I met my first Norwegian Elkhound in 1976 His name was "Nordows Kaarl" and he was a rescue at 1-1/2 yrs young. Kaarl unfortunately only lived to be 5-1/2 yrs old. but he was with us long enough to get us completly sold on the breed.
My next Elkie was a 3 mos. old girl "Wabeths Double Delight" who was lovingly know as "TARA" and she was a delight to live with and taught us many things. Tara was born May 29, 1980 and left us on June 10th 1996. She was going into her 17th year.
The next to join us was also a girl "Norgrens Nu Pride Av Roebuck" called Kyla, Kyla had 7 lovely puppies one of which I kept and he is Can. Ch.Roebuck's Kyack known as Ky, but much more about him later.
The next to appear was Am/Can. Ch. "Norgrens Emblem of Pride" called Kao. Kao was a beautiful girl, I also lost Kao in June of 1996, due to complications during surgery. she is still missed.
We now have "Curlytails Harvest Moon" she is 2yrs old working on her Canadian championship, her name is Jodi, but more about her later also.
These are my Great Gray Dogs.
All very special in their own way.
1997 -1998 Marj's Home Page