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I am a Spiritualist.
I have a great collection of wizards.
I have been collecting wizards for years.
I see them in a magical sense,
a wizard has powers beyond you and I.
and crystal power,
have always been a study of mine.
I have books on Karma,Rune Stones, and crystal healing.
The beliefs within people like me are that we do believe in God!
God has the almighty hand above the rest.
Magic is either white or black.
I practice white magic.
I pray to God before I attempt to do any kind of magic.
I am also a studying Psychic.
I am able to read cards and usually can tell what someone is thinking or going to say!
Yeah believe it!
I want to find Links to others that believe the way I do. I am not interested in black magic.
E-mail me and maybe we can share information.
Have a Great Day.
He is My Peace!
Love and Light be with you!

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The direction of the mind, of light, illumination, naming, differentiation. The group comes together around a common vision. The group's first challenge is to establish an identity, focus on a primary purpose.


Energy, passion, courage, will, expansion. In the fire stage, the group often expands rapidly and begins to feel its power. Events move quickly. Conflicts are heated as people struggle around issues of power. The fire stage is the high energy period, and groups may identify so strongly with it that they forget it is only one point on the wheel, not the whole circle. The challenge for the group is to openly and honestly confront issues of power.


Feeling, emotion, nurturing, sensuality, introspection. The expansion of the fire stage needs to be followed by a time to replenish energies and renew sources of strength. This stage may at first seem like collapse, and may be identified as a time of failure, when the group suddenly lacks the driving energy it had before. In reality, this is an important stage of transition. With lines of power clarified, groups can focus on deeper feelings and connections, on developing real trust, on nurturing each other's abilities. The challenge for the group is to value this stage, to allow time for nurturing and reflection, and to test the bonds of connection so that real trust can be built. The challenge may also be to shift the group's driving energy from rage at oppression to positive vision, to move from resistance to renewal. If the group does not recognize the value of the water stage, and believes itself to have failed by not maintaining fire's expansiveness, it may indeed die.


Growth, sustenance, the solidity of limits and boundaries, the ability to build lasting achievements. The group's task in this stage is to consolidate its gains and begin to win real victories and make lasting changes. United by bonds of trust, the group may begin to expand again, perhaps moving more slowly, with a stronger sense of both its own power and limitations. The challenge now is stay open to change, creativity, and new visions.

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*** Witchcraft is not a "CULT". We do not worship "The Devil" or "Satan" as the Christians believe. Witches are men & women. We consider ourselves equal & we have balance together.The Wiccan Credes #1 rule is "HARM NONE, DO AS THOU WILL". That also includes thyself. What ever you send out in energy to others, it returns threefold. We accept the responsibility to our environment, live in harmony with nature, people, and enjoy the universe above us. A witch controls her life in order to live well & wisely. We work within nature & conrtribute to the earth for our health & well-being.

I love Crystals & Stones. To enjoy them for their beauty & to work with them in my magick with all the energy that they give, also what I have within myself. I work with Rune Stones & Karma Cards. I love listening to Enya and all other kinds of music,(but Enya is great for meditation) & enjoying life as it comes day to day. I help myself & others enjoy the beauty that is all around us cause we take life for granted with its beauty everyday. Enjoy the Seasons, Animals, Plants, Earth, Stars, The Sun, The Moon & the people around you. If you lost your sight you can't see the beauty anymore. If you lost your hearing, you can't hear nature & everything around you. I can go on, but I think I got my point across. Do to others what you would want done to you. It works most of the time, things happen for a reason. Do evil & evil comes your way.


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