River City Piece



River City Piecemakers

Quilt Guild Home Page

Jacksonville, Florida

Updated 16 April 2009

May 1-2, 2009 - Bonnie Hunter workshops!

The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens
A Survey of Gee's Bend Quilts
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 through Sunday, Aug 2, 2009

For info on exhibit go:"A Survey of Gee's Bend Quilts"

Click here for a downloadable e-brochure,
go here:"Gee's Bend Quilt e-brochure"


RCP Guild Members Helen Ann R. and Claudette R. quilt on our 2009 Donation Quilt at Regency Square Library on Oct. 15!
Membership Information
Meeting InformationNew photos!
Program Information2009 Dates
Guild Projects!
Additional Quilt Shows
Quilt Gallery
Links of interest to us!
Additional Information

Outgoing guild Pres. Mo R. presents Alison P. the President's gavel. Alison will be guild president for 2009. Congratulations Alison!

Current River City Piecemakers officers are:
PresidentAlison P.
Vice-PresidentAmy C.
TreasurerBette W.
SecretaryLaura A.

The elected officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

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Membership Information

Purpose of Membership

The primary purpose of this organization is to preserve the heritage of quilting, to be a source of information and inspiration, to perpetuate a high quality of excellence in quilting and related arts, and to be a gathering for people with a common interest. This guild is non-discriminatory organization with regard to race, color, creed, age, sex, or national origin.

Membership Dues

Members pay dues of $18.00 annually and cover the period of January 1 thru December 31. New members joining the Guild after January shall have their dues prorated on a monthly basis. Dues shall be paid in January, and become delinquent as of the February general membership meeting. A member in good standing is one who adheres to the by-laws of this organization, and pays annual dues in a timely manner.

RCP Guild Members Judy F., Claudette R. and Helen A quilt on 2009 Donation Quilt at Regency Square Library. Jeanne H. was there also, she is the photographer!

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Meeting Information

Meeting Place

River City Piecemakers quilt guild meets at the Arlington Masonic Lodge 309, 3421 N. University Boulevard, Jacksonville, at Jack Road and University Blvd. N.. General membership meetings are held on the second Thursday evening of each month at 7:00 PM. The December general membership meeting shall be considered the "Annual" meeting. We welcome visitors as well as new members at our meetings. Visitors may attend a maximum of two general membership meetings per calendar year.

Meeting Time

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month. Doors to the meeting hall are opened around 6:30 PM for socializing , the meeting begins approximately at 7:00 PM.

Betty A., Helen R., and Claudette R. quilt on 2009 Guild Quilt at the home of Jeanne H. and Betty A. and Claudette R quilt on Guild at Library.

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Program Information

All programs are scheduled on regular meeting nights, the second Thursday of each month.

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Congratulations to the QuiltFest Inc., of Jax staff!

Total Quilts entered in Quiltfest 2008 was 453!


Prime F Osborn Convention Center Downtown Jacksonville


September 24, 25, 26, 2009

Recycling The Past

Guest Teachers: Frieda Anderson and Judy Niemyer

Show Hours -Thurs. and Fri: 9 AM to 6 PM * Sat: 9 AM to 5 PM * Cost of Admission - Daily $8.00 *** Thursday for Seniors 60 and over $7.00 *** Weekend Pass $15.00

For more detailed information on QuiltFest 2009, go toQuiltFest Inc. of Jacksonville FL

Here are some photos of members and their quilts at QuiltFest 2008. More pictures coming soon!!!!.

To view the pictures of QuiltFest 2008, go here.

In 1987, QUILTFEST, Inc. of Jacksonville, Florida was founded by three guilds in the north Florida area. Participating guilds now number seven, with a membership of over 500 quilters who strive to keep the art of quilting alive and growing in Florida.

QUILTFEST, Inc. is an organization comprised of these area guilds:








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Additional Quilt Shows

Check back for updates on FL shows

These shows and events were listed in the Florida Quilt Network Newsletter. The Florida Quilt Network is an organization that publishes a FREE EMAIL newsletter to spread the news about anything and everything good that is happening in the world of Florida Quilting and Quilters. This is a VERY good newsletter! www.floridaquiltnetwork.com/home.htm

Check back for updates, additions, and or corrections.

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Guild Projects

Alison P. presents a donation to Karen Brune Mathis, Executive Director of "Dreams Come True"

Three pictures of the baby quilts and crayon bags donated for children at the "I. M. Sulzbacher Center"

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Quilt Gallery

These pages take time to load!

NOV. Guild meeting and WorkshopTo view these photos, gohere

RCP SnapshotsTo view these photos, go here.

Jacket WorkshopTo view these photos, go here.

Faces WorkshopTo view these photos, go here

To view our quilts, go here.

To view a few photos of the guild June 2005 Locker Hook Rug Workshop, gohere.

To view the Adult Care Center lap quilts, go here.

To view the pictures of the Aug. 2002 luau, go here.

We are currently updating our photos, with newer picture of quilts made by our quilters!

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Links of interest to us!

Museum of Florida History--The Florida Quilt Collection
The American Quilter's Society
Sue Traudt's World Wide Quilting Page
National Online Quilters
The Lost Quilt Come Home Page
Florida Quilt Network

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Additional Information

For additional information about River City Piecemakers, you may write to:

River City Piecemakers
P. O. Box 11996
Jacksonville, FL 32239-1996

Page designed & maintained by 123itsme. If you wish to correspond with us regarding our Guild or have comments about this page,we can be contacted at: Email: quiltnut@yahoo.com

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