Welcome to my Family Tree.

    Since I started collecting my family history back in 1995, I have learned more information on my family that I never knew one could learn. I just wish I would of thought of this alot sooner so I could of asked questions and knew more. As some of you know Genealogy is time consuming and you hit alot of brick walls, but we keep on going to learn that no wall is high or hard enough for the avid genealogist. I have many thank you going out each and every day to newly found friends and cousins, but the biggest thank you goes out to my husband and my three boys. Thank you Rob, Robert, John and AC for the love and support that you have given ...you all mean the world to me.

    I also have researched many of the local cemeteries in our town and have more to go...the thank yous go out again for the help in researching them and the patience that people have for waiting until I get them done. A special thank you goes out to John, for holding the flowers back so mom could take pictures...Thanks buddy!!!

Below is a listing of my surnames

Many of these people came from...England, Ohio, WVA, Va., Penn, KY...

* Ankrom * Baker * Bond * Brill * Carrier * Carse * Clingan * Detrick * * Diehl * Eavers * Evers * Ewing * Fast * Folk * Foster * Frank * Frazie * Grube * Harmon * Hatcher * Johnson * Johnson * Keaton * Kidder * Kinseley * Kinsley * Little * Maurer * Mallory * MeKinley * McInturff * Mooreal * Morrell * Nicholas * Parsons * Pence * Roof * Rupert * Sayre * Seymour * Siegfried * Stilgenbauer * Stitzel * Summers * Sutton * Swecker * Squyer * Taylor * Tice * Tucker * Weaver * Weber * Wheeler * Whetstone *

Below is links to those surnames

Surname Links

Ankrom Frank Poole
Archer Frazie Price
Arterburn Gilman Ritchey
Atkins Glover Robbinson/Robinson
Atwater Green Roof
Babcock Grube Ross
Baker Hall Rupert
Billington Hardman Sams
Bond Harmon Sayre/Sayer
Botkin Hatcher Senseman
Brill Johnson Seymour
Brumfield Johnson Siegfried
Bullman Johnston Simons
Butler Jones Smith
Campbell Keaton Squyer
Carrier Kidder Stephens
Carse Kiggans Stilgenbauer
Clingan Kiggins Stitzel
Clymer Kinseley/Kinsley Summers
Copenhaver Koontz Sutton
Cundiff Little Swecker
Darby Lyons Taylor
Davis MacIntosh Taylor
Detrick Mallory Tice
Diehl Maurer Thorne/Thorton
Dixon McDaniels Topping
Dodd McInturff Tucker
Dunlap McKinley Ward
Eavers/Evers McKnight Weaver/Weber
Ewing Mooreal/Morell Whetstone
Fast Morgan Wilcox
Fawcett Nicholas Williams
Ferguson Owens Williamson
Flesher Padgitt Wilson
Folk Palmer
Foster Parsons
Fowler Pence

Ones Family Tree is never complete so be patient as I don't think I will ever have this done...as once you do then it would not be any fun...:-)

In the mean time e-mail me at

When emailing me, please put the surname that you are asking about in the subject line

Thank you

Favorite sites on the web

General Genealogy Links

The Genealogy Home Page Getting Started in Computer Genealogy
Family Tree Maker's Family Finder Index HomeArts: All in the Family
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites Another Genealogy Page
Best Genealogy Links on The WWW Genealogy Online
Roots Surname List Name Finder What's New in WWW Genealogy Pages
GenWeb Database Index RAND Genealogy Club
Genealogical Resources Genealogy is My Hobby!!
Surname Mailing List

Ohio and West Virginia Links
Clark County, Ohio Homepage Ohio Death Records On-Line
Champaign County, Ohio Tyler County, WVa. Cemeteries
West Virginia Genealogy Ohio Gen Web

Did I forget a good site??? e-mail me and let me know.
Please come back soon and visit me

Copywrite c 1997 Dorene Carse
This page may be linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my written consent.

Any suggestions or comments are welcome

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