   bennp@sbcglobal.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   San Ramon, CA
Personal WebSite :   none
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Grandfather: Frederick Howell Yancey b.18??; Father: Raymond E. Yancey, Sr. b.1919
Name :   Rodney Yancey
Email :   Jesterbug_98@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Email :   KRY12345@COMCAST.NET
Postal Address :   1408 CENTER ST., WEST CHESTER PA, 19382
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Eula Jones Noble
Email :   rnoblewa@yahoo.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   P.O. Box 924, Malone, wa. 98559
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   6th generation from Mary Yancey through the Mary Baynes, Malinda pace, George L D Jones, Rufus Jone.
Name :   Adalene Yancey Wood
Email :   nene@shakleeoffice.com
Comment :   Thanks for doing this website. I have always wondered about the name Yancey.
Postal Address :   1943 Queens Way, NE Atlanta, GA 30341
Personal WebSite :   www.shaklee.net/nene
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My Grandmother Lucille Newell Yancey was born in Owen County, Kentucky in 1887. Her father was Richard (Dixie) Yancey. He was a Kentucky Colonel. They owned land and had sheep. There were 3 daughters: Lucille, Mary and Mildred
Name :   Jeff Duvall
Email :   jduvall@iupui.edu/jeffery@iquest.net
Comment :   Im a descendant of Philadelphia Yancey, wife of Charles Weaver Kemper, and daughter of Richard H. Yancey and his first wife (poss. Mary N.) of Culpeper Co., VA and Gallatin (later Owen) Co., KY. Im just taking a look to see if Richard H. is still regarded
Postal Address :   920 E. Markwood Ave., Apt. A10 Indianapolis, IN 46227
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   -Richard H. Yancey m1. (Mary N.) -Philadelphia Delphia Yancey m. Charles Weaver Kemper -Tillman Kemper m. Sarah Elizabeth Haydon -John James Kemper m2. Henrietta Bledsoe -Leola Kemper m. John P. Fuller -Marguerite Fuller m. James Walton Morgan -Wand
Name :   sherron Yancey Helmer
Email :   sydh@centex.net
Comment :   
Postal Address :   rt1 box 245 mullin ,tex 76864
Personal WebSite :   n/a
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   john yancey g-father foy D yancey father


Name :   Arlynda Barnes
Email :   arlynda@oakharbor.net
Comment :   My Yancey family appears to have come from the New England area....do you have any information on them? The only name I have is Marjorie Yancey who apparently married a Burroughs....any info would be greatly appreciated...
Postal Address :   225 NE Ernst # 56, Oak Harbor, WA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   EmmaD Jones Raty
Email :   eraty@ttc-cmc.net
Comment :   I am the greatgranddaughter of Mary Lucy Yancey. Her daughter Jessie Mildred Beasley was my grandmother. Her son, my father was Kenneth Clifford Mones. I have her new testiment in my possession. It only has names and dates of her immediate family. Dennis
Postal Address :   Box 1016, Chinook, Montana, 59523 USA
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Robert Yancy Jeremiah Robert Yancy Thomas Benton Yancy Mary Lucy Yancy Jessie Mildred Beasley Kenneth Clifford Jones EmmaD Priscilla Jones Raty
Name :   Clarence Prestage
Email :   cprestage256@comcast.net
Comment :   I am trying to find out ,about the Indian blood from Hiram Wood Yancey or his wife Inus Lavata Haywood
Postal Address :   120 Ada Dr. Owens Cross Roads,Al.35763
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My wifes is g-dau of Loyd Clements and Lillian Gaynell Yancey and gg-dau of Hiram wood Yancey
Name :   Rebecca Cook
Email :   tripleb_bec61@hotmail.com
Comment :   My Grandmother was Nona May Yancy, she lived in Hinton West Virginia, her grandfather was owner of the Yancy Plantation, She had told me many stories of the times, her father was more or less cast out for marrying and indian woman, but my grandmother vist
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Dale Yancey II
Email :   dj7780@msn.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   6814 Armar Rd #1 Marysville, WA 98270
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Directly through Don Merlin, who is through the Jasper and Phillip Yancey line.
Name :   Paula Yarbrough
Email :   paula16@alaweb.com
Comment :   I would like any information you have on a Fortner Yancey. Thanks so much
Postal Address :   29221 Fleeta Rd
Personal WebSite :   paula16@alaweb.com
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My grandmother was a Yancey.
Name :   Martine Yancey
Email :   martineyancey@yahoo.com
Comment :   Mother of Cymmone NiShawn Dior Yancey, daughter of William Charles Yancey of Atlanta Georgia
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   groups.msn.com/theyanceyfamily
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I married William Charles Yancey, son of Betty and Dennis Yancey. They had Katherine, Dennis, Paul C. and Lisa Yancey. They are from Atlanta Georgia. I am excited to connect to the Yancey family heritage
Name :   Donna Pretty
Email :   donnapretty@telus.net
Comment :   Great grand daughter of Alfred Victor Yancey and grand daughter of Edna Yancey. Recently discovered this geneology as mother Donna Yancey was adopted
Postal Address :   Sechelt,B.C. Canada,
Personal WebSite :   No
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Ida Lehman, GGM, Edna Yancey GM, Donna Yancey Mother - adopted and named Rita Hughes, Married to Geroge Finch. My birth name is Donna Finch, married name Donna Pretty
Name :   Cathy Bowman
Email :   rdbowman140@adelphia.net
Comment :   I really enjoy your site. It has given me alot of valuable info about my Yancey roots.
Postal Address :   211 S. Sequoyah Dr. Woodstock, GA 30188
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Mary Nina Yancey (Johnston) Dabner Or Dabney Yancey Mr. Yancey
Name :   Marie Anderson
Email :   home1880@hotmail.com
Comment :   Looking for information on Mary Yancey, wife of Christopher Reynierson. More info on witch story? This is part of a research project Im doing at BYU for History 480. Thank you.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   Rebecca Anderson
Email :   rand1271@prodigy.net
Comment :   Enjoy your work-- bought a copy of your research probably 10-15 years ago(?), I am descended from the Yanceys of Louisa. Keep up the good research.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   From Archelaus Yanceys daughter Susannah, wife of John Holman, Esq.
Name :   David Wallace Yancey
Email :   dyancey@crowncapital.com
Comment :   Would like to figure out the line of decent up from James Yancey father of Walter Monroe Yancey of Arkansas.
Postal Address :   540 Pacific Avenue
Personal WebSite :   crowncapital.com
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   I was born November 5, 1948 in Lamar, Missouri. My father was Chester Wallace Yancey of Arkansas. His father was Wallace Hampton Yancey of Arkansas and so on.
Name :   Barbara Jones
Email :   barb2u@earthlink.net
Comment :   this is a terrific website, I just came across it by accident, not knowing if I had Yancy in my line or not !
Postal Address :   111 Remital Rd.Riva,Md. 21140
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   my 3-great grandfather was Isaac Woodard who married Henrietta, I couldnt find her last name, but found Yancy on your website, If this is true it is a major discovery for me!!!!
Name :   Marsha Thompson
Email :   mat111551@aol.com
Comment :   I am interested in several of the slaves in the posession of Ann Yancy (Barlett Jr spouse)- 1851; and Thomas Yancey - 1851; namely Granderson / Grandison as this is first name of my g-g-father, who said he was born Kentucky (and came TX - Fayette Cty - 18
Postal Address :   3851 Tanglewilde, Houston, TX 77063
Personal WebSite :   None
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   vicki griffith
Email :   msvick123@aol.com
Comment :   I can trace back to Charles Yancey (the first) From Wales dob 1600. Do you have anything before?
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Charles YAncey (the first0


Name :   Geraldine Perry Jackson
Email :   hannah542Acs.com
Comment :   A Thelma Yancey married my grandmothers cousin. They resided in warren County, NC. They have descendants living in the same area.
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   My grandmother: Lizzie Lewis Turner is a first cousin to Thelmas huusband, Luther Peter Collins/
Name :   Arlene Yancey Pickering
Email :   arlenepc@msn.com
Comment :   interested in hearing from anyone that may be from the Culpeper, Virginia area
Postal Address :   5008 Canter Lane, Warrenton, VA 20187
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   Granddaughter of Oscar Bennings Yancey, daughter of Charles O. ancey from Culpeper, Virginia
Name :   Owen
Email :   owenandowen@hotmail.com
Comment :   Hi, I noticed a reference to F. H. Sunderland, who you got some information from. I have a letter authored by him on April 1932 with regard to information in my family line. Do you know anything about him? I did a search and I havent found anything that w
Postal Address :   
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   
Name :   ronnie yancy
Email :   ronnie_y@iwon.com
Comment :   
Postal Address :   435 cumberland trail conroe texas77302
Personal WebSite :   
Your Line of Descent from Yancey Family :   ronnie yancy b.1956 walter dee yancy bb.1912


Donna Hollowell - 12/14/00 04:57:35
My Email:donnarae@ebicom.net
Postal Address: 1054 Hibbler,West Point, MS 39773-3204
Phone: 662-494-1697

Dennis, Your pages and links have helped me so much on the ancestors of Phillip Yancey. I would have never connected it all without your pages and others like you. Donna Hollowell

Rhonda Cape - 12/11/00 02:53:00
My Email:rc2000explorer@aol.com
Postal Address: 6851 Roswell Rd #B5 Atlanta, GA 30328
Phone: (770)481-0197

I am descended from Elizabeth Yancey who married Caleb Jackson Cape in 1849. Caleb -> William -> Samuel -> Thadford -> me. Thanks for posting your family tree.

clara miller - 11/25/00 07:15:49
My Email:eocrm@msn.com
Postal Address: albany texas

my great grandfather was r.d.yancey his son ,oscar B.yancey he was born in indiangap ,tx he was in the navy. he was married to my grand mother martha helen yancey they had seven children most live in brownwood texas.oscar b.yancey my grandfather remarried after his wife hellen died on 12-26-67 in brown co.we no he is burried with martha in brown co.we thinlk he my have other childen by his second wife. we dont even know who his second wife was.if any one can help please email me.

Doug Yancey - 11/04/00 12:54:57
My Email:dougsyancey
Postal Address: 519 Balfour Drive, Decatur, Ga. 30032
Phone: 404-292-8517

There will be reunion in Georgia for all descendants of Simeon Plummer Yancey (1852-1929) on Oct. 14, 2001 at Glen Lake Park in Decatur, Ga. Call 404-292-8517 for info or dougsyancey@netzero.net

William Walter Hinds - 11/03/00 05:51:16
My Email:g_pa9@yahoo.com
Postal Address: 4242 Deerfield Wichita,Ks.67216
Phone: 316-522-8697

My mother was Zola May Yancey,Daughter of George Washington Yancey and Cora May Yancey.My sister is Shirley Burr,I believe you have talked to her recently on the net,Great web site.Bill

Jason Chauncey - 10/29/00 22:28:10
My Email:jasonchauncey@hotmail.com

wow, good site. i have had the now obvious problem of not knowing where my surname had come from, there was no record of anyone with it comming in to the USA. i have not been able to get any good info on origins, i have also not been able to find a coat o arms. now i think i know why. i wonder if the yancey crest would also be my own then? if anyone has more info on the CHAUNCEY name, pleeeeeaaaaaaaassssee e-mail me!!! keep up the good work all

Tammy Theys Frost - 10/29/00 08:02:18
My Email:taz143143@aol.com

My Mother is Sara Kathleen Yancey Theys. She passed away on May 13 1998. She had 7 children who truley miss her.

Alice A. Colton - 10/29/00 01:54:17
My Email:colton3@vii.com
Postal Address: 2640 Wellington St. Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Phone: 801-466-4225

Dear Dennis, First, I want to say how much I appreciate all you have done on the Yancey line as well as all the histories and information you have compiled. You must have spent years of work to get it all together. Also I want to tell you of a new kind of research which may eventually help us with our Yancey line. The BYU came to our stake with a request that anyone interested come to our stake center on a certain evening to get our blood DNA taken to be part of a database they are compiling. Also we had to bring a 4 generation pedigree chart to be attached to our DNA. Their major objectives are: 1. Determine the genetic composition of major populations throughout the world. This database can be used to identify the origins and affinities of an individual and/or family with unknown ancestry. This study will include at least 500 populations from al over the world. Individuals in each population will be identified, genealogical information for at least 4 generations (where possible) will be compiled, and genetic information will be determined. The identification of groups of DNA markers, or haplotyp s, that are unique to a population will be used to determine specific origins and affinities for individuals. 2. Reconstruct genealogies using genetic information. This information can be used to resolve "blocked" genealogies where information is incomplete or missing due to lack of records, illegitimacy, or adoption, and which has prevented the linking of famili s. This also allows for the molecular identification of missing relatives. New genealogical links will be established between living individuals by identifying or confirming suspected limeages that are currently impossible to resolve using traditional met ods. I you find this interesting, and hope it may someday be of benefit to us. Alice Mae Anderson Colton (daughter of Sylvia Yancey Anderson.

monte g yancey jr. - 10/19/00 17:21:36
My Email:myancey@dallasairmotive.com
Postal Address: 10341 w. dublin forney,tx 75126
Phone: 972-564-5251


Denise Bramblett Ellis - 10/11/00 00:30:26
My Email:niecey@kih.net
Postal Address: POB 81 Owenton, KY 40359

Glad to find more branches to my existing family. I am descended from C.C. Adkins and Matilda Calender daughter of Phillip Calender and Melinda Yancey. Guess it would make me the GGGG-granddaughter of Phillip and Melinda Yancey Calender--WOW!!!

Elyse Yancey Mahtis - 10/08/00 21:54:08
My Email:elysem22@yahoo
Postal Address: 6210 Hwy. 15 Apt. 02 Blue Mountain Mississippi 38610
Phone: 662-685-9010


M. Vaughan Atkinson - 10/02/00 19:33:28
My Email:VaughanAtk@aol.com
Postal Address: 9513 Country Way Road Glen Allen, VA
Phone: 804-527-1123

Great site! I have been able to go back five more generations of Yancey's based on your work. I'll send more via email. Many thanks.

Linda Lou Funk - 09/20/00 04:13:43
My Email:LynnF45122@aol.com
Postal Address: 3083 Albers Way Goshen, Ohio 45122-8504
Phone: 513-625-0159

I'm glad someone out there is trying to help!!!!!! Keep up the great work & updates!!!

Nancy Culbreath Newby - 09/12/00 04:32:50
My Email:cnnewby@ind.tds.net

I am descended from Peter Z. Overby & Anna Overby (daughter of Robert Yancey & Philadelphia Jones). Their daughter Rosetta (Netty) married John Culbreath. This site has helped me 'clear up' some questions I had not been able to resolve.

David J. Yancey - 09/09/00 01:06:20
My Email:djyancey@home.com
Postal Address: 200 8th St. South,Waterloo,Iowa 50701
Phone: 319-234-2488

Great site! (I'm a Yancey, how could I not like it?) Someone has done lots of work!I too, have family information. Just let me know if I can be of help! David J.Yancey

kate avery - 09/08/00 19:49:03
My Email:averyone_2000@yahoo.com


Jane Holland - 09/06/00 22:42:08
My Email:jgh2111@aol.com


Don Bankston - 09/01/00 01:46:32
My Email:digitaldog1@juno.com
Postal Address: 3228 Lakeside Dr., Brunswick, Ga. 31520
Phone: (912) 264-2125

Fantastic work here and will take me some time to read and absorb all of it. Great layout. Someone put lots of thought, work and time into assembling such a complete and interesting site.

Jackie Ashley Pace - 08/27/00 03:02:51
My URL:http://cityscope.net/~ashley-pace/
My Email:ashley-pace@cityscope.net
Postal Address: Pasadena, TX

Stephen Henderson YANCEY(1876-1960 Rector, Clay Co AR),son of Wm LaFayette YANCEY & 2nd wife Jane WOOTEN, m. Cora Emma McKamey PACE (1880 Humphreys Co,TN - 1942 Clay Co,AR). Cora was dau of Joacum L. PACE & his 2nd wife Nancy Emma McKamey. This YANCEY-PAC union had 11 children.

Jeanette Horn - 08/10/00 04:39:21
My Email:jeanette641@myfamily.com

Your site answered a few more questions that I had. I am descended from Sarah Ann Yancy. Thankyou

Vicki D. Yancy - 08/02/00 18:41:16
My Email:vyancy@hq.dir.ca.gov
Postal Address: 6053 N. Mitre Ave., Fresno, CA 93722

My greatgrandfather was Charles F. Yancy and grandfather was A.J. Yancy and my father is Elmo Earl Yancy. Very informative site.

Shirley Burr - 08/02/00 01:56:16
My Email:Shirleysss@msn.com
Postal Address: 816 197th. St. Ct. E.
Phone: Spanaway, Wa. 98387

Thanks for the lead on George Washington Yancey,it was very helpful. You have a great web site. I'm glaad to meet some more of my family. I am visiting with my brother here in Wichita, KS. when I get home I will send you more information that I have on he Yancey's. Our mother was Zola May Yancey and yes, she was the one that was married to W. F. Hinds ( My Aunt Fay's sister.) Dennis, my aunt Fay just passed away on July 11,2000- Howe,Ok. Jennie was her first name and she was married to John Herman All son. Will fill you in more on this information when I get home. The W. F. Hinds for my father, is Walter Franklin Hinds. Please let me know if you would like more information on this part. Hope to hear from you soon. Shirley Burr and Bill Hinds.

Catherine G. Straka - 07/26/00 02:40:11
My Email:cstraka56@aol.com


Lee Sanders Hoover - 07/25/00 17:30:12
My Email:Lhoover1@bellsouth.net
Postal Address: P.O.Box 125 Centerville, TN 37033
Phone: 931 729-9281

Thanks Dennis for all your hard work and help in locating ancestors.

Ellen Yonce - 07/19/00 15:42:35
My Email:elleny@sade.com
Postal Address: 18081 Midway Rd. #2015
Phone: 972-307-3490

I am a Yonce by adoption. I am trying make a family tree for my Grandmother. I am trying to get any info on Yonce in Texas or South Carolina

Sharon - 07/19/00 13:04:22
My URL:http://www.art-rageous.net/
My Email:artrageous@bigfoot.com

I'm very impressed with your website and love the way you've seamlessly linked to the sites of other researchers. Really great idea! I didn't see any obvious connections between your Yanceys and the Witts, Rhodes, Andersons, etc. in my line, but I know hey knew each other somehow through the old Yancey picture in with our family pics that I posted on my website!

Winston W. Yancey - 07/18/00 20:05:16
My Email:wyancey0@ourhouse.net
Postal Address: 1117 McLynn Ave NE Atlanta GA 30306
Phone: 404 876 3225

Denniae, ben a long time since we have been in touch. I will check back later.

val - 07/17/00 19:44:10
My Email:scotv2bgood@yahoo.com

It's nice to see so many trying to brige together the yancey's, I am also a decendant of the Yancey's from the Henderson, NC area. Leonard and Sue Yancey were my g-grandparents who had 11 children, I believe they lived in Manson, NC their childrens names were: George, Mary Jane, Tony, Violet, Beatrice, Greeny, Hattie, Sandi, Loraine, Paul and Lucille. I am the grand-daughter of Lucille. Any info at all would be a start. Thank you.

Carolyn Yancey Bridges - 07/17/00 04:30:20
My Email:ginafish@alltel.net
Postal Address: 169 Kenneth Taylor Rd. El Paso, AR. 72045
Phone: n/a


David M. Yancey - 07/16/00 21:28:19
My Email:dbjkyan@hotmail.com
Postal Address: Mtn. Home Arkansas

Hi. Very interesting site. If anyone has information on where my ancestors came from to Arkansas please feel free to contact me. G/Father was Buck Yancey,GG grandfather was Allison Yancey and I think his father was William Yancey who had two brothers. Thank Y u. David Yancey

tommy bobo - 07/06/00 02:23:10
My Email:tommy.bobo@usa.net
Postal Address: glenn heights,tx
Phone: 972-27406659

i am searching for the connection to william j. foster family polly powell,butts co. ga,and jester family also of butts co. ga

denise yancey seckerson - 06/26/00 19:16:23
My Email:denise337@aol.com


William J. Yancey - 06/23/00 07:52:06
My Email:Bigpaw316@aol.com

I'm trying to connect my family lineage back to the four brothers who came to America in 1641, William, Joseph, Charles, and Fredrick. Almost all the males that were first born have a combination of these names. I read this information in the biography of William L. Yancey by Dubois

Kenneth L. Ogilvie - 06/22/00 21:10:09
My Email:keneo@worldnet.att.net
Postal Address: 8819 Ford Ave, KCMO, 64138
Phone: 816-763-6138


Phillip E. Grady - 06/14/00 17:26:22
My Email:pegrady@netusa1.net
Postal Address: P.O. Box 21, Daleville, IN 47334
Phone: 765-378-7172

I am a descendent of Joseph Grady and Catherine Bond Yancey. I would like any information that you have on the grady's. Thanks Phil Grady

Patrick Eugene Torres - 06/12/00 08:32:21
My Email:Serotap@aol.com
Phone: 808-235-9028

I sent you an E-mail... I am a descendant of Jesse Pratt Yancey, son of Hiram John Sr.

Gerald W. Yankie - 06/04/00 04:34:44
My Email:gyankie@gte.net
Postal Address: 1169 Harbor Hills Drive, Santa Barbara, Ca. 93109
Phone: 805-965-0682

I found your wonderful Yancey website and found over 30 references to my Virginia family name, YANKEY. Could someone help me understand the connection between the Yancey and Yankey families? What is the country orgin of the Yancey name? The spellings are o close. Is Yankey a variation of the Yancey name? I would appreciate an email reply. Regards, Gerald Yankie

william allmart - 05/20/00 04:13:29
My Email:w_allmart@yahoo.com
Postal Address: 1011 Lyford/Wheaton, IL 60187

I'm grateful and bewildered when confronted by all the data and the obvious expertise owned by so many Yanceys and relatives. I was just looking for a copy of Rebecca Yancey's book on Capt William L. Yancey in hopes of finding a starting-place to fill in aps and, perhaps, make the acquaintance of cousins I would otherwise never meet. I'm listed in the back of the book where descendents are named & have seen the book once on loan while visiting Massanetta VA. Well, that's enough bother to you from an interested neophyte--Thanks! Bill A.

Cathy Yancey Olson - 05/13/00 20:05:37
My Email:colsonmsn@msn.com

Very interesting information. Although I did not find my relatives, if we are all related, I guess I did! My family is from the Pacific NW-Spokane, Seattle, Port Townsend, Richland, Kennewick all in Washington State. Thanks for all of the information. Cathy

Richard Hails Foster - 05/13/00 01:41:51
My Email:dicklibb@home.com
Postal Address: 21335 Mazatlan Mission Viejo, Ca 92692
Phone: 9498302818

Great work...My link is through William Foster (1746-1852)and Polly Powell of Jasper/Butts County, Georgia. His son married Mary Jester of Butts County. Thanks again for any information you might have...We still don't understand the conection (William Yan y alias Foster)

Virginia E. McLaughlin - 05/11/00 19:40:29
My URL:http://www.va%20lei.net/
My Email:vmonsanto@viaccess.net
Postal Address: P. O. Box 30-4256, St. Thomas, U. S. V. I. 00803
Phone: (340) 776-2035

Hello: I have just discovered who my great grandfather is: Benjamin Yancy. Unfortunately I know nothing else about him. He married my greatmother, Fannie Spencer, and her daughter (my grandmother), was Bertie (V.?) Spencer who married a Frank W. Irvi on 10/30/1901, in Augusta County, VA. Still searching...

Sue Nanney King - 05/10/00 14:12:22
My Email:sueking@apex.net

Have seen the written version of Yancey coat of arms that's identical to Nanny arms. But Yanceys were in N.C. in 1755 almost as early as John Nanny was in Va.{1739}. Do you find any connection to the Janney name? It was in N.J. in 1730.

Glenda Thurmond - 05/08/00 15:20:20
My Email:glendathur@aol.com
Phone: 662-429-0247

Barnett connection

Margaret Brooks - 05/01/00 20:21:20
My Email:Tnmomof3@aol.com
Postal Address: 5378 Dee Cove, Memphis, TN 38119
Phone: 901-763-1460

Great site! I'm looking for Sarah Isabelle Yancey who married William W. Barner on September 15, 1861, in Monroe Co., Ark. She was b. abt 1838. could she be dau of Alexander Yancey and Elizabeth Bowman and gdau of Cyrus Yancey and Sarah Smith? That's wh t I "think" but can't prove. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank, Margaret

Dennis Jordan Yancey - 04/27/00 01:27:16
My Email:dyancey@ac.net
Postal Address: Candor, NC

My father is Chester Jordan Yancey of Mecklenburg county, Virginia. His father was Jordan Yancey. I have two brothers; Kenneth and Earl Yancey. My father and Kenneth live in Henderson, North Carolina. Earl lives in Indianapolis. I am originally from Hende son. If any Yanceys would like to e-mail me, please do.

Jean Tatum - 04/25/00 21:32:00
My Email:jjjtatum@aol.com
Postal Address: 4083 Wildwood Dr. Memphis, Tn. 38111
Phone: (901)743-6343

I am new at the computer, but I love the Yancey web site

ROXANA LYNN - 04/22/00 20:36:02
My URL:http://casjr2@bellsouth.net/
My Email:casjr2@bellsouth.net


Tony Buzzetti - 04/21/00 20:09:44
My Email:BUZZ@oir.state.sc.us
Postal Address: 109 Copper Ridge Rd, Columbia SC 29212
Phone: 803/896-0129 (work)

Hello: Your work is outstanding! My grandfather was the son of Edmund Levi Kelley, ID 19766. I have all the vital statistics for he and siblings. It is not yet on a computer but would be happy to mail copies of the genealogy done by his brother Rchard Carly . Tell me what I can do to help you. I'm impressed by your work!

shirley winkelhoch - 04/17/00 18:01:53
My Email:shirl@primary.net
Postal Address: 4116 Rinzetta Dr.,St. Louis, MO 63129
Phone: 314-892-3942

Looking for John Yancey who served with George Rogers Clark in the Illinois campaign.

Yancy-Lee Ross - 04/12/00 14:17:30
My Email:nobananas@octa4.com.au
Postal Address: PO. Box 42580, Casuarina, Northern Territory 0810 ,Darwin, Australia
Phone: 011 61 8 8945 6358

The information on the Yancy origin name is very interesting.

Darlene Yancey Hough - 04/12/00 06:16:57
My Email:cdkhough@centurytel.net
Postal Address: 201 Timber Lane Tygh Valley, Or 97063
Phone: 541-544-2038

Got your e-mail and yes I am the person who has written and ordered Yancey material from you. I am new to the computer and net so all of this just blows me away! I am amazed at your site I shall be "clicking" on everything!I am still working on my Yancey family in Giles Co. Tn.etc.Will let you know what I've managed to eke out.DH

Michjelle Matarrese - 04/12/00 04:32:34
My Email:Shellimat@aol.com
Postal Address: 73530 Red Circle Palm Desert Ca. 92260
Phone: 760-776-6895

I am searching for my great grandmother whjose name was Elender Yancy who married David Darnell in Campbell Cty, Ga. on Nov 17, 1839. Any info would be appreciated.

Verna Williams - 04/11/00 17:29:32
My Email:vernalwm@ardmore.com
Postal Address: Ardmore,OK

My Yancey(Yancy), I'm not sure which spelling is correct,ancestor line is as follows: Wesley Yancey(ggggrandfather) >Sarah Yancey married Lewis Holbrook/Holdbrook(gggrandparents) >>Asberry(Berry)Holbrook(ggrandfather) >>>James L Holbrook(grandfather) >>>>Sarah E. Holbrook Wilson(mother) >>>>>Verna Wilson Williams(Me) If this connects please let me know,I know very little about my Yancey family,except they were located in the North GA area. VLW

Max Iverson - 04/08/00 02:42:54
My Email:eiverson@worldnet.att.net
Postal Address: 8645 La Mancha Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89149

You have a very nice Web Site. Thanks for taking the time to make this information available. According to my mother, I have a Great, Great Grandmother Lucy Yancey, but I know very little other than her name. she had a son William Edgar Beard (my great grandfather) who was born 19 Jun 1849. Willam Beard settled in Alabama and I beleive he died th re 12 Nov 1928. William only had one female child, Cordilia. Cordilia married a Wharton and they ended up in California. If any of this sounds familiar I would be very happy to hear from you.

Julea Mitchell - 04/07/00 03:19:19
My Email:juleamitchell@yahoo.com
Postal Address: PO BOX 58 Clarkston, GA 30021

Hi Dennis, You sent a letter to me about a month ago which I promptly lost. You were writing to verify my mailing information as a Yancy descendent. It is still valid, and I listed it above. If you have received any information on the Yancy's of Sylvester or Alba y Georgia, please let me know. Thanks a bunch, Julea

Ethel Smith Hale - 04/05/00 02:51:40
My Email:hsea1261@aol.com


LaTisha B. Dew - 04/05/00 01:34:17
My Email:dewbop2413@juno.com
Postal Address: 1011 Riverside Drive Estes Park, CO 80517
Phone: 970-577-9960

I am a decendant of Capt. William Layton Yancey through My Great Great Grandmother Eola Yancey and my Great Great Grandfather John Yancey Gant both of Waverly Missouri. Your site is a tremendous rescource as I am working to establish my DAR membership. Thanks so much!

Chester Hugh Pribble - 03/30/00 00:29:17
My Email:cpribble@cub.kcnet.org
Postal Address: 252 Park Avenue, P. O. Box 127, Woolrich, PA 17779-0127
Phone: 570-769-6409

Charles Yancey b. 1678 d. 1745 was my 6th great grandfather. My line continues down through: Robert Yancey b 1706 d 1746 > Jeremiah Yancey b 1745 d 1784 > Col. Charles Yancey b. 1766 d 1825 > Col. Joel Yancey b. 1796 d 1865 > Sarah Yancey b. 1839 d. 1930 > Leonora Margaret Haymond b. 1870 d. 1960 > Ella Rogers b. 1898 d. 1992 > to myself Chester H. Pribble b

Coral Yancey Messana - 03/26/00 04:16:01
My Email:phenery@altavista.com
Postal Address: 715 1st Street, Rapid City SD 57701

I enjoyed reading and scanning you sight this evening. I am looking for information on my father's family. His father's name was Walter Yancey and I know he was of Irish descent. I have been unable to find out alot at this time, but am still looking. y grandfather was a coal miner and died in a mining accident when my father was about 7 or 8, that would be around 1941 or 1942, in West Virginia. If you have any information about this line I would appreciate it. Again, I enjoy reading you sight.

Lewis Cape - 03/24/00 14:12:43
My Email:jlcseymour@webtv.net

I was looking over your web page and saw the name of Elizabeth Louise Yancy. She married Caleb Jackson Cape May 17, 1849 in Forsyth Co., GA. Children names were: Adaline, William, Harriet, Emaline, Thomas. Caleb was my great, great grandfather. Do you hav any more information on Elizabeth that you would like to share with me?

Robert Garrison - 03/21/00 22:21:30
My Email:RLGARRI@aol.com
Postal Address: P.O. Box 594 Gallatin, TN 37066
Phone: 6154512282

I certainly enjoyed the visit and hope that I can contribute some information in the future for everyone.

dennis yancey - 03/21/00 21:00:17


Dennis Yancey - 03/21/00 20:55:26
My Email:dyancey@miami.edu

This is a test

Chlora June Green - 03/20/00 14:57:41
My Email:cherokeelady@2dogs.net
Postal Address: 815 B-N-W Miami OK. 74354
Phone: 918-540-3690

Dennis It's good to hear from you. I also have another email cjgreen61@hotmail.com Hope to hear from you again. Thank's June

Joyce Robison - 03/19/00 22:28:34
My Email:jrobison@telepath.com
Postal Address: 621 Doe Trail, Edmond, OK 73003

I signed the guest book when I first got on your site. After browsing for some time, I must sign again to tell you what a magnificent site this is! I just wish I had a Yancey on my family tree, so I could tie into this great research. My interest is in the Kavanaugh connection as it intersects with the Covingtons in Culpeper Co., VA. Thanks for a delightful browse. Joyce Robison

Lisa Yancey McLaughlin - 03/17/00 06:46:35
My Email:lisalynn26@hotmail.com
Postal Address: 851 Colquitt Hwy.Bainbridge GA. 31717
Phone: 912-243-1119


- 03/14/00 23:18:59


Lora Price - 03/14/00 21:34:19
My Email:lorabprice@citynet.net
Postal Address: Milton, WV 25541
Phone: (304) 743-5019


Lora Price - 03/14/00 21:33:13
My Email:lorabprice@citynet.net


Isaac Yancey - 03/09/00 06:55:05
My Email:ily05b@missouri.edu

Great site, I like the last name.

Karen Nall Kleman - 03/07/00 16:09:35
My Email:kkleman@mindspring.com

Some other search engine flagged me to your site. I'm researching my Nall roots. Any Nalls in your line? Didn't look thru every link, but let me know if you know of any Nalls. They would have ended up in GA if they're my line. Thanks, Karen

Brenda - 03/07/00 04:45:04
My Email:BEHR813@AOL.COM

Great site. Thanks for sharing all your hard work with everyone. I am a decsendant of Charlotte Yancey, daughter of Richard Kelly Yancey, who married Jeremiah Claxton.

Andrea - 03/06/00 03:53:52
My Email:ISIS_88@webtv.net

I am the grand daughter of Hazel Yancey. He was the Ideal grampa.

Michael L. Yancey - 02/26/00 22:12:49
My Email:MLYancey@aol.com
Postal Address: 7908 N.E. 229th St. Battle Ground WA. 98604

AWESOME... Thank you.

Virginia Lewis - 02/26/00 22:03:04
My Email:VLewis4752@aol.com
Postal Address: Long Beach,Calif 90808

Your web site is wonderful. So large I can't find the family I want to research. If anyone out there is working on the James Monroe Yancey Jr. line please Email me. I am trying to prove his daughter Victoria (Queenie)who married James Thomas Speaks is the one I want. Victoria was born in Mississippi ca 1858 and married 1876 in Searcy, White Co. Arkansas Who were there children? Any help would be appreciated.

Stephen Yancey - 02/25/00 03:11:43
My Email:Syancey939@aol.com
Postal Address: 5889 W 10920 N, Highland, UT, 84003
Phone: 801-763-1358

A link to your site was sent to me by a neighbor. We are related through Adam Yancey. My Grandfather is Emron Yancey. What I have seen of your site is good.

gerald j yancey jr. - 02/22/00 23:08:26
My Email:garyy@idahoaccess.com


Mike Bell - 02/18/00 23:44:39
My Email:mikelbell@yahoo.com
Postal Address: 501 E. Co.Rd. 300 N. Petersburg, IN 47567

Great site! You may have just filled in one of my missing links! Have been searching for Burrell BELL. I believe your Burrell BELL ID:17477 is my G-G-G-Grandfather, making my G-G-G-G-Grandmother Sophie YANCEY-BELL. Thank You for all your time and hard wor . M.B.

Alice Mae A. Colton - 02/16/00 17:54:09
My Email:colton3@vii.com
Postal Address: 2640 Wellington St. Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Phone: 801 466 4225

I'm very interested in your research. I am a granddaughter of Alice and Adam Yancey. My mother was Sylvia who married Jared O. Anderson. I'm just beginning to do family research and find it quite fascinating. Zola Ricks sent me a letter you had written to her in 1992. I think your idea about a family organization is very good. My brother Joel is also becoming quite interested, and we would like to keep in touch with you and get something going. I've been looking at your web page and can see you have done a lot of work. I hope we can be of help too. Alice Mae Anderson Colton

Alice Mae A. Colton - 02/16/00 17:53:26
My Email:colton3@vii.com
Postal Address: 2640 Wellington St. Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Phone: 801 466 4225

I'm very interested in your research. I am a granddaughter of Alice and Adam Yancey. My mother was Sylvia who married Jared O. Anderson. I'm just beginning to do family research and find it quite fascinating. Zola Ricks sent me a letter you had written to her in 1992. I think your idea about a family organization is very good. My brother Joel is also becoming quite interested, and we would like to keep in touch with you and get something going. I've been looking at your web page and can see you have done a lot of work.

Angel Higgins Hayes - 02/16/00 14:42:00
My Email:haze@cqc.com

My mother was a Yancey before she got married. Her father was George Clarence Yancey and her mother was Mary Dollie Burnam. George C father was George W and he married Mary Fletcher. My grandfather (George C) was from Monroe, GA. He was born April 10, 191 and pasted away Oct. 01, 1999.

Opal Specht - 02/11/00 22:54:12
My Email:ospec@terraworld.net
Postal Address: 601 Lincoln, Kingman, KS
Phone: 316 532 3430

I have been through all the comments on your Yancey/Yancy family and do not find a reference to Phila (prob Philadelphia) She married Charles Weaver Kemper in Gallatin Co. KY 17 Sept 1877. I believe some of the Yancy's lived in Owen Co., KY.where other Ke per's lived. I am not a direct descendent of this Yancy family so have not researched it, only know what I have found doing Kemper research. Your web site is quite good, glad I found it.

- 02/10/00 03:28:34


David E. Yancey - 01/30/00 15:21:19
My Email:Army49@aol.com
Postal Address: Whitewater, Co.


Sherry Johnson - 01/29/00 09:43:58
My Email:benjamin@airmail.net
Postal Address: 1521 Redbud Lane, Irving TX 75061

What a great site. Thanks for sharing all your hard work with everyone. My lineage runs from Charles of Hanover Co.>Richard>William>Thomas(NC)>Thomas Hines(GA)>David H. K.(TX)>Samuel H. K.(TX)>Opal Mae Yancey Davis (my grandmother)

Danny Yancey - 01/27/00 08:45:13
My Email:d.yancey@planet-interkom.de
Postal Address: Kemel (Germany)

Ich lebe in Deutschland und bin faziniert, dass es viele andere Menschen gibt die genauso heissen. In Deutschland bin ich die Ausnahme! Viele Grüße Danny Yancey

Grant Yancey - 01/26/00 00:33:34
My Email:gyancey@caphealth.org
Postal Address: 219 garrington pl victoria b.c canada
Phone: (250) 479 3665


Joseph Paul Yancey - 01/25/00 08:08:50
Postal Address: 1350 Tyler St. #7
Phone: (954)927-9160


John D. Yancey - 01/24/00 01:43:38
My Email:johnny9times@hotmail.com


ANITA J YANCEY - 01/22/00 20:30:34
Postal Address: 598 CORONA ST HEMET CALIF 92545
Phone: 909 652 8224


Robert H Cline Jr. - 01/20/00 05:36:06
My Email:rcline@ucnsb.net
Postal Address: 280 Adams Rd., Edgewater, FL 32141
Phone: 1-904-426-8861

This is a very good Site----My GGrandfather was "Little Abe" Abraham Martin White. Annie Mae White Bryan was my Maternal Grandmother. Max was worth his weight in Gold for all that he has done for many families and Genealogy.[Rest in Peace---Max] Roy White will always be --The Man.

Lou Ella Hodges - 01/20/00 00:51:43
My Email:hodgieandme2@yahoo.com
Postal Address: 3815 Moffett Rd. Mobile, Al. 36618
Phone: 334-342-2114

Great site Dennis....I come from Perry Dow and Jane F. Marable through their son Champion Decatur Yancey, George Wade Yancey Sr., George Wade Yancey Jr.(my dad) then myself....Lou Ella. I am working on Perry's last son William David. He married Nora Jon s in San Antonio right before the turn of the century. William David was killed in the "round house" in Ft. Worth between 1900 and 1910...I would love to find out about his children ...he had two I think..a boy and a girl. Great Spot!!! Let me hear from anyone who wants to exchange.

LESLIE PIERCE ROYCE - 01/20/00 00:40:40
Postal Address: 2206 NE 128TH AVE., VANCOUVER, WA. 98684


Janet Daily - 01/16/00 23:04:01
My Email:TowpathGal@AOL.com


MARY F. WOOSLEY - 01/16/00 03:02:17
Postal Address: 204 MONTE LARGO N.E. , ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 87123
Phone: 505-298-4474


Ira Lafayette Harris III - 01/16/00 02:44:18
My Email:barebear@evansville.net
Postal Address: 10031 Brookline Dr., Evansville, Indiana 47711
Phone: 812-867-9501


WILLIAM TODD YANCEY - 01/15/00 14:11:50
Postal Address: 1311 PEARL ST. APT. K-4 VIDALIA GA. 30474
Phone: 912-538-1489


Janis Yancey Langford - 01/13/00 04:43:25
My Email:janislan@arn.net
Postal Address: 3210 Linda Lane, Canyon TX 79015
Phone: 806-655-3749

Just starting. Will respond later. Thanks.

Lila Guenther - 01/08/00 02:03:57
My Email:mtlila@earthlink.net
Postal Address: Oregon

Hi - I supposedly descend from Malinda (Belinda) Yancey >> Richard Callendar >> Mary E Callendar & George Marion Kelly >> George Richard Kelly, etc. How far back in this Yancy line is actually documented?

Marsha Yancey Atkins - 01/08/00 01:33:17
My Email:marshaatkins@cs.com
Postal Address: 608 River Ave. Rome ,Ga.30161
Phone: 706-232-4380

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful web-site with all of us.I'm interested in information about the Yancey's of North Ga. and N.E. Ala. I really enjoyed your web page.

Kristen Yancey - 01/01/00 22:07:31
My Email:kyancey@grapevine.net
Postal Address: 9540 Mission Rd. #30, Overland Park, KS, 66206


John R. Yancey - 01/01/00 20:07:20
My Email:joyance@msc.net

One of my relatives alerted me to this spot..will have to investigate the information.

Michael Kenneth Yancey - 12/30/99 21:06:21
My Email:myancey@rigltd.com
Postal Address: Richmond, VA


Charlotte Yancey Nichols - 12/29/99 00:26:35
My Email:carousel@ipa.net
Postal Address: 120 Bowden Wynne, AR 72396
Phone: (870) 238-0376

I am interested in the descendats of John Henry Yancey of Lafayette Co. MS. He was born Dec. 1 1869 and died Oct. 28, 1939. Would like information on spouse(s) and children.Cannot locate records on a David Alexander Yancey also known as Clarence Levelle may have born out of wedlock.

Karen Bell - 12/27/99 05:49:14
My Email:Bell549@Shreve.net

I am a descendent of Albert Yancy (African American) in Marshall, Texas. My mother, Annie Yancy Webb, remembers stories that her "Grand Pa" used to tell of him riding on the shoulders of freed slaves as they walked through the Smoky Mountians. I am now athering that he was born a slave in either Virginia of North Carolina. He died in 1959 at an age close to 100 if not more. Several Yancy families settled here in East Texas but several continued walking eastward.

Cheryl Yancey "Cochran" - 12/27/99 04:55:01
My Email:cleecoch@orion.e-universe.com
Postal Address: 61839 Oleander Drive, Joshua Tree, CA 92252
Phone: 760-366-9822

I am trying to research my family background. My grandfather was John S. Yancey from Wichata Falls Texas. He married Stella Cunningham from Oklahoma. He had 2 sons, Carl Yancey now deceased, John S. Yancey Jr. my father and now deceased, and one daughter uth (Shaner) still living. I know that Uncle Carl was married 4 times and has children in possibly Arizona and Alaska. Two children, Guy and Ann, I am in touch with but I would like to find any distant couzens. Thanks, Cheryl Yancey Cochran

Jerry Louis Yancy - 12/18/99 04:14:10
My Email:jyancy3773@aol.com
Postal Address: 10290 storm dr. cint. Ohio
Phone: 513-648-9695


Joel Adam Anderson - 12/16/99 05:46:25
My Email:GAnd926@aol.com
Postal Address: 5830 W. Cascade, Morgan Utah 84050
Phone: 801-876-4021

I am the grandson of Adam Yancey. I just spoke with Ruth yesterday in California and she is doing well.

Jerry A. Yancey - 12/03/99 03:55:47
My Email:oldprunepicker@webtv.net

I am a great grandson of Joel Yancey, born in 1830. One of his sons by the name of Jesse Burton was my grandfather. I am looking for anyone who is a relative of this Joel Yancey.

Jessy Yancey - 11/26/99 03:16:25
My Email:crazychic@mail.com
Postal Address: Tennessee

Wow, I didn`t know there were so many Yanceys!! I am 15, and the only Yanceys I know are my uncles, aunts, and cousins (2 of each) and my parents, grandma and brother. That's it for our side of the Yanceys. In case you wondered, my grandma & grandpa moved from Post, Texas when my dad was little (about the 60's or so) and they eventually ended up here in Macon County, Tennessee (about `75 I think). Any ways, we are the only Yanceys in Macon County!! =P Jessy

Barbara Yancey - 11/23/99 18:40:00
My Email:yancey@htc.net


Ron Valentino - 11/14/99 20:38:37

It's a sin and a shame that some people will not admit they are related to blacks through the sexual appertites of their forefathers. God someday will reveal the truth and you who deny it will confess the truth.

Ron Valentino - 11/14/99 20:38:29

It's a sin and a shame that some people will not admit they are related to blacks through the sexual appertites of their forefathers. God someday will reveal the truth and you who deny it will confess the truth.

Keith Yancy - 11/01/99 19:44:21
My Email:yancy4@oneimage.com
Postal Address: po box 1378 kremmling co 80459

grand dad was bill yancy grand maw was perala may they are boath gone now but they lived in chowchilla calif

Rhonda Yost - 11/01/99 00:29:25
My Email:DepecheLov@aol.com
Postal Address: 26014 Crest Road, Torrance, CA 90505

This page is very interesting! I am a direct decendant of Catherine Nall Harnsberger who was the daughter of Ann Eleanor Yancey and William Nall. Anyone have any info on this branch of the Yancey tree? Thank yoU! Take care, all!

Carolyn (Luton) Geittmann - 10/28/99 22:15:01
My Email:cgeittmann@clas.net

Dennis: I CANNOT thank you enough for pointing me toward this FANTASTIC, well-done site! You have obviously done an IMMENSE amount of hard, great work and research and then most generously shared it all with the rest of us. I feel EXTREMELY fortunate! I descend from Mahala YANCEY who married Joseph SMITH through their daughter, Matilda L. SMITH. Matilda married William D. SMITH 20 Sept. 1841 in Williamson Co., IL, they lived in Johnson Co., IL. Their daughter, Perlina Clementine SMITH who married Willi m Riley ERVIN, were my great grandparents and they lived in Pulaski Co., IL. Their son, John Wesley ERVIN was my grandfather and his daughter, Anna ERVIN who married Charlie Meadow LUTON were my parents, also from Pulaski Co., IL. Thank you again for suc wonderful help. Carolyn

carol l. Yancey tormohlen - 10/20/99 21:18:12
My Email:ctormohlen@yahoo.com


Donna (yancey) VandeVusse - 10/19/99 16:21:06
My Email:nell2@freenet.macatawa.org
Postal Address: 83 Burke Ave holland MI 49424
Phone: (616) 392-4967

I'm hoping to find some info on James cleveland yancey birth unknow death 1944 lived in Quitman Ark.

jim morrow - 10/06/99 03:26:44
My Email:js122262@aol.com

our line of yanceys come from james yancey of granville county north carolina. there was great many methodists. in this line the family had moved to haywood county tennessee by 1830. thomas yancey was the great grandson of james yancey, one of his sons ashbury freeman was a methodist preacher.

Fr. S. Yancey HP, D.D. - 10/04/99 04:37:06
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/UFDR_ULC/
My Email:ufdrulc@netzero.net
Postal Address: 1313 Xenia St., #302, Denver, Colorado, USA

In my last entry I failed to give my ancestry. It is as follows: Yancey of Wales, Charles Yancey, Charles Yancey, Richard Yancey, William Yancey, Thomas Yancey, Thomas Hines Yancey, William Harrison Yancey, Walter Burton Yancey, Hubert Lindsay Yancey, Mos e Henry Yancey, Alton Wayne Yancey, Fr. Scott Owens Yancey HP, D.D. (me), Brianna Elizabeth and Christy Dawn Yancey (my daughters)

Fr. S. Yancey HP, D.D. - 10/04/99 04:33:06
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/UFDR_ULC/
My Email:ufdrulc@netzero.net

I very much appreciate this site and the help I have received from it. I have been able to eastablish an unbroken line from myself to my 13th Great Grand Father.

Fr. S. Yancey HP, D.D. - 10/04/99 03:56:53
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/UFDR_ULC/
My Email:ufdrulc@netzero.net

I very much appreciate this site and the help I have received from it. I have been able to eastablish an unbroken line from myself to my 13th Great Grand Father.

Tyre Brown Wells - 10/03/99 20:37:34
My Email:twells@pyramid3.net
Postal Address: 1105 S. Paisano, Rockport, Texas 78382
Phone: 361-729-3436

Great information on Caswell. I'm researching the family of John Edmunds Brown and his son Robert Adkins Brown (1760 to 1829) John Brown had another son: Jethro Brown of "The Tavern" sited in the beginning article, so I know the family was in the count . If you have any information please let me know. Thanks.

ronald & connie yancey - 09/26/99 17:26:21
My Email:cmrfy@nts-online.net
Postal Address: 2309 nw 1st amarillo,tx. 79106
Phone: 806-376-4922

this is a terrific site.i don't know of any remaining relatives.who knows? there might be someone out there that is.

Sandra Yancey - 09/23/99 17:42:13
My Email:play2win11@aol.com
Postal Address: 15516 Dorian Street Sylmar, CA. 91342
Phone: 818-367-5676

Thank you so much for all of the information on this site. My GGGG Grandfather is William Lowndes Yancey. Im really new at this and am finding alot of information I had never known before. My Father is William Lowndes Yancey the III. He has a few items of William Lowndes Yancey that have been passed down from generation to generation. I especially remember a huge Silver Pitcher that was presented to him, It has a lot of signatures engraved on it, If anyone has any information about the story behind this pitcher I would love to hear from you. I grew up looking at these keepsakes and would love to find out the stories behind them. If anyone has any information on this particular branch of the Yancey Family I would love to hear from you. Thank you so muc , Sincerely, Sandra Yancey

Wanda Barnett Payne - 09/23/99 14:23:39
Postal Address: Aiken, SC

I love your Kavanaugh pages. Nancy Ann Kavanaugh was my ggg-grandmother.

Gary Thomas Yancy - 09/23/99 03:19:40
My Email:gyancy@wans.net
Postal Address: 606 Pine Meadow Court, Arlington, TX 76012
Phone: 817-265-6547


Sheryl Slot - 09/19/99 05:54:02
My Email:BUB116@webtv.net
Postal Address: 1909 Eastwind Deer Park Texas77536

I am a decendant of John A. and Angeline Yancy. I hope to use your site to research this line of my family. Thank you.

Dolores W Jones - 08/26/99 19:11:30
My Email:dwj@watervalley.net

I have an aunt Louise/Louisa Warrick who married one "Bill" I assume name to be William Yancy or Yancey I'm not sure. As they say "back in the day" and I do mean way back in the day, this Yancey "scouted" baseball players for Phila. A's. Does this ring any bells for you? D.

Peggy Yancey Whitaker - 08/25/99 01:35:50
My Email:melody37@bellatlantic.net
Postal Address: 3600 Martin Johnson Rd., Chesapeake, VA 23323-1212
Phone: 757-485-5475

Your comments on various genealogy websites have been of great interest and help to me. I have been tracing my Yancey family roots. So far, I have only been able to get back to Charles I. Yancey, who came to the United States from Wales. Do you have any information on his parents? I haven't had any luck in finding out who they were. Thanks for any help you can give me! Peggy Y. Whitaker melody37@bellatlantic.net

Jay and Eunice Yancey - 08/22/99 23:09:18
My Email:eunicejay@aol.com
Postal Address: Rockmart, Ga. 30153
Phone: 770-684-3636

Most interesting!

Suzanne Sella - 08/22/99 16:57:05
My Email:sella@gloryroad.net

I really loved the photographs of Yancey ancestors! There is a clear and strong family resemblance many generations away and many branches aside!!! It gave me an eerie feeling to see the face of my grandfather in the face of an unknown (to me) man!

Paul Duane Yancey - 08/19/99 21:53:45
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Frichild43
My Email:Frichild43@aol.com
Postal Address: Coeur d'Alene,ID83815
Phone: 208-765-1080

Great work Dennis. My father was Lamar Anderson Yancey from Conyers,GA, his father was James Yancey from ?. I was born in Miami,FL. I am gratified to know that I am not the 1st Yancey astrologist. I would love to get more birth data ,including time & plac , on Yanceys.

connie balazic - 08/18/99 03:39:27
My Email:conniebb@email.msn.com


Connie Balazic - 08/12/99 01:07:09
My Email:conniebb@email.msn.com

Very well organized sight.

Connie Balazic - 08/12/99 01:06:01


MaryJean Childress Voegtlin - 07/31/99 03:55:30
My Email:gvdirt@aol.com
Postal Address: 234l W. Rugby Aven, College Park, GA 30337-1020
Phone: 404-762-6806

Very well done!! Great job!! Have told other Yancey researchers about it as well...as a Yancey descendant I'm very glad to have this site and such good information...THANKS!

Kimberly Whiteside Truitt - 07/28/99 00:21:49
My Email:TnKTruitt@aol.com
Postal Address: 821 Bledsoe Gilmer, Texas 75644

Thanks so much for your hard work on this site. I found it by accident about a month ago, and have looked at it in bits and pieces as time allows. My line is Charles1, Charles2, Richard, Robert, Hezekiah, William Howard Yancey, Howard Jefferson Yancey, allie Yancey Seegraves, Margie Seegraves Johnson, Donald O. Johnson, Donna Johnson Whiteside, myself. Your web site allowed me to find out the names of the wife of Hezekiah, and both of her parents. Thank you!!!

Mary Ellen Holmes - 07/23/99 20:46:01
My Email:MHolmes572@aol,com
Postal Address: Hillsboro, Oregon
Phone: 503-640-4140

I am not a Yancey, nor am I a Criswell, but I do know John Yancey Criswell married Eleanor Vannoy in Knox Co Ky ca 1813 and they had 8 chidren born in KY, then they went to Texas. My line is Vannoy from Knox Co Ky and Wilkes Co NC.Eleanor's father was Wi liam Vannoy.

Wanda Garrett - 07/21/99 21:08:42
My Email:wlgarret@bellsouth.net
Postal Address: 100 Birnam Court Hendersonville, TN 37075
Phone: 615-822-3956

Thanks for you computer 'brains' that put all this info on the 'net. It's a great work and greatly appreciated. My Mother-in-law was May Yancey from Smith Co. TN. To the best of my knowledge her line goes - Charles Edward Yancey & Hattie James Freed, W lliam Cunningham Yancey & 3rd wife Fannie Ann Payne, James Yancey & Eliza Cunningham, Jechonias Yancey & Elizabeth Howe. Will be happy to share what limited info I have. I have only recently began searching. Have a great day !

Terry Morgan - 07/13/99 18:07:58
My Email:gfaterry@aol.com
Postal Address: 1527 Old Albany Circle, Huntsville, AL, 35803

I corresponded with you in the past and you have been very helpful. My mother's maiden name is YANCEY. Thanks for creating this site! Terry

Kellie S. Yance - 07/11/99 21:59:07
My Email:ksopty@aol.com
Postal Address: 1650 Blaine Rd, Zillah, WA 98953

I am attempting to find information on Tom Yancey who is the great, great, great grandfather of John, George, and William Harrison Yancey and for informtion on the descendents that were born between them. I would appreciate any help. Thanks. Kellie

Farrell Yancy - 07/09/99 18:00:11
My Email:pyancy@msd38.k12.az.us
Postal Address: 5413 W. Palo Verde Ave. Glendale, AZ 85302
Phone: 623-930-1254


Don Hazlewood - 07/01/99 03:38:11
My Email:utrx1@iswt.com
Postal Address: 10672 Heritage Way Milan, TN 38358-5110
Phone: 901-686-0174


betty jane sayles - 06/30/99 20:14:41
My Email:wabs1@compuserve.com
Postal Address: PO Box 99 Miamiville OH 45147-0099
Phone: 513 831 5948

I am a daughter of Refy Yancey Viston B. Owen Co Ky 1879 Daughter of Absolom Yancey b.1848. Absolom was son of William yancey Born KY.

Allen WHeatley - 06/25/99 11:23:34
My Email:allen_wheatley
Postal Address: 2508 Weathered Circle, Irving, Texas 75062
Phone: (972) 255-6283

Charles YANCEY (1642-1690)gggggggggf Charles YANCEY (1678-1745)ggggggggf Richard YANCEY (1708-1780)gggggggf William YANCEY (1740-1803)ggggggf Thomas YANCEY (1769-1847)gggggf David YANCEY (1808-1885)ggggf Sarah Elizabeth YANCEY Norwood (1837-1911)gggm Lycy Myrtle NORWOOD Summerville (1877-1962)ggm Rubie D SUMMERVILLE Amerson (1897-1974)gm Lora Mae AMERSON Wheatley (1922-)m Allen Wheatley (1944-)Me

Sylvia Nichelson - 06/15/99 19:29:11
My Email:sylvie@kansascity.com
Postal Address: PI Box 52 Buckner, MO. 64016
Phone: 806 650-9348

The word "WONDERFUL", comes up short.

Philip David Yancey - 06/13/99 04:38:18
My Email:pyancey@cmtaegrs.com
Postal Address: 4555 Aiken Road; Simpsonville, KY 40067
Phone: (502) 722-2233

Dennis-you've been a great help so far! I will hopefully be able to return the favor with some more research on the Layton Yancey / Robert Henry Yancey, etc. lines. Have gotten great responses from family members eager to help and since I first saw Barber 's YCU site two months ago, I've learned so much. Keep up the good work! Still working on the Gedcom file, but the line as I know it is Joseph Yancey>George Washington Yancey>George Washington Yancey>George Washington Yancey Jr.>George Philip Yancey>Phili David Yancey>Michael David Yancey (my son)

Thomas B. Yancey - 06/12/99 23:19:21
My Email:Yancey@crosslink.net
Postal Address: 14285 Springfield Ln., King George, VA 22485-3118
Phone: 540.775.5912


Thomas B. Yancey - 06/12/99 23:14:41
My Email:Yancey@crosslink.net
Postal Address: 14259 Springfield Ln.
Phone: 540.775.5912

Keep up the excellent work and stay young!

Barbara Purdum - 06/11/99 02:38:00
My Email:bpurdum@email.msn.com
Postal Address: 346 Sharry Lane, Santa Maria, CA-93455
Phone: 805-937-3042


Brandi Jo - 06/09/99 21:35:52
My Email:ombudsman@shasta.com
Postal Address: 369 Lime Court, Redding, CA 96003

Gary Dean Yancy/YANCEY Born Ohio, 1950 Trying to find some information for my son.

Mark Anway - 06/09/99 00:21:29
Postal Address: 19348 Leyte St. Wyoming, Minnesota 55092
Phone: 612-434-9388

Books to be consulted to trace the Nanney Family to 55BC. Yales in Wales, Horatio Yale and Rerum Britannicarum, Medii Evii Scriptores. Please pass this on to Wade Nanney. I couldn't find his E-Mail address. Thanks

W.Craig Yancey - 05/26/99 17:55:31
My Email:wcyancey@worldnet.att.net

Pretty cool site! I'll try to get my Dad to understand how to access this at his library internet access. He spends alot of time doing research the old fashion way, which still works fine, but it is a little bit slower. I think that he will get a kick out of this site! There are alot more of us than I ever imagined. There isn't many Yanceys around my neck of the woods. Our "twig" comes from Texas, and I live near Tampa Fla. Thanks for the effort! WCYancey (Yancey-Man)

- 05/26/99 16:50:59


Susan Yancey - 05/24/99 18:07:48
My Email:LCYancey@aol.com
Postal Address: 1010 Pine Creek Dr Pflugerville Tx 78660
Phone: 1-512-992-2719

Your web page is the best I've sceen for my family. I have some more information on Charles Yancey and his decendants, of which I am. I can at least give you my branch. If you do want it please contact me. Thanks, Susan Yancey

CHARLES A YANCEY - 05/23/99 20:12:17


Jim Welch - 05/21/99 02:46:40
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/w/e/l/James--E-Welch/
My Email:matthewsfamily@iname.com
Postal Address: Box 2077,Milton, Fl 32571

Thanks, Dennis, for your help. Jim.

Patricia Skaggs Yancey - 05/18/99 19:59:02
My Email:pyancey@pop.uky.edu
Postal Address: 120 Cobblestone Court, Lexington, KY 40515
Phone: 606-271-4929

Thanks for all the help you have given my son, Philip David Yancey. He has done a lot of research so far and is still looking. Pat Yancey

George Philip Yancey - 05/18/99 17:47:39
My Email:pyancey1@mmm.com
Postal Address: 105 S.Miller St, Cynthiana, KY 41031
Phone: (606)234-0025

Thanks to everyone who has spent so much time and contributed in the effort to trace and define our Yancey ancestry. Phil Yancey

Luis Yances - 05/16/99 23:18:04
My Email:lyances@yahoo.com
Postal Address: 289 E Center Street, Heber City, Utah 84032.

I would welcome any information regarding my surname,I hope to have someday all the clues about where it comes from and if it has been modified or not.

Dennis J. Yancey - 05/09/99 06:10:11
My Email:dyancey@alphanet.com


Minnie Johnson - 05/08/99 21:38:46
My Email:MJoh748154@aol.com
Postal Address: 1941 Saul Kleinved-E.P


Mary Jean Childress Voegtlin - 05/08/99 04:57:11
My Email:gvdirt@aol.com
Postal Address: 234l W. Rugby Avenue, College Park, GA 30337-l020
Phone: 404-762-6806

Hi, I am a direct descendant of Charles Yancey1..Charles Yancey2 Capt James Yancey3 Ann Yancey Saunders4...I look forward to reading and exploring this resource center for my Yanceys !! So glad we have this great source...now on to my adventure....MJCV

Barbara Adams - 05/08/99 04:35:43
My Email:sffromak@webtv.net
Postal Address: P.O.Box 58534 Fairbanks Ak, 99711
Phone: 907-458-8619

I'm checking on hooking a friend of my to his family tree we have very little to go on his father's name was John Yancey D.O.B Jan, 12, 1897 sure hope you can help somewhat, but in the mean time we will look for more information to help, but if luck is on our side maybe what little we have can help. Please E-Mail me and let me know what more you may need. Thanks, B Adams.

Donald Yancy - 05/07/99 16:40:28
My Email:Dyancy@logicon.com


Jerry Jones - 04/30/99 22:30:19
My Email:Tiffanyrjones@hotmail.com
Postal Address: 2494 Franks Drive, Madison, IN 47250
Phone: 812-273-3684

Hi there, I haven't had time to search the whole site, so if you could le tme know if the Yancy that you are referring to lived in Tennessee, especially in the towns of Halls and Bells. If so email and let me know, I would appreciated it very much. Thanks relative

Elizabeth Hughes - 04/30/99 04:29:02
My Email:echughes@e,ail.com
Postal Address: 118 Thunder Rd. NE, Eatonton, GA 31024
Phone: 706-485-3385

A most informative site. It is well organized and easy to navigate. I've been here before and have the site bookmarked.

Philip R Settles - 04/30/99 03:52:04
My Email:Chrisphil@juno.com
Postal Address: rt 4 box 782 gilmer texas 75644


Lori Deardorff Marquette - 04/29/99 23:22:11
My Email:Lorimarque@aol.com
Postal Address: 244 E. Caroline Ln, Tempe, AZ 85284
Phone: 480-752-0995

I have a Hezekiah Yancey who married Sally Worsham. Daughter Sally Yancey married Joshua Tate in May of 1801 who had son Mercier Tate, born 1801, married to Nancy Gunter..

ellen stavitsky - 04/25/99 17:25:36
My Email:stavitsky@hawk.ucc.edu

I am teaching a text entitled THE GLORY FIELD to my adult immigrant ESL students. It's a "Roots"-type story, tracing the lives of several generations of an African American family. I found John Cerny's article on the genealogy of the Cosby family on this ebsite and think it will be of great interest to my students, as it was to me. A most interesting site !

grant yancey - 04/23/99 18:10:21

Doug Ragland - 04/18/99 01:31:56
My URL:http://netpointe/
My Email:5rs@netpointe.com

this is great

Donna Dunagan McMillan - 04/16/99 22:17:18
My Email:emoryd@accucomm.net
Postal Address: 3691 Sussex Court, Milledgeville, GA 31061

i am looking for information on my g-grandmother, Mary jane Bryant, Hall Co, GA. I was referred to this site by Dennis Yancey. Hopefully, I can find a link. Great site!

Bob Thompson - 04/14/99 14:45:28
My Email:bfthompson@home.com
Postal Address: 4430 Sheppard Place, Nashville, TN 37205
Phone: (615) 385-4374


Marcus G. Yancey - 04/13/99 14:33:03
Postal Address: 752 Isaac Shelby Circle W. Frankfort, Ky. 40601

Looks very good up to this point.

Andrea Haninger - 04/13/99 03:22:25
My Email:haninger@tqci.net
Postal Address: P.O. Box 245 Patuxent River MD.20670

I am the great grandchild of Lela Gertrude Pharr(Rosey). Her father was Joe Clarence Gossett ,and, her mother was Ida Lou Yancy

Sue Morgan - 04/07/99 21:47:06
My Email:smorgan@ren.net
Postal Address: 1010 S. Harvard Perryton, TX 79070
Phone: 806/435-5802

I want to update the information I have on the Jackson M. Yancey-Elizabeth Goode family.

Katherine Yancey Hanley - 04/06/99 13:39:41
My Email:hanley@campus.cwix.net

Very interesting! My great grandfather was George Washington Yancey, from Cleves, Ohio.

Coral A. Messana - 03/31/99 19:55:07
Postal Address: Piedmont SD 57769

My madien name is Yancey. I am looking for information on my grandfather's family. His name was Walter Yancey, and he lived in West Virginia. My mailing address is 12970 Pony Express, Piedmont SD 57769. I only have email at work at this time and it's ot always easy to reach me there. Please let me know if you have any information on him. I enjoyed you web site. Thanks, Coral

BARBARA YANCEY ROSS - 03/27/99 05:24:23
My Email:luvppup2@aol.com

i got so excited when i saw all the yanceys and saw your name, dennis yancey, i have a print out of the yancey family resarch you did ,dated oct 28, 1990 i got it from my cousin, i am just learning how to operate this computer so bear with me, please writ . Barbara (luvpup)

Tawanda H. Smith - 03/15/99 16:43:36
My Email:deerman@telepak.net
Postal Address: 1559 Palmetto Tr. NW Brookhaven, MS 39601
Phone: 601-833-1140

I am the great granddaughter of Effie Yancey Holliday. She was the daughter of Green and Josephine Yancey.

James-Gloria Yancey - 03/06/99 05:53:06
My Email:jyancey
Postal Address: 1245 Hwy 327 E. Silsbee,Yx 776565
Phone: 409-385-2058

Dennis I just found your new site tonight, on my own. Wonderful job!! Thanks Gloria

Muriel Yancey - 02/27/99 01:20:11
My Email:auntiemule@aol.com

I Am trying to get some information about one james yancey born around 1865 or 70 I am not sure of the date I do know he had ason by the name of Walter fredrick yancey.WE are Afro american any infomation would be helpful. Muriel Yancey

Wm. M. Harrell - 02/23/99 20:08:11
My Email:wmharrell@aol.com

I'm interested in Yancey/Yawn and Yancey/Dowdy connections. Didnt see either surname on your pages. My 1G GrandFather Thomas Isaac Dowdy Married Amanda Jane Yawn. Amanda Had to brothers who married Yancey girls. Sarah Lee(Sallie) and Dorcas Christine daug ters of George W. Yancey b. abt 1844 in Telfair co and Sarah Marchant . Sarah Marchant is sister of Elizabeth who married John Randolph Dowdy my 2G Grandfather. See my interest in Yanceys??? Bill Harrell

Sarah J. Yancy - 02/22/99 21:40:18
My Email:Yancy23@hotmail.com
Postal Address: 3821 Gable Lane Dr. Apt 438 Indianapolis IN. 46228

Hi there, I really enjoyed looking at the pictures and reading the stories. I hope to one day find that we are related, but it is so hard because most of my (our)people have passed on. God Bless.

Katie Madsen - 02/11/99 18:14:56
My Email:srmadsen@onramp.net
Postal Address: 5100 Teddington Park Drive, Plano, TX 75023

Thank you, Dennis. Looking through the site and links has inspired me that maybe I could do something like this for my cousins on my mother's side of my family.

David E. Yancey - 02/08/99 05:43:26
My Email:Army49@aol.com
Postal Address: P.O. Box 7 Whitwater, Co. 81527
Phone: 970-242-7941

My brother just gave me this site. I am going to have fun investigating it.

Stephen R. Yancey II - 01/29/99 21:08:27
My Email:yanceys@cykg.com

I visited the Vaughn home in Merionethshire with my father (Clarence L. Yancey) during the Christmas holidays in 1961. I'm happy to learn of the Yancey family web sites.

Ruth Shapard Moore - 01/16/99 01:35:39
My Email:Rthmosom@aol.com
Phone: (650)341-4470

Would like to know the source for the Samuel Shepard letter. The one you show on the web is more than was published in the W&MQ in 1927. I have copies of all the letters from the pages of that journal, and those from the Murfreesboro paper column by ano her Shapard descendant.

Tonsie McAden - 01/13/99 06:18:11
My Email:Tonsie1@aol.com

Terrific site for Yancey ancestry!!

Patty Yancey - 01/10/99 00:52:39
My Email:pyancey@wirefire.com
Postal Address: 1013 Grandview St. Parkersburg, WV 26101
Phone: 304-428-2035

I love all of the research that you have done. When the weather is better I will help my husband find out more of his bunch of Yancey's. I am a natural born snoop!

Robert Stauffer - 01/08/99 20:19:10
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mo/stauffer3/index.html
My Email:stauffer@scan.missouri.org
Postal Address: Rt 1 Box 224 Birch Tree, MO 65438
Phone: (573) 292-4673

Nice webpage and enjoyed looking. We have been looking for YANCY information for some time for my wife Linda Rae YANCY. We also found the YANCEY-L just the other day and will be posting there in hopes finding Branches or Twigs for our tree. Bob

Wallace Yancey - 01/03/99 00:29:47
My Email:pyancey@wirefire.com
Postal Address: 1013 Grandview St. Parkersburg WV 26101
Phone: 304-4282035

My husband is one of the Richmond VA Yancey clan and is very excited over your web pages.

- 12/21/98 17:23:51

enjoyed reading th history that doesn't seem to have the politically correct slant that sometimes distorts truth for liberal slant.

Maria - 11/23/98 09:32:33

thanx, really cool site. really helped me on my u.s history project

Deboray Yancey Decker - 11/17/98 02:05:25
My Email:gdhome@msn.com
Postal Address: 15122 Cranbourne Houston, TX 77062

Thank you very much.

Margaret Baldock - 11/14/98 22:39:42
My Email:mgb@huntleigh.net
Postal Address: New Mexico

Great site! I am researching Bartlett YANCEY b. abt. 1805 NC or TN d. AR md. Florilla. Children were: John Wesley, Eliza, James, Lucy Ann, Elizabeth, Louis Franklin, Malinda J., & Charlies Bartlett. If anyone connects to this line please email me...... I need all the help I can get. Thanks!

anonymus - 11/12/98 22:54:31

I think it is a pretty good site but it could have an index or something tothat affect on it. That would help people better find things if there was an index and all they had to do was click a button and be at what they need. Good site.

Yancey,Kenneth B. - 11/11/98 03:03:08
My Email:Kbydpt1@aol.com
Postal Address: 6108 Union Village Drive Clifton, Virginia 20124
Phone: 703-8303503

Have done much research on my line back to Charles Yancey of Albemarle to Jeremiah Yancey of Albemarle to Robert Yancey & Temperance Dumas to Charles Yancey of Louisa/Hanover on the Little River. My daughter found your web site by accidnet at College an called me tonight. I am delighted to see this material and hope to make a contribution. Ken Yancey

Vernon Yancey - 11/09/98 02:12:20
My Email:vyancey@surfsouth.com
Postal Address: p.o. box 149 sycamore,Ga, 31790
Phone: 912-567-0653

Ilike youe web pages very much on the Yancey'si am still teying to fine out more please e- mail me and let me know if you can help me .............. Thank you vernon Yancey

Sandy Willis - 10/08/98 02:41:33
My Email:swi2713074@aol.com


10/02/98 11:45:20
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Charles Yancey - 09/06/98 22:19:15
My Email:Yance@net-link.net
Postal Address: 51661 Fuller Rd. Mendon,MI 49072
Phone: (616)496-8174


diana - 09/05/98 12:47:20
My Email:dry@apex.net
Postal Address: 2436 lynnwood drive, paducah ky 42001
Phone: 502-534-8176

Dennis, Thank you for putting together The source for Yancey genealogy. Your web site is great and very informational. I know this must have take lots of hard work but it is worth it. Thanks, again! Diana

Mary D. Taffet - 09/05/98 03:51:26
My URL:http://web.syr.edu/~mdtaffet/genealogy.html
My Email:mdtaffet@syr.edu
Postal Address: Syracuse, NY

Looks good Dennis. I see you followed up on my suggestion to add the guestbook feature. Thanks for all your hard work digging up the Yancey info. The semester has started at SU now, so I'll be pretty busy from now until at least December... -- Mary

- 09/04/98 17:02:40


Dennis Yancey - 09/04/98 16:54:39
My Email:dyancey@miami.edu

Would love to share Yancey family genealogy with you. Please contact me.

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