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The Havron Family Tree

This is my step-dad's mothers side of the family.

The First Generation-Havron

Stephen and Jane (?) Havron
They had one child:

James and ? (Carracher) Hall
They had one child:

The Second Generation-Havron

Stephen L. and Mary J. (Hall) Havron
They had six children:

The Third Generation-Havron

Margarette G. (Havron) and Maurice Jones
They had three children:

Mary E. (Havron) and Theodore Evans
They had one child:

Mary E. (Havron) and Harry Meadows
They had two children:

James and Delores (Kirk) Havron
They had two children:

William and Rita (White) Havron
They had six children:

Dollie A. (Havron) and Robert Grodetz
They had three children:

The Fourth Generation-Havron

James and Synda (?) Jones
They had two children:

Mary K. (Evans) and Ronald Carlson
They had four children:

Pamela (Meadows) and Genero Esposito
They had two children:

Kathleen (Havron) and ? Farrel
They had one child:

Robert R. and Sandra (Hardwick) Grodetz
They had three children:

Robert R. and Nancy L. (Dudley) Grodetz
She had two children, previously:

Sharon L. (Grodetz) and Daniel V. Macrowicz
They had three children:

Linda M. (Grodetz) and Roger Bishop
They had three children:

The Fifth Generation-Havron

Patricia S. (Kirkland) and Thomas H. Dill, Jr.
He had 1 child, previously:
They had 2 children:

Patricia S. (Kirkland) and Brian S. Human
He had 3 children, previously:
They had 1 child:

Sheila R. (Kirkland) and William F. Glennon
They had 3 children:

Ronald M. and Michelle (Sutton) Grodetz
They had 3 children:

Ronald M. and Heather (?) Grodetz
She had 1 child, previously:

Stephen S. and Leona (Sesky) Grodetz
They had 1 child:

Stephen S. and Mary (Sipple) Grodetz
She had 2 children, previously:
They had 2 children:

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