continuous activity: weekly study rehearsal in the Children's Home of Pécs

September 5: club meeting
September 18: Lions Jazz-concert
September 20: Lions jamboree in Csekrkút, II-es rakodó

October 3: club meeting
October 24-26: National Leo Convention (NLC) in Kaposvár and the Installation Night of Kaposvár Leo Club

November 7: club meeting
November 28: Lions dinner (Tettye restaurant)
November 29: club meeting

December 6: Santa Claus for the Children's Home kids
December 22: Welcome back party for Iván Dráb and Gergely Szőke

January 9: club meeting

February 6: club meeting, participation at the Installation Night of the Szeged Leo Club
February 18: club meeting
February 21: charity movie in Uránia Movie Theater

March 5: club meeting
March 11: preparatory club meeting
March 12-15: National Leo Convention in Pécs and 10th anniversary of Sopianae Leo Club's Installation Night
   (Pictures of PartYartZok from the gathering)
March 19: participation at the Lions club day of Pécs-Normandia LC
March 26: club meeting

April 2-4: participation at the Central European Leo Workshop and Slovenian Leo Convention in Slovenia
April 9: club meeting, candidates for new officers
April 22: charity concert in the High School of Arts in Pécs
April 24: participation at the pre-district board meeting in Budapest
April 30: club meeting

[May 1: Hungary has joined the European Union]
May 4: Birthday celebration in the the Children's Home of Pécs
May 7: club meeting, election of new officers, new members adoption
May 14-15: participation at the National Lions Convention in Pécs
May 24: Birthday celebration in the the Children's Home of Pécs

June 24: closing party

Last updated: 7th June 2004


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