Raymond is a proven sire of champion and major pointed get. CERF normal,
cardiac ultrasound normal, and hips OFA "Good".
He has tight, dark eyes and full dentition. He is a fluid mover
with short hard back, very square and balanced, and a sweet disposition.
~~Frozen Semen Available~~
"Raymond" Award of Merit Winner!
2001 GDCA National Specialty
Judge: Mr. Chris O'Connell
A new Champion at 13 months! Raymond finishes Completely Breeder/Owner Handled at the the GDC of Greater Kansas City!
Judge: Ms. Nancy Simmons
Raymond was awarded Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show! Raymond is now International Champion as well as AKC! He earned his Int'l. Championship on November 5, 2000 Winning 3 BOB's, 1 BIS BBE, 1 Reserve BIS BBE, and a Group II
Best of Breed and on to Group III
Raymond wins Best of Breed in Gray Summit, MO
Raymond wins Best of Breed at 14 months
Raymond winning WD/BOW at 7 months
Raymond winning a Major
at 6 months, 5 days! Home | His Pedigree | Vanna | His Brothers & Sisters