Xylara's Starry Nights
and Sunny Days

Hi, I'm Lynne, and with the cooperation of Xylara, we have begun our own web pages to introduce her to the world. She is sometimes a shy little thing and doesn't come out much, (she likes for you to think that), but I have persuaded her to help in this endeavor. She will appear (I hope) from time to time with bits of whim and whimsy and maybe a little wisdom thrown in.
But as you may know, fairies ARE known for their mischievousness, and they love to play a good prank! So don't be too surprised at what you may find here. These creatures are small but they have big hearts full of laughter and mischief!

"If you believe in faeries, clap your hands"........... Peter Pan

She may appear in different form from time to time! I never know what she may do! And she may be persuaded to bring her new pet and best friend, Zorf, with her. He is very unpredictable, though, as most babies are! So come back soon to see us!!

"When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies."
Sir James M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Don't be afraid of the dragon!
E-mail me!
Gently touch Xylara to go to her page! Don't frighten her!

God Bless !

Midi "Secret Kisses" is used with permission
and is copywrited @ 2000 by Bruce DeBoer

Please enter our registry so we can alert the occupants of
Whispery Woods to protect you during your visit here!

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Do You Believe? A Little About Lynne
Welcome Xylara Nana's Littlest Angels
Xylara's New Home WebTech University
The Day Xylara Found Zorf Friends and Supporters
The Cave Gifts From My Friends
Rings 'n Things God Bless America!
Rings 'n Things Again Coming Soon!
Coming Soon! Coming Soon!

Add Me!

To the best of my knowledge, the images and poetry not given credit for, featured on this site, are all of public domain. If I prove to be mistaken, please contact me and I will promptly remove it and/or give you the necessary credit. I created these page in honor of my grandmother, Rene Staten Goodman, who embodies all the quality of what a woman should be. Anyone who enters these pages should feel free to use these images on his or her personal homepage and email, unless noted by copywrites. There should be absolutely NO commercial use, You should also remember to transload any images you choose to use to your own files so I do not lose my site due to high bandwidth. If you need help in doing that, feel free to email me for further instructions and I will gladly be of service.
Thank you.