Group Winning
2002 Top Twenty Dane
American International Champion

BISS Ch. Sandale's Type Cast x
Am/Int'l Ch. K-D Dane's French Kiss

Raymond is a proven sire of champion and major pointed get. CERF normal,
cardiac ultrasound normal, and hips OFA "Good".
He has tight, dark eyes and full dentition. He is a fluid mover
with short hard back, very square and balanced, and a sweet disposition.
~~Frozen Semen Available~~

"Raymond" Award of Merit Winner!
2001 GDCA National Specialty

Raymond Winning Award of Merit Judge: Mr. Chris O'Connell

A new Champion at 13 months! Raymond finishes Completely Breeder/Owner Handled at the the GDC of Greater Kansas City! Raymond Finishing at 13 months Judge: Ms. Nancy Simmons An International Ch. at 20 months Raymond was awarded Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show! Raymond is now International Champion as well as AKC! He earned his Int'l. Championship on November 5, 2000 Winning 3 BOB's, 1 BIS BBE, 1 Reserve BIS BBE, and a Group II Best of Breed in Gardner Best of Breed and on to Group III Best of Breed in Gray Summit Raymond wins Best of Breed in Gray Summit, MO Raymond Best of Breed at 14 months Raymond wins Best of Breed at 14 months

Raymond winning WD/BOW at 7 months old Raymond winning WD/BOW at 7 months

Raymond winning a major Raymond winning a Major
at 6 months, 5 days! Home | His Pedigree | Vanna | His Brothers & Sisters