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The Fulton Family

My Fulton family is few, because I can't prove anything, so dont know for sure. What I have below is what my Kirkland family have passed on down the line. I have no documentation. I only have stories. So, what is below is mine alone. Unless there is someone out there with something to add to what I have. Ok, in the beginning......

First generation-Fulton

Robert Fulton and Harriet Livingston
They had 4 children:

Robert Fulton and unknown woman
They had 1 child:

Second generation-Fulton

Julia Fulton and Charles Blight
They had 2 children:

Cornelia Livingston Fulton and Edward Charles Crary
They had 4 children:

Mary Livingston Fulton and Robert M. Ludlow
They had 1 child:

Robert Fulton and ?
They had 5 children:

These children grew up, dont know if they were teens or adults. They traveled to America with a cow. The son died shortly after the journey. They landed in South Carolina. I have been unable to find a ship that sailed here. But, aunt Birdie said this is what

Third generation-Fulton

Robert Fulton Crary, D.D. and Agnes Boyd Van Kleek
They had 5 children:

Ella Cornelia Crary and Herbert H. Cammann(Cameron)
They had 4 children:

Margaret Ann Fulton and Jeff Smith
They had 5 children:

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