This Site is a Gallery Tribute to American Eskimo Spitzes
I have an American Eskimo Spitz Miniature. I decided to put together a "gallery" of American Eskimo Spitzes because of her.
June 2003 -- UPDATE -- This site was first started in 1998, when my dog was three years old and we'd had her for two. It has not been updated since a year after that. Sadly, Sasha died this past March due to unknown circumstances while I was away at college. She was feeling lethargic, they gave her a blood transfusion, and in the night a blood clot stopped her heart. Within two days I'd gone from having an irreplaceable dog going on a young eight years old to nothing; therefore, despite the outdated information, this page will stay as is, as a memorial of her in her prime. It's like a picture of a life, frozen in time. This paragraph is the only change that has been made since 1999. Thank you and enjoy the pictures.