- Presentation of the Leo Movement in the Student Touristic Festival in Fonyód, at lake Balaton (21-25 July 2004)
- Participation in the organisation of the Discover Hungary Lions Youth Camp (26 July - 9 August 2004)
- Presentation of the Leo Movement in the Sziget Festival in Budapest (4-11 August 2004)
- Leo Europa Forum in Saariselkä, Lapland (Finnland) (14-21 August 2004)
- 3rd Hungarian Leo Board (pre-district council) meeting in Budapest (18 September 2004)
- National Leo Convention and European ILO meeting in Budapest (15-17 October 2004)
- participation at the Leo Football Cup of Győr Leo Club (??? February 2005)
2. Useful names and addresses:
International Liaison Officer of the District 119: Krisztián Demmel, Pest-Buda Leo Club
Leo Chairman: Tamás Szabados, Pest-Buda Leo Club
Hungarian Lions Government+Governor: Ákos Ütő
Phone: +36 ???
Fax: +36 1-465-3804
Postal address: H-1??? Budapest, ????? HUNGARY
National and international Lion links:
Disclaimer: Now all the seven clubs are recognized by Oak Brook - as far as I know. The oldest club is now refounded in Budapest. A new club was organized in Kaposvár and another one recently in Szeged. The informations above and below were given by clubs or found by me in club archives and I take no responsibility of their exactitude.
the old homepage
(originally founded: 1989)
refounded: January 2003?
founding president: Tamás SZABADOS
sponsor Lions club: Pest-Buda Lions Club
Leo advisor: Ákos DEMETER
Installation Night: 30 May 2003
members: 15
meetings' time: first Friday of each month, 19:00
meetings' place: 1137 Budapest, Pozsonyi út 36.
actual president: Katalin JUHÁSZ
vice-president: Hajnalka DARÓCI
secretary: Péter SZABADOS
treasurer: István DIÓSSY
founded: 27th November 2000
founding president: Judit LÁSZLÓ
sponsor Lions club: Budapest First Lions Club
Leo advisor: Ágnes SEBESTYÉN
Installation Night: 14th December 2000
members: 20
meetings' time: first Friday of each month, 19:00
meetings' place: Budapest, president's home
actual president: Gyöngyi PÁSTI
vice-president: Zsuzsa EGGENHOFER
secretary: Móni PÁSTI
treasurer: Judit LÁSZLÓ
founded: June 2002?
founding president: Ágnes HORVÁTH
sponsor Lions club: Debrecen Lions Club
Leo advisor: Ákos KÖVÉR
Installation Night: 20th September 2002
members: 17
meetings' time: TBA
meetings' place: Debrecen, Panic Café
actual president: Ágnes HORVÁTH
vice-president: Adriána SÁNDOR
secretary: Róbert HORVÁTH
treasurer: Márió SÁNDOR
founded: 25th February 1995
founding president: Gábor MOLNÁR
sponsor Lions club: Győr "Első (First)" Lions Club
Leo advisor: Nándor PLENTER
Installation Night: 22th November 1997
members: 19
meetings' time: first Saturday of each month, 17:00
meetings' place: Kálvária Panzió, Győr, Kálvária u. 24/C
actual president: Andrea PROHÁSZKA
vice-president: Szilvia DÖNCZŐ
secretary: Orsolya PLENTER
treasurer: Norbert SZOLNOKI
(the club's e-mail address: leoclub.kaposvar@freemail.hu)
founded: 28th March 2003
founding president: Balázs JEGESI
sponsor Lions club: Kaposvár I. (First) Lions Club
Leo advisor: Zsuzsanna R. RŐHRIGNÉ
Installation Night: 24 October 2003
members: 21
meetings' time: first and third Friday of each month, 18:00
meetings' place: Kaposvár, Szín-Folt Galéria, Fő u.
actual president: Balázs JEGESI
vice-president: Tamás KISS
secretary: Tibor BENDA
treasurer: Vanda VINCZE
SOPIANAE LEO CLUB <-click on it for the English homepage
and here for the club's homepage in Hungarian, but you can also visit
the old school:) homepage in Hungarian
founded: 22th January 1994
founding president: Loránd SZABÓ
sponsor Lions club: Pécs-Normandia Lions Club
Leo advisor: Lajos ELEKES
Installation Night: 10th May 1994
members: 28
meetings' time: first Friday of each month, 18:00
meetings' place: 7623 Pécs, Mártírok útja 7. (entry from the bus station, through the backdoor)
actual president: Iván Zsolt DRÁB
vice-president: Gergely Dániel TÓTH
secretary: Zsuzsanna FARKAS
treasurer: Judit NÉMETH
founded: 10th April 2003
founding president: Angelika BALÁZS
sponsor Lions club: Szeged Lions Club
Leo advisor: András DOMONKOS
Installation Night: 6th February 2004
members: ~20
meetings' time: first Wednesday of each month, 18:00
meetings' place: Görög Étterem, Szeged, Tisza L. krt.
actual president: Péter HALMOSI
vice-president: Dr. Árpád MOHÁCSI
secretary: Szilvia PAP
treasurer: Csaba TURÚ
Made by © Loránd Szabó, on 9th December 1997
Last updated: 24th September 2004