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To all those wonderful people out there with cancer and those who are close. God bless you and let your world be filled with love. I love you daddy, rest in peace.......

Dan Wade Kirkland, Jr.

February 11,1947 - October 4, 1996

Hi, I'm Suzi and I am 34, a clerical worker for Larson-Danielson Construction Company, located in LaPorte, Indiana. I am married to a real hunk of a man, Brian, he's 34, a painter/paper hanger for Stan's Painting and Decorating, Inc., located in Hobart, Indiana. We have been together for 8 years now, and glad to be that way. We share 6 children together. He had 3 children previously. I had 2 previously, and together we made 1 more. They are our everything, seems like we're not a whole family unless we are all together. Let me tell you about them, Brittany is 13, Danny is 12 1/2, Bobby is 10 1/2, Joshy is 10, Haley 7 1/2 and Alexandria is 7. They all get along pretty good. Me and Brian are great together. We share musical interests, and science fiction, and outdoors. In the summers we like to all go to a national park or somewheres and walk in the woods, checking out nature or go camping or swimming. We all love being outside, the bugs suck, but hey!! Why dont you click on this and see what we look like all dressed up. And, by the way, ma, I love ya. You helped me so much in my research!! I just want you to know you are special and loved very much!! I also write poetry, you can read some of my poems.

Please read before checking out my family tree, please...

I love music, all kinds. Below are some of my favorite music. I'm basically stuck in the 60's & 70's, but do like some 90's too. Click on any one of them and have some fun.

Alanis Morissette

Holly's page - Eagles

Tracy Chapman Fan Club Site

Mojo Risin'

Elvis Presley's Graceland

If you would like to see how my family tree grows, go see my Kirkland family tree,theCorbett Family tree,theDudley Family Tree,theHuman Family tree, theSisk/Ward Family Tree,theDill Family Tree,theBastin Family Tree,theSanders/Toombs Family Tree, theFulton Family Tree, the Grodetz Family Tree, the Havron Family Tree, and the Vann Family Tree.

Why don't you go check out my Surname Page to see if we are related.

Would you like to check out some great genealogy links?? Come see what I have!!

Lots of Genealogy Links

Do you need to search for something? Well, you've come to the right place, just click below and find so many search engines you don't know where to start.

Search Engines

Do you like to read about different things?? Come check out these sites!!

Time Warners Pathfinder Network

Soap Opera Digest

All Free Stuff

Celebrating Women's History

AARP Webplace

Epicurious Food Menu

Outside Online

Parent Soup

Womens Wire

People Magazine-Subscribe


Suzanne's Soap Opera Page

National Enquirer

Hey!! How about checking out my kids' schools homepages'!! Or maybe you'd like to check out a college or two....

Joy Elementary School

Kingsford Heights Elementary School


Click on my award, and see how you can get one....

Click on my award, and see how you can get one....

Click on my award and see how you can get one....

Genealogy is My Hobby!

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