The following pictures are a collection of some of my immediate family, they are entered here so that all might enjoy them, some are old and some are new.

This is a picture of myself taken when I was 13 months old with my new wagon I got for my first birthday.

This is a picture of my twin daughters Tracy and Terri, they were 2 years 9 months at the time the picture was taken.

This is a very early picture of my mother Frances Marie Brown.

This is a somewhat later picture of my mother Frances Marie Brown.

This is another picture of my mother Frances Marie Brown.

This is an early picture of my father Andrew Joseph Bernard with his mother Margaret Bernard Bernard.

This is the high school graduation picture of my father
Andrew (Gump) Bernard.

This is the rest of my clan, Shawn, Billy, Melissa and Andrea taken this past June at Andrea's graduation party.

This picture is here for Brenda Sassi, it is a cropping of an old school picture at St. Athanasius School.

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