Ladies and gentlemen (and also cats) I am very proud to present my new and improved world! Just so you know what I'm talking about my name is Mary, I'm 14 and I live in Canada. I love almost all living things (almost because of worms, snakes and fish) but I especially love cats. I once was a proud owner of three of the cutest cats but I had to leave them in Israel when I moved to Canada. I would have gotten a cat again but it's just that I'm allergic to them and I can't have them in our apartment (did I mention my cats lived in my yard when I lived in Israel?). It's just that now we don't have a yard, we live in a huge apartment building. When I left I made sure my little kitten Kushka got a new home, but as for the other two, they always were and will be street cats. They had their own catish life to live so I just made sure someone is feeding them. I haven't heard anything about them since but I hope with all my heart that they're okay. So make yourself comfortable and enjoy my site!


Stuff you can find here:
Please if you have a moment read my poem: "When I left my kitty"
More about my cute kittens
How do you know you're mad about cats? Read the list of things for crazy cat lovers to do
Want to meet people who like cats? Visit my Chat
Are you about to get a cat or just became a proud cat owner? There are some things you have to know!
Is your homepage a little lonely? Adopt a Cyberkitty!
Please visit my cute Cyberpets at their Cyberpet Playground
Do you have a cool site? apply for "Mary's cool site award"
Please take a look at the award I won
Do you have a cat and no name? Take a look at my name list
You can send a cute Cat card
Read the story I wrote about dealing with cat allergy
Visit the Stop Animal Abuse page

You are always welcome to send me any poems, stories, pictures, suggestions and question that you have about cats or my site. Right now I'm working on a link page, if you want your site on it you can Email me with your address, I'll check it out and if there's nothing offensive or any adult material on it you can send me your banner if you have one and if you don't I will just put the address and name of the page on.
If you wish to link to my site you can use this banner:

Oh, yeah, and if you find anything broken or not working on my site, could you please Email me? It's a lot of pages to maintain...


Thanks for dropping by! I hope you'll come again, this page is always updating!
There were already cats here!!! the smell...
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